Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics
成員及訪客 > 訪問學者 > 簡歷
Prototype of Graphitic Core for Two-Fluid Molten-Salt Heat-Exchanger
Yields of 7Be, 10Be, 26Al, 36Cl, 41Ca, and 53Mn for a chondritic chemistry and the spectral parameters p = 4 and 3He/1H = 0.3
Magnetization-Shaped Initial Mass Function
院士 (民國112年4月22日辭世)
電子信箱: n/a


  • Corresponding Research Fellow, ASIAA (2015~2016)
  • Distinguished Research Fellow, ASIAA (2009~2015)
  • Distinguished Professor, UC San Diego (2006~2023)
  • Distinguished Visiting Scholar, ASIAA (2006~2009)
  • President, National Tsing Hua University (2002~2006)
  • University Professor, All UC Campuses (1999~2023)
  • Chancellor’s Professor, UC Berkeley (1996~1998)
  • Chairman, Astronomy Department, UC Berkeley (1984~1988)
  • Full Professor, UC Berkeley (1976~1996)
  • Associate Professor, UC Berkeley (1973~1976)
  • Associate Professor, SUNY Stony Brook (1971~1973)
  • Assistant Professor, SUNY Stony Brook (1968~1971)
  • Ph.D., Harvard University (1968)
  • B.S., MIT (1963)


  • Catherine Wolfe Bruce gold medal, Astronomical Society of the Pacific (2009)
  • Shaw Prize in Astronomy, the Shaw Prize Foundation (2009)
  • Centennial Medal, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences , Harvard University (2008)
  • Member, American Philosophical Society (2006)
  • Member, TWAS (2006)
  • Foreign Associate, Royal Astronomical Society (2006)
  • Faculty Research Lecturer, UC Berkeley (2001)
  • Heineman Prize, American Institute of Physics (2000)
  • Brouwer Award, American Astronomical Society (1996)
  • President, American Astronomical Society (1994~1996)
  • Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1992)
  • Academician, Academia Sinica, R.O.C. (1990)
  • Member, National Academy of Sciences (1987)
  • Warner Prize, American Astronomical Society (1977)
  • Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow (1972~1974)
  • Bok Prize, Harvard University (1972)




  1. Shu FH, "Six Decades of Spiral Density Wave Theory" , ARA&A: 54, 667-724, Sept, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  2. Lee WK; Shu FH, "Feathering Instability of Spiral Arms. I. Formulation of the Problem" , ApJ: 756(1), 45, Sept 1, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  3. Adams FC; Cai MJ; Galli D; Lizano S; Shu FH, "Magnetic Interactions in Pre-main-sequence Binaries" , ApJ: 743(2), 175, Dec, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  4. Shu FH; Galli D; Lizano S; Cai M, "Gravitational Collapse of Magnetized Clouds. II. The Role of Ohmic Dissipation" , ApJ: 647(1), 382-389, Aug 10, 2006 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
電話: 886-2-3365-2200 傳真: 886-2-2367-7849
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