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Project > Coordinated Hydrodynamic and Astrophysical Research, Modeling, and Synthesis

Coordinated Hydrodynamic and Astrophysical Research, Modeling, and Synthesis (CHARMS)

Dust Radiative Transfer on a Global Hydrodynamic Simulation of a Forming Circumplanetary Disk
Dust Radiative Transfer on a Global Hydrodynamic Simulation of a Forming Circumplanetary Disk
Polarization Calculation and Visualization from MHD Simulation Data
Polarization Calculation and Visualization from MHD Simulation Data
Polarization Calculation and Visualization from MHD Simulation Data
Ejection History of Protostellar Outflow IRAS 04166+2706
Ejection History of Protostellar Outflow IRAS 04166+2706
Ejection History of Protostellar Outflow IRAS 04166+2706
A Two-temperature Model of Magnetized Protostellar Outflows
A Two-temperature Model of Magnetized Protostellar Outflows
A Two-temperature Model of Magnetized Protostellar Outflows
Visualization of RT Simulation
Protostellar Accretion Flows Destabilized by Magnetic Flux Redistribution
Protostellar Accretion Flows Destabilized by Magnetic Flux Redistribution
Two-Temperature Model for Magnetized Protostellar Outflows
Two-Temperature Model for Magnetized Protostellar Outflows
Two-Temperature Model for Magnetized Protostellar Outflows
Two-Temperature Model for Magnetized Protostellar Outflows

CHARMS is the acronym for "Coordinated Hydrodynamic and Astrophysical Research, Modeling, and Synthesis", an ASIAA/TIARA initiative that focuses on bridging the theory and numerical astrophysics with cutting­-edge observational astrophysics. In the era of high­-sensitivity and high-­resolution spectroimaging instrumentations such as ALMA, consistent treatment of radiation processes based on numerical simulations is required for sensible comparisons between theory and observations. In achieving the goal, software packages that solve hydrodynamic/magnetohydrodynamic equations, consider chemical evolution, and calculate radiative transfer processes are being actively developed under the CHARMS initiative.

Since 2008, CHARMS has established three main development directions, which include the hydrodynamic/magnetohydrodynamic simulation package (ZeusTW), the hydrodynamic simulation package with the abilities of timely chemical evolution (KM1/KM2), and the simulation package for astrophysical radiative transfer (SPARX). These packages have been applied to several science projects including the collapse of protostellar cores and the formation of circumstellar disks, formation and evolution of low­mass protostellar jets and outflows, formation of protoplanets and circumplanetary disks, physics in the photon­-dominated regions, and the evolution of low-­mass stars beyond main sequence. We anticipate growing needs of numerical modeling, data analysis, and data interpretation in these and other research fields, and will continue to provide support for those demands.

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TEL: 886-2-3365-2200 FAX: 886-2-2367-7849
General: asiaa_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw Media Request: epo_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw
11F of AS/NTU Astronomy-Mathematics Building, No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd, Taipei 106216, Taiwan, R.O.C.