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研究成果藝廊 > 天文儀器安裝與測試



5 Gsps ADC board
圖片來源: Derek Kubo
5 Gsps ADC board
The 8-bit, 5 Giga Samples/sec analog-to-digital converter (ADC) developed in ASIAA. This board is the first product from our digital signal processing (DSP) effort in support of the Collaboration for Astronomy Signal Processing and Electronics Research (CASPER), an international collaboration of the astronomy DSP community. The CASPER's Reconfigurable Open Architecture for Computing Hardware (ROACH) has combined the flexibility and performance of Field Programmable Gate Wares (FPGAs), and is the most notable outcome from this collaborative community. The ASIAA ADC is enabling the ROACH's capability in handling the need of high-bandwidth DSP needs and operations. Currently, the combination of the ASIAA ADCs and ROACHs are utilized as the core components for the SMA Wide Bandwidth upgrade, and the new generation of the AMiBA correlator.
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