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研究成果藝廊 > 理論及觀測宇宙學



Cosmological constraints from gravitational lens time delays
圖片來源: Suyu et al., 2013, Astrophysical Journal, 766, 70
Cosmological constraints from gravitational lens time delays
Posterior probability distribution function of H0, Ωde, w, and Ωk for supernovae (SN; turquoise dot-dashed; Hicken et al. 2009), baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO; magenta dashed; Percival et al. 2010), time-delay lenses (black solid; Suyu et al. 2013) when each is combined with WMAP7 (Komatsu et al. 2011) assuming a non-flat wCDM cosmology with a time-independent dark energy equation of state. Contours mark the 68%, and 95% credible regions. Time-delay lenses are highly complementary to other probes, particularly the cosmic microwave background and SN.
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