Observational cosmology, Large-scale structure of the Universe, Analysis of large data set and simulations, Galaxy redshift surveys, Gravitational lensing, Dark matter and Dark energy, Modified gravity theory, Gravitational waves
Senior Visiting Scientist, Kavli IPMU, The University of Tokyo, Japan (2021~present)
Research Fellow, ASIAA (2021~present)
Visiting Scientist, Kavli IPMU, The University of Tokyo, Japan (2017~2021)
Associate Research Fellow, ASIAA (2017~2021)
Project Researcher, Kavli IPMU, The University of Tokyo, Japan (2014~2016)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for the Early Universe, Ewha Womans University, Korea (2009~2013)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, China (2008~2009)
Doctor in Physics, Nagoya University, Japan (2005~2008)
Master in Physics, Nagoya University, Japan (2003~2005)
Bachelor in Physics, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan (1999~2003)
Honors & Awards
Investigator Award, Academia Sinica (2025~2029)
Career Development Award, Academia Sinica (2019~2023)
The PASJ Excellent Paper Award, The Astronomical Society of Japan (Okumura et al. 2016, PASJ, 68, 38) (2018)
PRD Editor's Suggestion, American Physical Society (Saito et al. 2014, PRD, 90, 123522) (2014)
Committees Served
Chair, Research Manpower Committee, ASIAA (2024)
Chair, Computing Committee, ASIAA (2020~2022)
Journal Papers affiliated with ASIAA(44)
Okumura T; Sasaki M,
"Extracting parity-violating gravitational waves from projected tidal force tensor in three dimensions",
JCAP: 2024(10), id.060 (25 pp.), Oct, 2024 [SCI]
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Okumura T; Taruya A; Kurita T; Nishimichi T,
"Nonlinear redshift space distortion in halo ellipticity correlations: Analytical model and N-body simulations",
Phys Rev D: 109(10), id.103501 (26 pp), May, 2024 [SCI]
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Okumura T; Taruya A,
"First Constraints on Growth Rate from Redshift-space Ellipticity Correlations of SDSS Galaxies at 0.16 < z < 0.70",
ApJL: 945(2), L30 (7pp), March, 2023 [SCI]
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Okumura T; Taruya A,
"Tightening geometric and dynamical constraints on dark energy and gravity: Galaxy clustering, intrinsic alignment, and kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect",
Phys Rev D: 106(4), id.43523, Aug, 2022 [SCI]
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Okumura T; Hayashi M; Chiu I-N; Lin Y-T; Osato K; Hsieh B-C; Lin S-C,
"Angular clustering and host halo properties of [OII] emitters at z>1 in the Subaru HSC survey",
PASJ: 73(4), 1186-1207, Aug, 2021 [SCI]
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Okumura T; Taruya A; Nishimichi T,
"Testing tidal alignment models for anisotropic correlations of halo ellipticities with N-body simulations",
MNRAS: 494(1), 694-702 (9pp.), May, 2020 [SCI]
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Okumura T; Taruya A,
"Anisotropies of galaxy ellipticity correlations in real and redshift space: Angular dependence in linear tidal alignment model",
MNRAS: 493(1), L124-128 (5 pp.), Mar, 2020 [SCI]
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Okumura T; Taruya A; Nishimichi T,
"Intrinsic alignment statistics of density and velocity fields at large scales: Formulation, modeling, and baryon acoustic oscillation features",
Phys Rev D: 100(10), id. 103507 (22 pp.), Nov, 2019 [SCI]
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Okumura T; Nishimichi T; Umetsu K; et al.,
"Splashback radius of nonspherical dark matter halos from cosmic density and velocity fields",
Phys Rev D: 98(2), id. 023523 (18 pp.), July, 2018 [SCI]
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Okumura T; Takada M; More S; et al.,
"Reconstruction of halo power spectrum from redshift-space galaxy distribution: cylinder-grouping method and halo exclusion effect",
MNRAS: 469(1), 459-475, July, 2017 [SCI]
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Inoue T; Okumura T; Saga S; Taruya A,
"Information content in anisotropic cosmological fields: Impact of different multipole expansion scheme for galaxy density and ellipticity correlations",
Phys Rev D: 111(2), id.023507 (21 pp), Jan, 2025 [SCI]
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Roy Choudhury S; Okumura T,
"Updated Cosmological Constraints in Extended Parameter Space with Planck PR4, DESI Baryon Acoustic Oscillations, and Supernovae: Dynamical Dark Energy, Neutrino Masses, Lensing Anomaly, and the Hubble Tension",
ApJL: 976(1), id. L11 (10pp), Nov, 2024 [SCI]
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Van Kampen E; Bakx T; De Breuck C; Chen C-C; Dannerbauer H; Magnelli B; Montenegro-Montes FM; Okumura T; Pu S-Y; Rybak M; Saintonge A; Cicone C; Hatziminaoglou E; Hilhorst J; Klaassen P; Lee M; Lovell CC; Lundgren A; Di Mascolo L; Mroczkowski T; Sommovigo L; Booth M; Cordiner MA; Ivison R; Johnstone D; Liu D; Maccarone TJ; Smith M; Thelen AE; Wedemeyer S,
"Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) science: Surveying the distant Universe",
Open Research Europe: 4, 122, June, 2024 [SCI]
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Ishikawa S; Okumura T; Nishimichi T,
"MOCK OBSERVATORY: Two thousand light-cone mock catalogues of luminous red galaxies from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey for the cosmological large-scale analysis",
MNRAS: 529(2), 1839-1851, Apr, 2024 [SCI]
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Saga S; Shiraishi M; Akitsu K; Okumura T,
"Imprints of primordial magnetic fields on intrinsic alignments of galaxies",
Phys Rev D: 109(4), id.43520, Feb, 2024 [SCI]
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Chaurasiya N; More S; Ishikawa S; Masaki S; Kashino D; Okumura T,
"Galaxy-dark matter connection of photometric galaxies from the HSC-SSP Survey: Galaxy-galaxy lensing and the halo model",
MNRAS: 527(3), 5265-5292, Jan, 2024 [SCI]
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Chuang Y-T; Okumura T; Shirasaki M,
"Distinguishing between ΛCDM and f(R) gravity models using halo ellipticity correlations in simulations",
MNRAS: 515(3), 4464-4470, Sep, 2022 [SCI]
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Tonegawa M; Okumura T,
"First Evidence of Intrinsic Alignments of Red Galaxies at z > 1: Cross Correlation between CFHTLenS and FastSound Samples",
ApJL: 924(1), id.L3 (7pp), Jan, 2022 [SCI]
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Ishikawa S; Okumura T; Oguri M; Lin S-C,
"Halo-model Analysis of the Clustering of Photometric Luminous Red Galaxies at 0.10 ≤ z ≤1.05 from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey",
ApJ: 922(1), id.23 (13pp), Nov, 2021 [SCI]
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Chiu I-N; Okumura T; Oguri M; Agrawal A, ...; Umetsu K; Lin Y-T,
"A clustering-based self-calibration of the richness-to-mass relation of CAMIRA galaxy clusters out to z ≍ 1.1 in the Hyper Suprime-Cam survey",
MNRAS: 498(2), 2030-2053, Oct, 2020 [SCI]
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Shiraishi M; Okumura T; Sugiyama NS; et al.,
"Minimum Variance Estimation of Galaxy Power Spectrum in Redshift Space",
MNRAS: 498(1), L77-L81, Oct, 2020 [SCI]
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Matsumoto J; Okumura T; Sasaki M,
"New measures to test modified gravity cosmologies",
JCAP: 07, id. 059 (16pp.), Jul, 2020 [SCI]
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Taruya A; Okumura T,
"Improving geometric and dynamical constraints on cosmology with intrinsic alignments of galaxies",
ApJL: 891(2), id.L42 (6pp.), Mar, 2020 [SCI]
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Agrawal A; Okumura T; Futamase T,
"Constraining neutrino mass and dark energy with peculiar velocities and lensing dispersions of Type Ia supernovae",
Phys Rev D: 100(6), id. 063534 (8 pp.), Sep, 2019 [SCI]
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Osato K; Nishimichi T; Oguri M; Takada M; Okumura T,
"Strong orientation dependence of surface mass density profiles of dark haloes at large scales",
MNRAS: 477(2), 2141-2153, June, 2018 [SCI]
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Tonegawa M; Okumura T; Totani T; et al.,
"The Subaru FMOS galaxy redshift survey (FastSound). V. Intrinsic alignments of emission line galaxies at z ~ 1.4",
PASJ: 70(3), 41, June, 2018 [SCI]
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Umetsu K; Sereno M; Tam S-L; Chiu I-N; ...; Okumura T; ...; Higuchi Y; et al.,
"The Projected Dark and Baryonic Ellipsoidal Structure of 20 CLASH Galaxy Clusters",
ApJ: 806(2), id. 104 (26 pp.), June, 2018 [SCI]
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Arroja F; Okumura T; Bartolo N; et al.,
"Large-scale structure in mimetic Horndeski gravity",
JCAP: 05, id. 050, May, 2018 [SCI]
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Sugiyama NS; Okumura T; Spergel DN,
"A direct measure of free electron gas via the Kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in Fourier-space analysis",
MNRAS: 475(3), 3764-3785, April, 2018 [SCI]
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Sugiyama NS; Shiraishi M; Okumura T,
"Limits on statistical anisotropy from BOSS DR12 galaxies using bipolar spherical harmonics",
MNRAS: 473(2), 2737-2752, Jan, 2018 [SCI]
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