Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics
成員及訪客 > 博士後研究 > 簡歷
電話: +886-2-2366-5429
傳真: +886-2-2367-7849


  • ASIAA Postdoctoral Fellow (2020~ 迄今)
  • Ph.D. Physics, Durham University, UK (2016~2020)






  1. Etherington A; Nightingale JW; Massey R; Tam S-I; Cao X; Niemiec A; He Q; Robertson A; Li R; Amvrosiadis A; Cole S; Diego JM; Frenk CS; Frye BL; Harvey D; Jauzac M; Koekemoer AM; Lagattuta DJ; Lange S; Limousin M; Mahler G; Sirks E; Steinhardt CL, "Strong gravitational lensing's 'external shear' is not shear" , MNRAS: 531(3), 3684-3697, July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  2. McCleary JE; Everett SW; Shaaban MM; Gill AS; Vassilakis GN; Huff EM; Massey RJ; Benton SJ; Brown AM; Clark P; Holder B; Fraisse AA; Jauzac M; Jones WC; Lagattuta D; Leung JSY; Li L; T. Luu TV; Nagy JM; Netterfield CB; Paracha E; Redmond SF; Rhodes JD; Schmoll J; Sirks E; Tam SI, "Lensing in the Blue. II. Estimating the Sensitivity of Stratospheric Balloons to Weak Gravitational Lensing" , AJ: 166(3), id.134 (20pp), Sep, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  3. Niemiec A; Jauzac M; Eckert D; Lagattuta D; Sharon K; Koekemoer A M; Umetsu K; Acebron A; Diego J M; Harvey D; Jullo E; Kokorev V; Limousin M; Mahler G; Natarajan P; Nonino M; Steinhardt C; Tam S-I; Zitrin A, "Beyond the ultradeep frontier fields and legacy observations (BUFFALO): a high-resolution strong+weak-lensing view of Abell 370" , MNRAS: 524(2), 2883-2910, Sep, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  4. Sirks EL; Massey R; Gill AS; Anderson J; Benton SJ; Brown AM; Clark P; English J; Everett SW; Fraisse AA; Franco H; Hartley JW; Harvey D; Holder B; Hunter A; Huff EM; Hynous A; Jauzac M; Jones WC; Joyce N; Kennedy D; Lagattuta D; Leung JSY; Li L; Lishman S; Luu TVT; Mccleary JE; Nagy JM; Netterfield CB; Paracha E; Purcaru R; Redmond SF; Rhodes JD; Robertson A; Romualdez LJ; Roth S; Salter R; Schmoll J; Shaaban MM; Smith R; Smith R; Tam SI; Vassilakis GN, "Data Downloaded via Parachute from a NASA Super-Pressure Balloon" , Aerospace: 10(11), 960 (12pp), Nov, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  5. Tam S-I; Umetsu K; Robertson A; McCarthy IG, "Testing the Collisionless Nature of Dark Matter with the Radial Acceleration Relation in Galaxy Clusters" , ApJ: 953(2), id.169 (19pp), Aug, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  6. Durret F; Degott L; Lobo C; Ebeling H; Jauzac M; Tam S-I, "Ram pressure stripping in the z ∼ 0.5 galaxy cluster MS 0451.6-0305" , A&A: 662, id.A84 (22pp), June, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  7. Etherington A; Nightingale JW; Massey R; Cao X; Robertson A; Amorisco NC; Amvrosiadis A; Cole S; Frenk CS; He Q; Li R; Tam S-I, "Automated galaxy-galaxy strong lens modelling: No lens left behind" , MNRAS: 517(3), pp.3275-3302, Dec, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  8. Tam S-I; Umetsu K; Amara A, "Likelihood-free Forward Modeling for Cluster Weak Lensing and Cosmology" , ApJ: 925(2), id.145 (14pp), Feb, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  9. Umetsu K; Ueda S; Hsieh B-C; Nonino M; Chiu IN; Oguri M; Molnar SM; Koekemoer AM; Tam S-I, "Line-of-sight Elongation and Hydrostatic Mass Bias of the Frontier Fields Galaxy Cluster Abell 370" , ApJ: 934(2), id.169, Aug, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  10. Okabe N; Umetsu K; ...; Tam SI, "Central Mass Profiles of the Nearby Cool-core Galaxy Clusters Hydra A and A478" , MNRAS: 456(4), 4475-4487, March, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
電話: 886-2-3365-2200 傳真: 886-2-2367-7849
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