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研究成果藝廊 > 阿塔卡瑪大型毫米及次毫米波陣列計畫(ALMA)



ALMA imaging of the CO snowline of the HD163296 disk with DCO+
圖片來源: G. S. Mathews
ALMA imaging of the CO snowline of the HD163296 disk with DCO+
Integrated emission map of H13CO+ (4-3) with contours showing 3, 5 and 7 sigma (left), and DCO+ (5-4) with contours showing 3 and 5 sigma. The H13CO+ is centrally peaked onto the star whereas the DCO+ emission displays a ring, corresponding to the location of the CO snowline (the white contour indicate the location where the midplane temperature reach 19K (i.e. the CO freeze-out temperature).
HD163296 is an Herbig Ae star surrounding by a large and massive protoplanetary disks. An international team led by Geoff Mathews (Leiden Observatory) and including Satoko Takahashi and Edwige Chapillon from ASIAA has imaged the CO snowline (the radius beyond witch the CO is frozen onto the icy grain mantle) at a radius of ~ 155AU. This study is presented in an article accepted in A&A (Mathews et al 2013 2013arXiv1307.3420M)
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