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研究成果藝廊 > 天文儀器安裝與測試



GLT custom instrument for Rx phase stability monitor and continuum detection
圖片來源: Johnson Han
GLT custom instrument for Rx phase stability monitor and continuum detection
The main function of this GLT instrument (CAB-A11) is to down-convert the input 4-8GHz IF signal from the receiver to 50MHz and output to vector voltmeter for phase calculation with the reference 50MHz that derive from hydrogen maser. It has to cooperate with another GLT custom instrument: the Signal Test Source Reference Module (CAB-A1). The CAB-A11 also equip two continuum detectors (for LHC, RHC) to detect the input power and feed into the CDC (continuum detector computer) located far away via a VTF board (convert the voltage to the frequency)
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