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研究成果藝廊 > 河外天文學



Systematic Perturbations of the Thermodynamic Properties in Cool Cores of HIFLUGCS Galaxy Clusters
圖片來源: Ueda et al. (2021), ApJ, 922, 81
Systematic Perturbations of the Thermodynamic Properties in Cool Cores of HIFLUGCS Galaxy Clusters
Thumbnails showing the Chandra X-ray brightness distribution in the 0.5 - 7.0 keV band for 28 systems selected from the HIFLUGS sample. The color bar indicates the X-ray surface brightness in units of photon counts s^-1 arcsec^-2 cm^-2. The black and cyan crosses in each panel show the positions of the X-ray brightness peak and the BCG, respectively. The white horizontal bar in each panel corresponds to a spatial scale of 60''.
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