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研究成果藝廊 > 河外天文學



The distance distributions of bright dusty star-forming galaxies
圖片來源: Chen, C.-C., et al., 2022, ApJ, 929, 159
The distance distributions of bright dusty star-forming galaxies
Overview of the ALMA spectra plotted in their rest-frame frequencies from a complete sample of bright dusty star-forming galaxies, or the submillimeter galaxies (SMGs), that were undergoing very active phases of star formation. The locations of strong molecular and atomic lines are marked. Redshift distribution of this bright SMG sample is determined robustly via these line detection, and it is found that brighter SMGs are located at higher redshifts, suggesting that the most active phases of stellar mass buildup across the cosmic time occurred earlier than what has been predicted by theoretical models.
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