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成員及訪客 > 訪問學者 > 簡歷
電子信箱: htlee_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw


  • Ph.D. Institute of Astronomy, National Central University (2001~2006)
  • M.S. Institute of Astronomy, National Central University (1996~1998)


Star formation, outflow from young stellar object, OB associations


  1. Hung T; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; He JH; Lee H-T; Takahashi S; Chen HR, "A Mini Survey of Methyl Cyanide toward Extended Green Objects" , ApJ: 872(1), 61 (20 pp.), Feb, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  2. Lee H-T; Liao W-T; ...; Karr J; ...; Su Y-N; Liu S-Y; Duan H-Y; Takami M, "Near-infrared H2 and Continuum Survey of Extended Green Objects. II. Complete Census for the Northern Galactic Plane" , ApJS: 208(2), 23, Oct, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  3. Carlin JL; Lepine S; Newberg HJ; ...; Lee HT; et al., "An algorithm for preferential selection of spectroscopic targets in LEGUE" , RAA: 12(7), 755-771, July, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  4. Chen L; Hou JL; Yu JC; ...; Lee HT; et al., "The LEGUE disk targets for LAMOST's pilot survey" , RAA: 12(7), 805-812, July, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  5. Deng LC; Newberg HJ; Liu C; ...; Lee HT; et al., "LAMOST Experiment for Galactic Understanding and Exploration (LEGUE) — The survey's science plan" , RAA: 12(7), 735-754, July, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  6. Lee H-T; Takami M; Duan H-Y; Karr J; Su Y-N; Liu S-Y; Froebrich D; Yeh Cosmos C, "Near-Infrared H2 and Continuum Survey of Extended Green Objects" , ApJS: 200(1), 2, May, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  7. Takami M; Chen H-H;Karr JL; Lee H-T; Lai SP; Minh Y-C, "Emission Mechanism of "Green Fuzzies" in High-mass Star-forming Regions" , ApJ: 748(1), 8, Mar, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  8. Yang F; Carlin JL; Liu C; ...; Lee HT; et al., "The LEGUE input catalog for dark night observing in the LAMOST pilot survey" , RAA: 12(7), 781-791, July, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  9. Yao S; Liu C; Zhang HT; ...; Lee HT; et al., "The site conditions of the Guo Shou Jing Telescope" , RAA: 12(7), 772-780, July, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  10. Zhang YY; Carlin JL; Yang F; ...; Lee HT; et al., "The LEGUE high latitude bright survey design for the LAMOST pilot survey" , RAA: 12(7), 792-804, July, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  11. Froebrich D; ...; Takami M; …; Lee HT; …; Karr J; et al., "UWISH2 - the UKIRT Widefield Infrared Survey for H2" , MNRAS: 413(1), 480-492, May, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  12. Takami M; Karr JL; Koh H; Chen H-H; Lee H-T, "A Detailed Study of Spitzer-IRAC Emission in Herbig-Haro Objects. I. Morphology and Flux Ratios of Shocked Emission" , ApJ: 720(1), 155-172, Sept 1, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  13. Lee H-T; Chen WP, "Triggered Star Formation on the Border of the Orion-Eridanus Superbubble" , ApJ: 694(2), 1423-1434, Apr 1, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  14. Chen, W. P. ; Lee, H. T., "The Lacerta OB1 Association" , Handbook of Star Forming Regions: 1, 124, Dec, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  15. Lee H-T; Lim J, "On the Formation of Perseus OB1 at High Galacitc Latitudes" , ApJ: 679(2), 1352-1363, Jun 1, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
電話: 886-2-3365-2200 傳真: 886-2-2367-7849
一般事務: asiaa_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw 媒體連絡: epo_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw
台北市106216羅斯福路四段1號 中央研究院/台灣大學天文數學館11樓