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Extragalactic Astronomy

Gauging the Hidden Hot Nucleus of NGC 4418 with submillimeter Interferometry
Image Credit: Sakamoto, Aalto, Costagliola, Martin, Ohyama, Wiedner, & Wilner
Gauging the Hidden Hot Nucleus of NGC 4418 with submillimeter Interferometry
NGC 4418 is nearby luminous infrared galaxy whose nucleus is deeply shrouded in dust.
Our SMA submillimeter observations at sub-arcsec resolution revealed a ~20 pc dusty core with Lbol ~ 1011 L ~ Lgalaxy, Lbol/Mdyn ~ 500 L/M, and NH ≧ 1025 cm-2 (Compton thick). We also found a sign of a nuclear wind. (Sakamoto, Aalto, Costagliola, Martin, Ohyama, Wiedner, & Wilner, 2013, ApJ, 764, 42)
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