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成果發表 > 研究成果藝廊 > 奈米級二次離子質譜儀計畫



Micrometer-scale ion images of the cross-section of SaU 290 Micrometer-scale ion images of the cross-section of SaU 290
Micrometer-scale ion images of the cross-section of SaU 290 (CH3 chondrite), recorded by the NanoSIMS 50L at Academia Sinica. A ~10 pA Cs+ primary beam with a nominal spot size ...(more)
Cross-Section of Carbonaceous Chondrite Observed in Various Ion Species Cross-Section of Carbonaceous Chondrite Observed in Various Ion Species
The cross-section of Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 290, a CH3 chondrite, observed by the NanoSIMS in a) secondary electrons, b) 16O, c) 12C2 and d) 12C14N. Each square grid represents ...(more)
Secondary Ion Imaging by NanoSIMS Secondary Ion Imaging by NanoSIMS
A schematic diagram of secondary ion imaging by NanoSIMS. ...(more)
NanoSIMS control room NanoSIMS control room
The control console in the center of this picture. The instrument is located next door. This is to ensure the maximum stability of NanoSIMS. ...(more)
NanoSIMS instrument room NanoSIMS instrument room
NanoSIMS sits on an anti-vibration platform ...(more)
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