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研究成果藝廊 > 河外天文學



The first ALMA-Taiwan result published with Cycle 0 data
圖片來源: Wei-Hao Wang Li-Jing Huang
The first ALMA-Taiwan result published with Cycle 0 data
The first ALMA-Taiwan result published with Cycle 0 data. Gamma-ray burst host galaxies are observed at 345 GHz with ALMA (left panels) and compared to Hubble Space Telescope images (right). In the ALMA panels, black boxes indicate the optical positions of the host galaxies. Only one host galaxies was detected (lower panel) and a strong upper limit was set to the second one, indicating that host galaxies are luminous infrared galaxies with star formation rates of a few tens of solar mass per year. (Wang et al. 2012, ApJL, 761, 32)
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