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研究成果藝廊 > 理論天文物理理論天文物理 (Theory)


理論天文物理理論天文物理 (Theory)

Dust Radiative Transfer on a Global Hydrodynamic Simulation of a Forming Circumplanetary Disk
圖片來源: H. Shang, C.-F. Liu, et al.
Dust Radiative Transfer on a Global Hydrodynamic Simulation of a Forming Circumplanetary Disk
Left – Surface density distribution of a forming circumplanetary disk in a protoplanetary disk with the Antares three-dimensional global simulation. A planet of one-Jupiter mass is placed at (x,y) = (5.2,0) au. The color scale is stretched logarithmically. The level boundaries of the nested-grid mesh refinement are shown in white lines. Center – Temperature distribution of the disk obtained with the radiative transfer code Hyperion. The photon sources are the central 4500-K star and an accreting planet of ~1000 K at 5.2 au from the star. The circumplanetary dust is heated up to ~ 1000 K and produces thermal emission. Right – Monochromatic synthetic image corresponding to the 1-mm dust continuum imaging, obtained with Hyperion. The surface brightness is logarithmically stretched in units of MJy/arcsec2.
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