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研究成果藝廊 > 李遠哲陣列望遠鏡計畫(YTLA, 原簡稱AMiBA)


李遠哲陣列望遠鏡計畫(YTLA, 原簡稱AMiBA)

The first SZE signal with the 7-element AMiBA
圖片來源: Wu et al.
The first SZE signal with the 7-element AMiBA
Cleaned SZE images of clusters observed by seven-element AMiBA. The white circles indicate the half-maximum contour of the primary beam (the field of view; 23'), and the blue patches at the bottom-right corners show the half-maximum regions of the dirty beams (~6').
In April 2007, we detected the first SZE signal with the 7-element AMiBA towards the galaxy cluster A2142 at a redshift of z=0.091 (Ho et al. 2009). This was followed by successful SZE detections towards five more clusters ranging from z=0.18 to 0.32 (Wu et al. 2009). The primary efforts were in the areas of calibration and data reduction, identifying and flagging of bad data, removal of systematic errors, elimination of foreground contamination from local environment, converting output from the lag correlator into u,v data points, Fourier transform of the visibilities, and compensation for poor u,v sampling or dirty beam pattern (Wu et al.2009 and Ho et al. 2009).
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