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研究成果藝廊 > 次毫米波陣列計畫(SMA)



The HH211 outflow imaged in the SiO(5-4) line at 217 GHz and SiO(8-7) line at 347 GHz with the SMA
圖片來源: Hirano et al.
The HH211 outflow imaged in the SiO(5-4) line at 217 GHz and SiO(8-7) line at 347 GHz with the SMA
The HH211 outflow imaged in the SiO(5-4) line at 217 GHz and SiO(8-7) line at 347 GHz with the SMA. The upper panel shows the distribution of the blueshifted and redshifted SiO(5-4) emission (blue and red contours respectively) superposed on the near-IR H
The SMA is a very powerful tool to study star and planet forming regions and a variety of observational projects have been carried out in ASIAA. For instance, the well-known HH211 outflow emerging from a nearby young star was imaged in detail using the SMA. The SMA images show a very narrow jet-like structure in the outflow, and the SiO jet consists of a chain of knots separated by 3-4" (~1000 AU), with most of them having counterparts in shocked H2.
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