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研究成果藝廊 > 行星科學



Contribution of several MMRs populations to the production of JFCs
圖片來源: M. A. Muñoz-Gutiérrez
Contribution of several MMRs populations to the production of JFCs
The number of new visible Jupiter Family Comets (JFCs) produced by each mean motion resonance (MMR) with Neptune, in our numerical simulations including the 34 largest dwarf planets (DPs, red line) or only the giant planets (black line).
Also shown in the Figure are the numbers of JFCs produced in two long-term (1 Gyr) simulations of the 3:2 population: including Pluto as a massive object along with the giant planets (orange line) and including the four massive Plutinos named in the Figure (green line).
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