Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics
研究成果藝廊 > 次毫米波陣列計畫(SMA)



SMA observations of GOODS850-11 and GOODS 850-13. First examples of Multiple Submillimeter Sources Resolved by Interferometer
圖片來源: Wang et al.
SMA observations of GOODS850-11 and GOODS 850-13. First examples of Multiple Submillimeter Sources Resolved by Interferometer
Ultradeep multiwavelength images of the submillimeter galaxies GOODS 850–23 (top) and GOODS 850–13 (bottom). Left – 0.88 mm continuum images observed with the SMA. Middle – False color optical images observed with the HST ACS. Right – False color infrared images made with CFHT Ks (blue) and Spitzer IRAC (green and red) images. Small solid circles in all panels indicate the SMA sources.
The wide bandwidth of the SMA allows us to image faint dusty galaxies at high-z universe. The figure shows that the two bright submillimeter sources are resolved by the SMA into five different submillimeter galaxies (small circles in the figures) at high redshifts. This is the first time single-dish submillimeter sources are resolved by an interferometer. This indicates either some unusual clustering properties of submillimeter galaxies, or a larger number of faint submillimeter galaxies than previously thought. (Wang et al. 2011, ApJ, 726, L18)
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