Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics
主題計畫 > SUBARU 望遠鏡計畫

SUBARU 望遠鏡計畫

Subaru conducts latest population census of galaxy clusters
Subaru conducts latest population census of galaxy clusters
Subaru conducts latest population census of galaxy clusters
Subaru conducts latest population census of galaxy clusters
Subaru conducts latest population census of galaxy clusters
The metrology camera optics under tests in ASIAA
The first color image (M31) of HSC_zoomed
The first color image (M31) of HSC_zoomed
The Prime focus instrument of PFS.
The first color image of HSC.
The FEU running with HSC installed
The FEU running with HSC during the observation
Subaru Telescope Collaboration
Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) for Subaru Telescope
Mass Distribution in and around the Galaxy Cluster MACS J1206.2-0847
Lensing galaxy cluster CL0024+1654 (z=0.395)

本所自2008年起與日本國家天文台的Subaru 望遠鏡團隊合作,負責廣角可見光相機Hyper Suprime-CamHSC)。它將是最大型的光學廣角相機,總共有116片的800萬像素 CCD 晶片緊密排列,可涵蓋1.5度的視野,比現有的廣角相機 Suprime Cam 增加十倍。搭配Subaru望遠鏡,將可提供全球最高的整體觀測效率(觀測效率與口徑乘以視野大小的乘積成正比)。HSC主要的科學目標將是對大範圍天區進行弱重力透鏡研究,預計五年內觀測約兩千平方度。由弱重力透鏡效應將可以觀測大天區星系團質量的整體分布(含一般物質與暗物質)。從星系團的分佈將能檢驗出宇宙的切變,並界定暗能量對宇宙加速的角色。

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