成果發表 > 研究成果藝廊 > 李遠哲陣列望遠鏡計畫
Dual polarization, 8 antenna digital correlator The Dual polarization, 8 antenna digital correlator has been deployed on Mauna Loa at the beginning of 2018. Data has been taking since then. Employed the ROACH2 by CASPER community ...(more) |
Noise/Tone Calibration Plate, YTLA Project This custom plate assembly was design to generate and distribute 2 to 18 GHz wide-band noise or CW tone for in-situ calibration and test of the I/Q down converters and ...(more) |
In-Phase/Quadrature Down Converter Production Bracket, YTLA Project This photo represents the first production in-phase/quadrature down converter designed for the YTLA project as an upgrade to the AMiBA analog correlator system. The design was based on the results ...(more) |
Clock Distribution Chassis, YTLA Project This is a photo of the YTLA clock distribution drawer packaged in a standard rack mount 2U height EMI chassis. ...(more) |
In-Phase/Quadrature Down Converter Prototype Plate, YTLA Project Early prototype of in-phase/quadrature down converter for YTLA upgrade. The goal was to down convert and digitize any 2 GHz portion of the 2-18 GHz IF spectra from the receiver ...(more) |
Early Prototype Down Converter Plate, YTLA Project Photo of wide-band radio frequency translator plate. This prototype provides signal conditioning and frequency translation of a pair of intermediate frequency channels to baseband for digitization. ...(more) |
AMiBA-13 SZE maps SZE maps of 8 clusters observed by AMiBA 13-element array. Size of each map is 12’x12’, slightly larger than the half-power width of the primary beam, shown as the large ...(more) |
Prototype digital correlator for AMiBA A wideband digital correlator utilizing high-speed Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) was developed for the Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy (AMiBA). The objective is to detect ...(more) |
Orion-KL observations using AMiBA prototype digital correlator From observations of Orion-KL, the HCO+ and HCN lines were detected using the prototype digital correlator for AMiBA. ...(more) |
AMiBA Operation Another night on Mauna Loa ...(more) |
AMiBA - stow position AMiBA - stow position ...(more) |
AMiBA backend electronics AMiBA backend electronics ...(more) |
1.2 m Shielded Cassegrain Antenna for Close-Packed Radio Interferometer Left: Contour plot of the antenna beam pattern measured in the far field. The units are in decibels. The cross-structure around the secondary sidelobes is likely to result from scattering ...(more) |
AMiBA-7 tSZE maps Thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (tSZE) images of six galaxy clusters observed with the 7-element AMiBA (AMiBA-7) in 2007. Figure taken and modified from Wu et al. 2009, ApJ, 694, 1619. ...(more) |
The first SZE signal with the 7-element AMiBA Cleaned SZE images of clusters observed by seven-element AMiBA. The white circles indicate the half-maximum contour of the primary beam (the field of view; 23'), and the blue patches at ...(more) |
The Subaru weak lensing mass map (white contour) is overlaid on top of the AMiBA SZE measurement (color map) for the cluster Abell 2142 The Subaru weak lensing mass map (white contour) is overlaid on top of the AMiBA SZE measurement (color map) for the cluster Abell 2142. The open and filled black circles ...(more) |
Combined with Subaru weak lensing measurements, the AMiBA SZE data can be used to derive gas mass fraction as a function of cluster radius Combined with Subaru weak lensing measurements, the AMiBA SZE data can be used to derive gas mass fraction as a function of cluster radius (Umetsu et al., 2009, ApJ, 694, ...(more) |
The AMiBA receiver with the vacuum chamber removed The AMiBA receiver with the vacuum chamber removed (Chen et al., 2009, ApJ, 694, 1664). ...(more) |
The second phase of AMiBA consisting of thirteen 1.2m antennas was completed at the end of 2009 The second phase of AMiBA consisting of thirteen 1.2m antennas was completed at the end of 2009. The 13-element array, with improved resolution and sensitivity, can be effectively study clusters ...(more) |
THE AMiBA HEXAPOD TELESCOPE MOUNT General design of the AMiBA hexapod mount with its main components: support cone, jack screws, u-joints, and platform ...(more) |
The first phase of AMiBA consisted of seven 0.6m antennas close-packed in the center of the 6m platfor The first phase of AMiBA consisted of seven 0.6m antennas close-packed in the center of the 6m platform, offering a field-of-view of 23’ and a resolution of 6’. Scientific observations ...(more) |
Wideband Analog Correlator Module, AMiBA Project Photos of analog correlator module. Left - top view of module with custom low noise DC amplifier board. Right - bottom view of custom 4-lag wide-band analog correlator module consisting ...(more) |
A 2-element prototype system was tested on the Mauna Loa site from 2002 to 2004. A 2-element prototype system was tested on the Mauna Loa site from 2002 to 2004. ...(more) |
AMiBA dedication AMiBA was dedicated in October 2006. The panel shows the gathering of team members and the Academy President Yuan-Tseh Lee at the dedication ceremony. ...(more) |
AMiBA was dedicated in October 2006 AMiBA was dedicated in October 2006. The panel shows the gathering of team members and the Academy President Yuan-Tseh Lee at the dedication ceremony. ...(more) |
Sixty centi-meter Cassegrain antenna for AMiBA Sixty centi-meter Cassegrain antenna for AMiBA. ...(more) |
A model Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (SZE) sky map The figure demonstrates simulated deep AMiBA cluster surveys via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (SZE) based on N-body/Hydrodynamic simulations. The top-left panel shows a model SZ sky map, and the top-right panel ...(more) |
Expected performance of AMiBA Expected performance of AMiBA with the initial configuration (seven 60cm dishes, close-packed) after 1 month of observations, as compared with other high-l CMB experiments such as ACBAR (2002) and CBI ...(more) |
AMiBA on Mauna Loa, Hawaii AMiBA on Mauna Loa, Hawaii in September 2006. Seven 60-cm antennas, covered with GoreTex sun protection shields, form the most compact configuration on the carbon fiber platform. An optical telescope, ...(more) |
Dedication ceremony of AMiBA In the dedication ceremony of AMiBA held in Oct 2006, the NTU President S.C. Lee officially announced that the AMiBA is named as the “Yuan Tseh Lee Array for Microwave ...(more) |
Photogrammetry survey Pictures of a number of targets on the platform are taken from the basket of a cherry picker, while the hexapod is driven to different elevations. Relative positions of the ...(more) |
Jupiter imaged by 7-dish AMiBA Top: Strong fringes were obtained on Jupiter for all twenty one baselines of the 7-element configuration of the AMiBA, with the 60-cm dishes in the most compact configuration. For each ...(more) |