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Lin, Yen-Ting
Research Fellow
Office: ASMAB 1317
TEL: +886-2-2366-5443
FAX: +886-2-2367-7849
Education and Positions
- Research Fellow, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica (2023~present)
- Associate Research Fellow with tenure, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica (2015~2023)
- Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica (2010~2015)
- Scientific Associate, Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, The University of Tokyo (2010~2011)
- Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, The University of Tokyo (2008~2010)
- Princeton-Catolica Fellow, Princeton University and Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (2005~2008)
- Ph.D. in Astronomy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1999~2005)
- B.Sc. in Physics, National Taiwan University (1995~1999)
Honors & Awards
- Career Development Award, Academia Sinica (2017~2021)
Research Interests
Large scale structure; galaxy formation and evolution; physics of galaxy clusters; cosmology from clusters. Active galaxies. Wide-field galaxy surveys.
Journal Papers affiliated with ASIAA
- Chuang C-Y; Jespersen CK; Lin Y-T; Ho S; Genel S, "Leaving No Branches Behind: Predicting Baryonic Properties of Galaxies from Merger Trees" , ApJ: 965(2), id.101(15pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Peirani S; Suto Y; Beckmann RS; Volonteri M; Lin Y-T; Dubois Y; Yi SK; Pichon C; Kraljic K; Park M; Devriendt J; Han S; Chen W-H, "Cosmic evolution of black hole spin and galaxy orientations: Clues from the NewHorizon and Galactica simulations" , A&A: 686, id.A233 (28 pp), June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Toshikawa J; Wuyts S; Kashikawa N; Liu C; Sawicki M; Overzier R; Kubo M; Uchiyama H; Ito K; Bremer M; Ono Y; Kodama T; Lin Y-T; Saito T, "An enhanced abundance of bright galaxies in protocluster candidates at z 3-5" , MNRAS: 527(3), 6276-6291, Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Alcorn LY; Yee HKC; Drissen L; Rhea C; Sivanandam S; Hlavacek-Larrondo J; Hsieh B-C; Lin L; Lin Y-T; Liu Q; Muzzin A; Noble A; Pintos-Castro I, "Extended line emission in the BCG of Abell 2390" , MNRAS: 522(1), 1521-1534, June, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Annunziatella M; Sajina A; Stefanon M; Marchesini D; Lacy M; Labbe I; Houston L; Bezanson R; Egami E; Fan X; Farrah D; Greene J; Goulding A; Lin Y-T; Liu X; Moutard T; Ono Y; Ouchi M; Sawicki M; Surace J; Whitaker K, "The Spitzer Coverage of HSC-Deep with IRAC for Z studies (SHIRAZ). I. IRAC Mosaics" , AJ: 166(1), id.25 (12pp), July, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Chuang C-Y; Lin Y-T, "A New Stellar Mass Proxy for Subhalo Abundance Matching" , ApJ: 944(2), id.207 (14 pp), Feb, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Kitayama T; Ueda S; Okabe N; Akahori T; Hilton M; Hughes JP; Ichinohe Y; Kohno K; Komatsu E; Lin Y-T; Miyatake H; Oguri M; Sifón C; Takakuwa S; Takizawa M; Tsutsumi T; Van Marrewijk J; Wollack EJ, "Galaxy clusters at z 1 imaged by ALMA with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect" , PASJ: 75(2), 311-337, April, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Masaki S; Kashino D; Ishikawa S; Lin Y-T, "Subhalo abundance matching using progenitor mass at varying redshift: Two modes of stellar mass growth imprinted into the Subaru HSC galaxy clustering" , MNRAS: 523(4), 5280-5291, Aug, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Ota N; Nguyen-Dang NT; Mitsuishi I; Oguri M; Klein M; Okabe N; Ramos-Ceja ME; Reiprich TH; Pacaud F; Bulbul E; Brüggen M; Liu A; Migkas K; Chiu I; Ghirardini V; Grandis S; Lin YT; Miyatake H; Miyazaki S; Sanders JS, "The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS). X-ray properties of Subaru's optically selected clusters" , A&A: 669, id.A110 (11pp), Jan, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Abdurro'uf; Accetta K; Aerts C; Silva Aguirre V; Ahumada R; Ajgaonkar N; Filiz Ak N; Alam S; Allende Prieto C; Almeida A; Anders F; Anderson SF; Andrews BH; Anguiano B; Aquino-Ortíz E; Aragón-Salamanca A; Argudo-Fernández M; Ata M; Aubert M; Avila-Reese V; Badenes C; Barbá RH; Barger K; Barrera-Ballesteros JK; Beaton RL; Beers TC; Belfiore F; Bender CF; Bernardi M; Bershady MA; Beutler F; Bidin CM; Bird JC; Bizyaev D; Blanc GA; Blanton MR; Boardman NF; Bolton AS; Boquien M; Borissova J; Bovy J; Brandt WN; Brown J; Brownstein JR; Brusa M; Buchner J; Bundy K; Burchett JN; Bureau M; Burgasser A; Cabang TK; Campbell S; Cappellari M; Carlberg JK; Wanderley FC; Carrera R; Cash J; Chen Y-P; Chen W-H; Cherinka B; Chiappini C; Choi PD; Chojnowski SD; Chung H; Clerc N; Cohen RE; Comerford JM; Comparat J; Da Costa L; Covey K; Crane JD; Cruz-Gonzalez I; Culhane C; Cunha K; Dai YS; Damke G; Darling J; Davidson JW, Jr.; Davies R; Dawson K; De Lee N; Diamond-Stanic AM; Cano-Díaz M; Sánchez HD; Donor J; Duckworth C; Dwelly T; Eisenstein DJ; Elsworth YP; Emsellem E; Eracleous M; Escoffier S; Fan X; Farr E; Feng S; Fernández-Trincado JG; Feuillet D; Filipp A; Fillingham SP; Frinchaboy PM; Fromenteau S; Galbany L; García RA; García-Hernández DA; Ge J; Geisler D; Gelfand J; Géron T; Gibson BJ; Goddy J; Godoy-Rivera D; Grabowski K; Green PJ; Greener M; Grier CJ; Griffith E; Guo H; Guy J; Hadjara M; Harding P; Hasselquist S; Hayes CR; Hearty F; Hernández J; Hill L; Hogg DW; Holtzman JA; Horta D; Hsieh B-C; Hsu C-H; Hsu Y-H; Huber D; Huertas-Company M; Hutchinson B; Hwang HS; Ibarra-Medel HJ; Chitham JI; Ilha GS; Imig J; Jaekle W; Jayasinghe T; Ji X; Johnson JA; Jones A; Jönsson H; Katkov I; Khalatyan AD; Kinemuchi K; Kisku S; Knapen JH; Kneib J-P; Kollmeier JA; Kong M; Kounkel M; Kreckel K; Krishnarao D; Lacerna I; Lane RR; Langgin R; Lavender R; Law DR; Lazarz D; Leung HW; Leung H-H; Lewis HM; Li C; Li R; Lian J; Liang F-H; Lin L; Lin Y-T; Lin S; Lintott C; Long D; Longa-Peña P; López-Cobá C; Lu S; Lundgren BF; Luo Y; Mackereth JT; De La Macorra A; Mahadevan S; Majewski SR; Manchado A; Mandeville T; Maraston C; Margalef-Bentabol B; Masseron T; Masters KL; Mathur S; Mcdermid RM; Mckay M; Merloni A; Merrifield M; Meszaros S; Miglio A; Di Mille F; Minniti D; Minsley R; Monachesi A; Moon J; Mosser B; Mulchaey J; Muna D; Muñoz RR; Myers AD; Myers N; Nadathur S; Nair P; Nandra K; Neumann J; Newman JA; Nidever DL; Nikakhtar F; Nitschelm C; O'connell JE; Garma-Oehmichen L; Luan Souza De Oliveira G; Olney R; Oravetz D; Ortigoza-Urdaneta M; Osorio Y; Otter J; Pace ZJ; Padilla N; Pan K; Pan H-A; Parikh T; Parker J; Peirani S; Peña Ramírez K; Penny S; Percival WJ; Perez-Fournon I; Pinsonneault M; Poidevin F; Poovelil VJ; Price-Whelan AM; Bárbara De Andrade Queiroz A; Raddick MJ; Ray A; Rembold SB; Riddle N; Riffel RA; Riffel R; Rix H-W; Robin AC; Rodríguez-Puebla A; Roman-Lopes A; Román-Zúñiga C; Rose B; Ross AJ; Rossi G; Rubin KHR; Salvato M; Sánchez SF; Sánchez-Gallego JR; Sanderson R; Santana Rojas FA; Sarceno E; Sarmiento R; Sayres C; Sazonova E; Schaefer AL; Schiavon R; Schlegel DJ; Schneider DP; Schultheis M; Schwope A; Serenelli A; Serna J; Shao Z; Shapiro G; Sharma A; Shen Y; Shetrone M; Shu Y; Simon JD; Skrutskie MF; Smethurst R; Smith V; Sobeck J; Spoo T; Sprague D; Stark DV; Stassun KG; Steinmetz M; Stello D; Stone-Martinez A; Storchi-Bergmann T; Stringfellow GS; Stutz A; Su Y-C; Taghizadeh-Popp M; Talbot MS; Tayar J; Telles E; Teske J; Thakar A; Theissen C; Tkachenko A; Thomas D; Tojeiro R; Hernandez Toledo H; Troup NW; Trump JR; Trussler J; Turner J; Tuttle S; Unda-Sanzana E; Vázquez-Mata JA; Valentini M; Valenzuela O; Vargas-González J; Vargas-Magaña M; Alfaro PV; Villanova S; Vincenzo F; Wake D; Warfield JT; Washington JD; Weaver BA; Weijmans A-M; Weinberg DH; Weiss A; Westfall KB; Wild V; Wilde MC; Wilson JC; Wilson RF; Wilson M; Wolf J; Wood-Vasey WM; Yan R; Zamora O; Zasowski G; Zhang K; Zhao C; Zheng Z; Zheng Z; Zhu K, "The Seventeenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: Complete Release of MaNGA, MaStar, and APOGEE-2 Data" , ApJS: 259(2), id.35 (39pp), April, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Abdurro'uf; Lin Y-T; Hirashita H; Morishita T; Tacchella S; Akiyama M; Takeuchi TT; Wu P-F, "Dissecting Nearby Galaxies with piXedfit. I. Spatially Resolved Properties of Stars, Dust, and Gas as Revealed by Panchromatic SED Fitting" , ApJ: 926(1), id.81 (27pp), Feb, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Abdurro'uf; Lin Y-T; Hirashita H; Morishita T; Tacchella S; Wu P-F; Akiyama M; Takeuchi TT, "Dissecting Nearby Galaxies with piXedfit. II. Spatially Resolved Scaling Relations among Stars, Dust, and Gas" , ApJ: 935(2), id.98 (21pp), Aug, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Aihara H; Alsayyad Y; Ando M; Armstrong R; Bosch J; Egami E; Furusawa H; Furusawa J; Harasawa S; Harikane Y; Hsieh B-C; Ikeda H; Ito K; Iwata I; Kodama T; Koike M; Kokubo M; Komiyama Y; Li X; Liang Y; Lin Y-T; Lupton RH; Lust NB; Macarthur LA; Mawatari K; Mineo S; Miyatake H; Miyazaki S; More S; Morishima T; Murayama H; Nakajima K; Nakata F; Nishizawa AJ; Oguri M; Okabe N; Okura Y; Ono Y; Osato K; Ouchi M; Pan Y-C; Plazas Malagón AA; Price PA; Reed SL; Rykoff ES; Shibuya T; Simunovic M; Strauss MA; Sugimori K; Suto Y; Suzuki N; Takada M; Takagi Y; Takata T; Takita S; Tanaka M; Tang S; Taranu DS; Terai T; Toba Y; Turner EL; Uchiyama H; Vijarnwannaluk B; Waters CZ; Yamada Y; Yamamoto N; Yamashita T, "Third Data Release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program" , PASJ: 74(2), 247-272, April, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Hsu Y-H; Lin Y-T; Huang S; Nelson D; Rodriguez-Gomez V; Lai H-T; Greene J; Leauthaud A; Aragón-Salamanca A; Bundy K; Emsellem E; Merrifield M; More S; Okabe N; Rong Y; Brownstein JR; Lane RR; Pan K; Schneider DP, "SDSS-IV MaNGA: Cannibalism Caught in the Act-On the Frequency of Occurrence of Multiple Cores in Brightest Cluster Galaxies" , ApJ: 933(1), id.61(31pp), July, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Lin Y-T; Miyatake H; Guo H; Chiang Y-K; Chen K-F; Lan T-W; Chang Y-Y, "A pair of early- and late-forming galaxy cluster samples: A novel way of studying halo assembly bias assisted by a constrained simulation" , A&A: 666, id.A97 (10pp), Oct, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- McCarthy KS; Zheng Z; Guo H; Luo W; Lin Y-T, "On the Constraints of Galaxy Assembly Bias in Velocity Space" , MNRAS: 509(1), 380-394, Jan, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Ramos-Ceja ME; Oguri M; Miyazaki S; Ghirardini V; Chiu I; Okabe N; Liu A; Schrabback T; Akino D; Bahar YE; Bulbul E; Clerc N; Comparat J; Grandis S; Klein M; Lin YT; Merloni A; Mitsuishi I; Miyatake H; More S; Nandra K; Nishizawa AJ; Ota N; Pacaud F; Reiprich TH; Sanders JS, "The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS). A complete census of X-ray properties of Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam weak lensing shear-selected clusters in the eFEDS footprint" , A&A: 661, A14 (19pp), May, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Wang W-H; Foucaud S; Hsieh B-C; Jian H-Y; Lin L; Lin Y-T; Coupon J; Hashimoto Y; Ouchi M; Shimasaku K; Ohyama Y; Umetsu K; Wang S-Y; Chang T-C, "MUSUBI (MegaCam Ultra-deep Survey: u*-band Imaging) Data for the COSMOS and SXDS Fields" , ApJS: 260(2), id.54 (15 pp), June, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Abdurro'uf; Lin Y-T; Wu P-F; Akiyama M, "Introducing piXedfit: A Spectral Energy Distribution Fitting Code Designed for Resolved Sources" , ApJS: 254(1), id.15 (32 pp.), May, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Chang Y-Y; Hsieh B-C; Wang W-H; Lin Y-T; Lim C-F; Toba Y; Zhong Y; Chang S-Y, "Identifying AGN host galaxies by Machine Learning with HSC+WISE" , ApJ: 920(2), id.68 (11pp), Oct, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Dalal R; Strauss MA; Sunayama T; Oguri M; Lin Y-T; Huang S; Park Y; Takada M, "Brightest Cluster Galaxies Are Statistically Special From z = 0.3 to z = 1" , MNRAS: 507(3), 4016-4029, Nov, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Hilton M; Sifón C; Naess S; Madhavacheril M; Oguri M; Rozo E; Rykoff E; Abbott TMC; Adhikari S; Aguena M; Aiola S; Allam S; Amodeo S; Amon A; Annis J; Ansarinejad B; Aros-Bunster C; Austermann JE; Avila S; Bacon D; Battaglia N; Beall JA; Becker DT; Bernstein GM; Bertin E; Bhandarkar T; Bhargava S; Bond JR; Brooks D; Burke DL; Calabrese E; Carrasco Kind M; Carretero J; Choi SK; Choi A; Conselice C; Da Costa LN; Costanzi M; Crichton D; Crowley KT; Dünner R; Denison EV; Devlin MJ; Dicker SR; Diehl HT; Dietrich JP; Doel P; Duff SM; Duivenvoorden AJ; Dunkley J; Everett S; Ferraro S; Ferrero I; Ferté A; Flaugher B; Frieman J; Gallardo PA; García-Bellido J; Gaztanaga E; Gerdes DW; Giles P; Golec JE; Gralla MB; Grandis S; Gruen D; Gruendl RA; Gschwend J; Gutierrez G; Han D; Hartley WG; Hasselfield M; Hill JC; Hilton GC; Hincks AD; Hinton SR; Ho SPP; Honscheid K; Hoyle B; Hubmayr J; Huffenberger KM; Hughes JP; Jaelani AT; Jain B; James DJ; Jeltema T; Kent S; Knowles K; Koopman BJ; Kuehn K; Lahav O; Lima M; Lin YT; Lokken M; Loubser SI; Maccrann N; Maia MaG; Marriage TA; Martin J; Mcmahon J; Melchior P; Menanteau F; Miquel R; Miyatake H; Moodley K; Morgan R; Mroczkowski T; Nati F; Newburgh LB; Niemack MD; Nishizawa AJ; Ogando RLC; Orlowski-Scherer J; Page LA; Palmese A; Partridge B; Paz-Chinchón F; Phakathi P; Plazas AA; Robertson NC; Romer AK; Carnero Rosell A; Salatino M; Sanchez E; Schaan E; Schillaci A; Sehgal N; Serrano S; Shin T; Simon SM; Smith M; Soares-Santos M; Spergel DN; Staggs ST; Storer ER; Suchyta E; Swanson MEC; Tarle G; Thomas D; To C; Trac H; Ullom JN; Vale LR; Van Lanen J; Vavagiakis EM; De Vicente J; Wilkinson RD; Wollack EJ; Xu Z; Zhang Y, "The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: A Catalog of >4000 Sunyaev–Zel’dovich Galaxy Clusters" , ApJS: 253(1), id.3 (25pp), Mar, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Huang Y-H; Hirashita H; Hsu Y-H; Lin Y-T; Nelson D; Cooper AP, "Evolution of the grain size distribution in Milky Way-like galaxies in post-processed IllustrisTNG simulations" , MNRAS: 501(1), 1336-1351, Feb, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Liu Q; Yee HKC; Drissen L; Sivanandam S; Pintos-Castro I; Alcorn LY; Hsieh B-C; Lin L; Lin Y-T; Muzzin A; Noble A; Old L, "SITELLE Hα Imaging Spectroscopy of z ∼ 0.25 Clusters: Emission-line Galaxy Detection and Ionized Gas Offset in Abell 2390 and Abell 2465" , ApJ: 908(2), id.228 (19pp), Feb, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Okabe N; Dicker S; Eckert D; Mroczkowski T; Gastaldello F; Lin Y-T; Devlin M; Romero CE; Birkinshaw M; Sarazin C; Horellou C; Kitayama T; Umetsu K; Sereno M; Mason BS; Zuhone JA; Honda A; Akamatsu H; Chiu IN; Kohno K; Lin K-Y; Medezinski E; Miyazaki S; Mitsuishi I; Nishizawa AJ; Oguri M; Ota N; Pacaud F; Pierre M; Sievers J; Smolčić V; Stanchfield S; Tanaka K; Yamamoto R; Yang C; Yoshida A, "Active gas features in three HSC-SSP CAMIRA clusters revealed by high angular resolution analysis of MUSTANG-2 SZE and XXL X-ray observations" , MNRAS: 501(2), 1701-1732, Feb, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Okumura T; Hayashi M; Chiu I-N; Lin Y-T; Osato K; Hsieh B-C; Lin S-C, "Angular clustering and host halo properties of [OII] emitters at z>1 in the Subaru HSC survey" , PASJ: 73(4), 1186-1207, Aug, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Shimakawa R; Higuchi Y; Shirasaki M; Tanaka M; Lin Y-T; Hayashi M; Momose R; Lee C-H; Kusakabe H; Kodama T; Yamamoto N, "Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam excavates colossal over- and underdense structures over 360 deg2 out to z = 1" , MNRAS: 503(3), 3896-3912, May, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Wang W; Takada M; Li X; Carlsten SG; Lan T-W; Shi J; Miyatake H; More S; Beaton RL; Lupton R; Lin Y-T; Qiu T; Luo W, "A comparative study of satellite galaxies in Milky Way-like galaxies from HSC, DECaLS, and SDSS" , MNRAS: 500(3), 3776-3801, Jan, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Willis JP; Oguri M; Ramos-Ceja ME; Gastaldello F; Sereno M; Adami C; Alis S; Altieri B; Chiappetti L; Corasaniti PS; Eckert D; Ettori S; Garrel C; Giles P; Lefevre J; Faccioli L; Fotopoulou S; Hamabata A; Koulouridis E; Lieu M; Lin YT; Maughan B; Nishizawa AJ; Okabe T; Okabe N; Pacaud F; Paltani S; Pierre M; Plionis M; Poggianti B; Pompei E; Sadibekova T; Umetsu K; Valageas P, "Understanding X-ray and optical selection of galaxy clusters: a comparison of the XXL and CAMIRA cluster catalogues obtained in the common XXL-HSC SSP area" , MNRAS: 503(4), 5624-5637, June, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Chen K-F; Oguri M; Lin Y-T; Miyazaki S, "Mass Bias of Weak-lensing Shear-selected Galaxy Cluster Samples" , ApJ: 891(2), id.139 (17 pp.), Mar, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Chiu I-N; Okumura T; Oguri M; Agrawal A, ...; Umetsu K; Lin Y-T, "A clustering-based self-calibration of the richness-to-mass relation of CAMIRA galaxy clusters out to z ≍ 1.1 in the Hyper Suprime-Cam survey" , MNRAS: 498(2), 2030-2053, Oct, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Hamana T; Shirasaki M; Lin Y-T, "Weak-lensing clusters from HSC survey first-year data: Mitigating the dilution effect of foreground and cluster-member galaxies" , PASJ: 72(5), id.78 (29pp), Oct, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Hayashi M; Shimakawa R; Tanaka M; ...; Lin YT; et al., "A 16 deg^2 survey of emission-line galaxies at z < 1.6 from HSC-SSP PDR2 and CHORUS" , PASJ: 72(5), id.86 (31pp.), Aug, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Ito K; Kashikawa N; Toshikawa J; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "The UV Luminosity Function of Protocluster Galaxies at z ∼ 4: The Bright-end Excess and the Enhanced Star Formation Rate Density" , ApJ: 899(1), id.5 (22pp.), Aug, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Lim C-F; Chen C-C; Smail I; Wang W-H; Tee W-L; Lin Y-T; ...; Toba Y; Chang Y-Y; ...; Simpson JM, "SCUBA-2 Ultra Deep Imaging EAO Survey (STUDIES). IV. Spatial Clustering and Halo Masses of Submillimeter Galaxies" , ApJ: 895(2), id.104 (18pp.), Jun, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Marinello M; Overzier RA; Röttgering HJA; Kurk JD; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "VLT/SINFONI study of black hole growth in high-redshift radio-loud quasars from the CARLA survey" , MNRAS: 492(2), 1991-2016, Feb, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Aguado DS; Ahumada R; Almeida A; ...; Hsieh BC; ...; Lin L; Lin YT; ...; Pan HA; et al., "The Fifteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release of MaNGA-derived Quantities, Data Visualization Tools, and Stellar Library" , ApJS: 240(2), id. 23 (25 pp.), Feb, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Aihara H; Alsayyad Y; Ando M; ...; Ho PTP; Hsieh B-C; ...; Lin Y-T; ...; Toba Y; ...; Wang S-Y; et al., "Second data release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program" , PASJ: 71(S1), id.114 (26 pp.), Dec, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Gonzalez AH; Gettings DP; Brodwin M; ...; Lin YT; et al., "The Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey. I. Survey Overview and a Catalog of >2000 Galaxy Clusters at z ≃ 1" , ApJS: 240(2), 33 (25 pp.), Feb, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Harikane Y; Ouchi M; Ono Y; ...; Lin YT; ...; Lin L; ...; Wang WH, "SILVERRUSH. VIII. Spectroscopic Identifications of Early Large-scale Structures with Protoclusters over 200 Mpc at z ∼ 6-7: Strong Associations of Dusty Star-forming Galaxies" , ApJ: 883(2), id. 142 (16 pp.), Oct, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Hayashi M; Koyama Y; Kodama T; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "The whole picture of the large-scale structure of the CL1604 supercluster at z ∼ 0.9" , PASJ: 71(6), id.112 (21 pp.), Dec, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Aihara H; Arimoto N; Armstrong R; ...; Chan JHH; ...; Ho PTP; Hsieh B-C; Huang K; Huang S; Ikeda H; Imanishi M; ...; Jian H-Y; ... ; Lin L; Lin Y-T; ...; Suyu SH; ...; Toba Y; ...; Umetsu K; ...; Wang S-Y; Wang W-H; Wong KC; et al., "The Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP Survey: Overview and Survey Design" , PASJ: 70(SP1), S4, Jan, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Aihara H; Armstrong R; Bickerton S; ...; Coupon J; ...; ...; Wang S-Y; ...; Ho PTP; Hsieh B-C; ...; Jian H-Y; ...; Lin L; Lin Y-T; ...; Toba Y; ...; Umetsu K; Urata, Yuji; et al., "First Data Release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program" , PASJ: 70(SP1), S8, Jan, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Greene JE; Leauthaud A; Emsellem E; Ge J; ...; Lin YT; et al., "SDSS-IV MaNGA: Uncovering the Angular Momentum Content of Central and Satellite Early-type Galaxies" , ApJ: 852(1), 36, Jan, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Harikane Y; Ouchi M; Ono Y;...; Lin Y-T; et al., "GOLDRUSH. II. Clustering of galaxies at z ˜ 4-6 revealed with the half-million dropouts over the 100 deg2 area corresponding to 1 Gpc3" , PASJ: 70(SP1), S11, Jan, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Hayashi M; Tanaka M; Shimakawa R; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "A 16 deg$^2$ survey of emission-line galaxies at z<1.5 in HSC-SSP PDR1" , PASJ: 70(SP1), S17, Jan, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Huang S; Leauthaud A; Greene J; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "A Detection of the Environmental Dependence of the Sizes and Stellar Haloes of Massive Central Galaxies" , MNRAS: 480(1), 521-537, Oct, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Huang S; Leauthaud A; Greene JE; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "Individual stellar haloes of massive galaxies measured to 100 kpc at 0.3 < z < 0.5 using Hyper Suprime-Cam" , MNRAS: 475(3), 3348-3368, April, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Lin Y-T; Huang H-J; Chen Y-C, "An Analysis Framework for Understanding the Origin of Nuclear Activity in Low-Power Radio Galaxies" , AJ: 155(5), id. 188 (12 pp.), May, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Medezinski E; Battaglia N; Umetsu K; Oguri M; ...; Chiu I-N; Lin YT; et al., "Planck Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Cluster Mass Calibration Using Hyper Suprime-Cam Weak Lensing" , PASJ: 70(SP1), S28, Jan, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Miyaoka K; Okabe N; Kitaguchi T; ...; Lin Y-T;...; Chiu I-N; ...; Umetsu K;et al., "Multiwavelength study of X-ray Luminous Clusters in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program S16A field" , PASJ: 70(SP1), S22, Jan, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Miyazaki S; Oguri M; Hamana T; Umetsu K; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "A large sample of shear-selected clusters from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program S16A Wide field mass maps" , PASJ: 70(SP1), S27, Jan, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Nishizawa AJ; Oguri M; Oogi T; ...; Lin Y-T; ...; Jian H-Y, ...; Lin L; et al., "First results on the cluster galaxy population from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam survey. II. Faint end color-magnitude diagrams and radial profiles of red and blue galaxies at 0.1 < z < 1.1" , PASJ: 70(SP1), S24, Jan, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Oguri M; Lin Y-T; Lin S-C; ...; Hsieh B-C;...; Jian H-Y; Lin L; ...; Chiu I-N; Komiyama Y; Okura Y; et al., "An optically-selected cluster catalog at redshift 0.1 < z < 1.1 from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program S16A data" , PASJ: 70(SP1), S20, Jan, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Toshikawa J; Uchiyama H; Kashikawa N; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "GOLDRUSH. III. A Systematic Search of Protoclusters at z ~ 4 Based on the > 100 deg$^2$ Area" , PASJ: 70(SP1), S12, Jan, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Uchiyama H; Toshikawa J; Kashikawa N; ...; Lin Y-T; ...; Wang SY, "Luminous Quasars Do Not Live in the Most Overdense Regions of Galaxies at z~4" , PASJ: 70(SP1), S32, Jan, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Albareti F; Allende Prieto C; Almeida A; ...; Lin YT; et al., "The Thirteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-IV Survey MApping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory" , ApJS: 233(2), 25, Dec, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Blanton MR; Bershady MA; Abolfathi B; ...; Lin L; Lin Y-T; et al., "Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV: Mapping the Milky Way, Nearby Galaxies, and the Distant Universe" , AJ: 154(1), 28, July, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Geach JE; Lin YT; Makler M; ...; Wang W-H; Hsieh B-C; et al., "VICS82: The VISTA-CFHT Stripe 82 Near-Infrared Survey" , ApJS: 231(1), 7, July, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Greene JE; Leauthaud A; Emsellem E; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "SDSS-IV MaNGA: Probing the Kinematic Morphology–Density Relation of Early-type Galaxies with MaNGA" , ApJL: 851(2), L33, Dec, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Lin YT; Hsieh BC; Lin SC; ...; Chiu IN; Huang S; ...; Lin L; et al., "First Results on the Cluster Galaxy Population from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey. III. Brightest Cluster Galaxies, Stellar Mass Distribution, and Active Galaxies" , ApJ: 851(2), 139, Dec, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Clerc N; Merloni A; Zhang Y-Y; ....; Lin Y-T; et al., "SPIDERS: the spectroscopic follow-up of X-ray selected clusters of galaxies in SDSS-IV" , MNRAS: 463(4), 4490-4515, Dec, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Dawson K; ...; Lin YT; et al., "The SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Overview and Early Data" , AJ: 151(2), 44, Feb, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Harikane Y; Ouchi M; Ono Yi; ...; Lin YT; Coupon J;....; Lin L; Hsieh B-C;et al., "Evolution of Stellar-to-Halo Mass Ratio at z=0-7 Identified by Clustering Analysis with the Hubble Legacy Imaging and Early Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey Data" , ApJ: 821(2), 123, April 20, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Hirashita H; Koch PM; Matsushita S; Takakuwa S; Nakamura M; Asada K; Liu HB; Urata U; Wang M-J; Wang W-H; Takahashi S; Tang Y-W; Chang H-H; Huang K; Morata O; Otsuka M; Lin K-Y; Tsai A-L; Lin Y-T; Srinivasan S; Martin-Cocher P; Pu J-Y; Kemper F; Patel N; Grimes P; Huang Y-D; Han C-C; Huang Y-R; Nishioka H; Lin C-CL; Zhang Q; Keto E; Burgos R; Chen M-T; Inoue M; Ho PTP, "First-generation Science Cases for Ground-based Terahertz Telescopes" , PASJ: 68(1), R1, Feb, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Lin Y-T; Mandelbaum R; Huang Y-H; ...; Jian H-Y; et al., "On Detecting Halo Assembly Bias with Galaxy Populations" , ApJ: 819(2), 119, March, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Timlin J; Ross NP; Richards GT; ...; Lin YT; et al., "SpIES: The Spitzer IRAC Equatorial Survey" , ApJS: 225(1), 1, July, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Beare R; Brown MJI; Pimbblet K; ...; Lin Y-T, "The z < 1.2 Optical Luminosity Function from a Sample of ~410,000 Galaxies in Boӧtes" , ApJ: 815(2),, 94, Dec, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Bundy K; Leauthaud A; Saito S; Bolton A; Lin Y-T; et al., "The Stripe 82 Massive Galaxy Project I: Catalog Construction" , ApJS: 221(1), 15, Nov, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Geach J; More A; Verma A;...; Lin YT; ...Wang W-H; et al., "The Red Radio Ring: a Gravitationally Lensed Hyperluminous Infrared Radio Galaxy at z=2.553 Discovered through the Citizen Science Project SPACE WARPS" , MNRAS: 452(1), 502, Sept 1, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Gonzalez AH; Decker B; Brodwin M; ...; Lin YT; et al., "The Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey: MOO J1142+1527, A 10^15 Msun Galaxy Cluster at z=1.19" , ApJL: 812(2), L40, Oct 20, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Inagaki T; Lin Y-T; Huang H-J; Hsieh B-C; Sugiyama N, "Stellar Mass Assembly of Brightest Cluster Galaxies at Late Times" , MNRAS: 446(1), 1107-1114, Jan, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Oguri M; Lin Y-T, "Inferring Host Dark Matter Halo Masses of Individual Galaxies from Neighboring Galaxy Counts" , ApJ: 801(2),, 94, March 10, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Alberts S; Pope A; Brodwin M; ....; Lin Y-T; et al., "The Evolution of Dust-Obscured Star Formation Activity in Galaxy Clusters Relative to the Field Over the Last 9 Billion Years: a Herschel SPIRE Stacking Analysis" , MNRAS: 437(1), 437-457, Jan, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Gralla M; Crichton D; Marriage TA; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "A measurement of the millimetre emission and the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect associated with low-frequency radio sources" , MNRAS: 445(1), 460-478, Nov 21, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Steinhardt CL; Speagle JS; Capak P; ...; Hashimoto Y; Hsieh B-C; ...; Lin L; Lin YT;et al., "Star Formation at 4 < z < 6 from the Spitzer Large Area Survey with Hyper-Suprime-Cam (SPLASH)" , ApJL: 791(2), L25, Aug 20, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Dunner R; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Data Characterization and Mapmaking" , ApJ: 762(1), 10, Jan 1, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Hilton M; ...; Lin YT; et al., "The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: the stellar content of galaxy clusters selected using the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect" , MNRAS: 435(4), 3469-3480, Nov, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Lin YT; Brodwin M; Gonzalez AH; et al., "The Stellar Mass Growth of Brightest Cluster Galaxies in the IRAC Shallow Cluster Survey" , ApJ: 771(1), 61, July, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Masaki S; Lin Y-T; Yoshida N, "Modelling Colour-Dependent Galaxy Clustering in Cosmological Simulations" , MNRAS: 436(3), 2286-2300, Dec, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Miyatake H; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "Subaru Weak-Lensing Measurement of a z = 0.81 Cluster Discovered by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope Survey" , MNRAS: 429(4), 3627-3644, Mar, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Sehgal N; ... ; Lin Y-T; et al., "The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Relation Between Galaxy Cluster Optical Richness and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect" , ApJ: 767(1), 38, April 10, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Sievers J; ...; Lin YT; et al., "The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Cosmological parameters from three seasons of data" , JCAP: 10, 60, Oct, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Bian F; Fan X; Jiang L; ...; Lin Y-T, "An Ultraviolet Ultra-luminous Lyman Break Galaxy at Z = 2.78 in NDWFS Boötes Field" , ApJ: 757(2), 139, Oct 1, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Desai S; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "The Blanco Cosmology Survey: Data Acquisition, Processing, Calibration, Quality Diagnostics and Data Release" , ApJ: 757(1), 83, Sept 20, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Hajian A; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "Correlations in the (Sub)millimeter Background from ACT × BLAST" , ApJ: 744(1), 40, Jan 1, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Hand N; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "Evidence of Galaxy Cluster Motions with the Kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect" , Phys Rev Lett: 109(4), 041101, July 23, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Lin Y-T; et al., "Baryon Content of Massive Galaxy Clusters at z=0-0.6" , ApJL: 745(1), L3, Jan 20, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Reese E; ...; Lin Y-T; et al, "The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: High-resolution Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array Observations of ACT SZE-selected Clusters from the Equatorial Strip" , ApJ: 751(1), 12, May 20, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Aihara H; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "The Eighth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Data from SDSS-III" , ApJS: 193(2), 29, April, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Buckley-Geer E; ...; Lin Y-T; et al, "The serendipitous observation of a gravitationally lensed galaxy at z = 0.9057 from the Blanco Cosmology Survey: The Elliot Arc" , ApJ: 742(1), 48, Nov 20, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Eisenstein DJ; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "SDSS-III: Massive Spectroscopic Surveys of the Distant Universe, the Milky Way, and Extra-Solar Planetary Systems" , AJ: 142(3), 72, Sept, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- George MR; Leauthaud A; Bundy K; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "Galaxies in X-Ray Groups. I. Robust Membership Assignment and the Impact of Group Environments on Quenching" , ApJ: 742(2), 125, Dec, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Hand N; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Detection of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Decrement in Groups and Clusters Associated with Luminous Red Galaxies" , ApJ: 736(1), 39, July 20, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Marriage T; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Extragalactic Sources at 148 GHz in the 2008 Survey" , ApJ: 731(2), 100, April, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Marriage TA; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Sunyaev-Zel'dovich-Selected Galaxy Clusters at 148 GHz in the 2008 Survey" , ApJ: 737(2), 61, Aug, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Sehgal N; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Cosmology from Galaxy Clusters Detected via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect" , ApJ: 732(1), 44, May, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- White M; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "The clustering of massive galaxies at z~0.5 from the first semester of BOSS data" , ApJ: 728(2), 126, Feb, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Zenteno A;...; Lin Y-T; et al., "A Multiband Study of the Galaxy Populations of the First Four Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Selected Galaxy Clusters" , ApJ: 734(1), 3, Jun 10, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
- Lin Y-T; Shen Y; Strauss MA; Richards GT; Lunnan R, "On the Populations of Radio Galaxies with Extended Morphology at z<0.3" , ApJ: 723(2), 1119-1138, Nov 10, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )