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Unified Model for Jets and Outflows from Young Stars
EPO 辦公室經理
電話: +886-2-2366-5415
傳真: +886-2-2367-7849
電子信箱: cmy_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw


  • 教育推廣計畫科學家 (2014~ 迄今)
  • 博士後研究 (2010~2014)
  • Ph.D. in Astronomy, University of Virginia (2003~2010)


化學豐度分析, 銀河系結構, 恆星形成




  1. Takami M; Guenther HM; Schneider PC; Beck TL; Karr JL; Ohyama Y; Galvan-Madrid R; Uyama T; White M; Grankin K; Coffey D; Liu C-F; Fukagawa M; Manset N; Chen W-P; Pyo T-S; Shang H; Ray TP; Otsuka M; Chou M-Y, "Time-variable Jet Ejections from RW Aur A, RY Tau, and DG Tau" , ApJS: 264(1), id.1 (19pp), Jan, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  2. Takami M; ...; Karr JL; Ohyama Y; ...; Liu HB; ...; Liu CF; ...; Shang H; ...; Chou MY, "Possible Time Correlation between Jet Ejection and Mass Accretion for RW Aur A" , ApJ: 901(1), id.24 (9pp.), Sep, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  3. Christensen LL; Balokovic M; Chou MY; ...; Matsushita S; et al., "An Unprecedented Global Communications Campaign for the Event Horizon Telescope First Black Hole Image" , CAPJournal: 26, 11-23, Oct, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  4. Takami M; Wei Y-J; Chou M-Y; Karr JL; et al., "Stable and Unstable Regimes of Mass Accretion onto RW Aur A" , ApJ: 820(2), 139, April, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  5. Chou M-Y, "Chemical fingerprinting of stellar populations in the Milky Way halo" , Highlights of Astronomy: 16, 352-352, March, 2015 ( ADS | Fulltext )
  6. Liu HB; Galván-Madrid R; Forbrich J; ...; Takami M; ...; Yan CH; Karr J; Chou MY; Ho PTP; et al., "Time Monitoring of Radio Jets and Magnetospheres in the Nearby Young Stellar Cluster R Coronae Australis" , ApJ: 780(2), 155-168, Jan, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  7. Chou M-Y; Takami M; ...; Karr JL; Shang H; Liu HB, "Time Variability of Emission Lines for Four Active T Tauri Stars. I. October-December in 2010" , AJ: 145(4), 108, April, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  8. Takami M; Karr JL; Hashimoto J; Kim H; ...; Chou M-Y; et al., "High-contrast Near-infrared Imaging Polarimetry of the Protoplanetary Disk around RY TAU" , ApJ: 772(2), 145, Aug, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  9. Chou M-Y; et al., "First Chemical Analysis of Stars in The Triangulum-Andromeda Star Cloud" , ApJ: 731(2), L30, Apr 20, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  10. Chou M-Y; Majewski SR; Cunha K; et al., "The Chemical Evolution of The Monoceros Ring/Galactic Anticenter Stellar Structure" , ApJ: 720(1), L5-L10, Sept 1, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  11. Shang H; Allen A; Li Z-Y; Liu C-F; Chou M-Y; Anderson J, "A Unified Model for Bipolar Outflows from Young Stars" , ApJ: 649(2), 845-855, Oct, 2006 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
電話: 886-2-3365-2200 傳真: 886-2-2367-7849
一般事務: asiaa_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw 媒體連絡: epo_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw
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