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研究成果藝廊 > 理論天文物理理論天文物理 (Theory)


理論天文物理理論天文物理 (Theory)

A Two-temperature Model of Magnetized Protostellar Outflows
圖片來源: Wang et al. 2015
A Two-temperature Model of Magnetized Protostellar Outflows
This figures illustrate density profiles in log scale from simulations of two-temperature model of outflows from a young stellar object. (Left) Mosaic of simulations demonstrating effects of varying temperature and degree of magnetization. Panel indices from (a) to (c) shows decreasing magnetic field strength, and (1) to (3) shows increasing wind temperature. The central axial jet is more collimated and the shell structure is narrowed when the magnetic force is relatively important. (Zeus-TW simulations in Wang et al. 2015)
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