凱嘉煒 Clarke, Seamus David Colin Henry

Postdoc Fellow

photo of 凱嘉煒
辦公室: ASMAB 1103
電子信箱: sclarke   _replace_to_@_   asiaa.sinica.edu.tw
ORCID 0000-0001-9751-4603
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My research is split into three main topics: (magneto-)hydrodynamic simulations of filament formation, evolution and fragmentation to determine how their role in the star formation process; the production of synthetic observations and techniques to better compare and interpret observations and simulations; and observations of continuum and molecular line emission of giant molecular filaments to study their kinematics and fragmentation. I am also interested in larger-scale problems such as the formation of molecular clouds and the effects of the supernova-driven bubble-dominated ISM on dense molecular gas, as well as smaller-scale problems such as core fragmentation, outflow jets, and core chemistry. A greater aim of my work is to better connect the physics on these multiple scales, via both observations and theory, to better understand how each scale influences the others and the resulting star formation.




  1. Clarke SD; Makeev VA; Sánchez-Monge Ñ; Williams GM; Tang YW; Walch S; Higgins R; Nürnberger PC; Suri S, "GMF G214.5-1.8 as traced by CO: I - cloud-scale CO freeze-out as a result of a low cosmic-ray ionization rate", MNRAS: 528(2), 1555-1572, Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  2. Clarke SD; Sánchez-Monge Ñ; Williams GM; Howard ADP; Walch S; Schneider N, "A Herschel study of G214.5-1.8: a young, cold and quiescent giant molecular filament on the shell of a HI superbubble", MNRAS: 519(2), 3098-3117, Feb, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  3. Clarke SD; Jaffa SE; Whitworth AP, "RJ-plots: An improved method to classify structures objectively", MNRAS: 516(2), 2782-2791, Oct, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  4. Smirnova P; Makarenko EI; Clarke SD; Glukhov E; Walch S; Vaezzadeh I; Seifried D, "How do supernova remnants cool?: II. Machine learning analysis of supernova remnant simulations", A&A: 693, A38, Jan, 2025 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  5. Wells MRA; Beuther H; Molinari S; Schilke P; Battersby C; Ho P; Sánchez-Monge Ñ; Jones B; Scheuck MB; Syed J; Gieser C; Kuiper R; Elia D; Coletta A; Traficante A; Wallace J; Rigby AJ; Klessen RS; Zhang Q; Walch S; Beltrán MT; Tang Y; Fuller GA; Lis DC; Möller T; Van Der Tak F; Klaassen PD; Clarke SD; Moscadelli L; Mininni C; Zinnecker H; Maruccia Y; Pezzuto S; Benedettini M; Soler JD; Brogan CL; Avison A; Sanhueza P; Schisano E; Liu T; Fontani F; Rygl KLJ; Wyrowski F; Bally J; Walker DL; Ahmadi A; Koch P; Merello M; Law CY; Testi L, "Dynamical accretion flows: ALMAGAL: Flows along filamentary structures in high-mass star-forming clusters", A&A: 690, id.A185 (16pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  6. Ganguly S; Walch S; Clarke SD; Seifried D, "SILCC-Zoom: the dynamic balance in molecular cloud substructures", MNRAS: 528(2), 3630-3657, Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  7. Wang JW; Koch PM; Clarke SD; Fuller G; Peretto N; Tang Y-W; Yen H-W; Lai S-P; Ohashi N; Arzoumanian D; Johnstone D; Furuya R; Inutsuka S-I; Lee CW; Ward-Thompson D; Le Gouellec VJM; Liu H-L; Fanciullo L; Hwang J; Pattle K; Poidevin F; Tahani M; Onaka T; Rawlings MG; Chung EJ; Liu J; Lyo AR; Priestley F; Hoang T; Tamura M; Berry D; Bastien P; Ching T-C; Coudé S; Kwon W; Chen M; Eswaraiah C; Soam A; Hasegawa T; Qiu K; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen Z; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y (Yunhee Choi); Choi Y (Youngwoo Choi); Chrysostomou A; Dai S; Di Francesco J; Diep PN; Doi Y; Duan Y; Duan H-Y; Eden D; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hayashi S; Houde M; Inoue T; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Könyves V; Kang J-H; Kang M; Karoly J; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Khan Z; Kim M-R; Kim K-T; Kim KH; Kim S; Kim J; Kim H; Kim G; Kirchschlager F; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee S-S; Lee H; Lee J-E; Lee C-F; Li D; Li H-B; Li G; Li D; Lin S-J; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Lu X; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Bich Ngoc N; Park G; Parsons H; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Sharma E; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tang X; Thuong HD; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Whitworth A; Wu J; Xie J; Yang M-Z; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang C-P; Zhang Y; Zhang G; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "Filamentary Network and Magnetic Field Structures Revealed with BISTRO in the High-mass Star-forming Region NGC 2264: Global Properties and Local Magnetogravitational Configurations", ApJ: 962(2), id.136 (34pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  8. Ganguly S; Walch S; Seifried D; Clarke SD; Weis M, "Unravelling the structure of magnetized molecular clouds with SILCC-Zoom: sheets, filaments, and fragmentation", MNRAS: 525(1), 721-741, Oct, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  9. Bonne L; Bontemps S; Schneider N; Simon R; Clarke SD; Csengeri T; Chambers E; Graf U; Jackson JM; Klein R; Okada Y; Tielens AGGM; Tiwari M, "Unveiling the formation of the massive DR21 ridge", ApJ: 951(1), id.39 (26 pp), July, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  10. Makarenko EI; Walch S; Clarke SD; Seifried D; Naab T; Nürnberger PC; Rathjen T-E, "How do supernova remnants cool? - I. Morphology, optical emission lines, and shocks", MNRAS: 520(1), 1421-1440, July, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  11. Schneider N; Ossenkopf-Okada V; Clarke S; Klessen RS; Kabanovic S; Veltchev T; Bontemps S; Dib S; Csengeri T; Federrath C; Di Francesco J; Motte F; André P; Arzoumanian D; Beattie JR; Bonne L; Didelon P; Elia D; Könyves V; Kritsuk A; Ladjelate B; Myers P; Pezzuto S; Robitaille JF; Roy A; Seifried D; Simon R; Soler J; Ward-Thompson D, "Understanding star formation in molecular clouds. IV. Column density PDFs from quiescent to massive molecular clouds", A&A: 666, id.A165 (52pp), Oct, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  12. Jaffa SE; Dale J; Krause M; Clarke SD, "Chaotic star formation: error bars for the star formation efficiency and column density PDF", MNRAS: 511(2), 2702-2707, April, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )