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電話: +886-2-2366-5390
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電子信箱: kazama.yoichi_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw




  1. Taki T; Kurita S; Kojima H; Kasahara Y; Matsuda S; Matsuoka A; Kazama Y; Jun CW; Wang SY; Tam SWY; Chang TF; Wang BJ; Miyoshi Y; Shinohara I, "Cold Electron Temperature in the Inner Magnetosphere Estimated Through the Dispersion Relation of ECH Waves From the Arase Satellite Observations" , Radio Science: 59(6), e2023RS007927, June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  2. Chen L; Shiokawa K; Miyoshi Y; Oyama S; Jun CW; Ogawa Y; Hosokawa K; Kazama Y; Wang SY; Tam SWY; Chang TF; Wang BJ; Asamura K; Kasahara S; Yokota S; Hori T; Keika K; Kasaba Y; Kumamoto A; Tsuchiya F; Shoji M; Kasahara Y; Matsuoka A; Shinohara I; Nakamura S, "Correspondence of Pi2 Pulsations, Aurora Luminosity, and Plasma Flux Fluctuation Near a Substorm Brightening Aurora: Arase Observations" , J Geophys Res Space Phys: 128(10), e2023JA031648, Oct, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  3. Kumar S; Miyoshi Y; Jordanova VK; Kistler LM; Park I; Jun C; Hori T; Asamura K; Shreedevi PR; Yokota S; Kasahara S; Kazama Y; Wang SY; Tam SWY; Chang T-F; Mitani T; Higashio N; Keika K; Matsuoka A; Imajo S; Shinohara I, "Plasma Pressure Distribution of Ions and Electrons in the Inner Magnetosphere During CIR Driven Storms Observed During Arase Era" , J Geophys Res Space Phys: 128(9), e2023JA031756 (19pp), Sep, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  4. Chen L; Shiokawa K; Miyoshi Y; Oyama S; Jun C-W; Ogawa Y; Hosokawa K; Inaba Y; Kazama Y; Wang SY; Tam SWY; Chang TF; Wang BJ; Asamura K; Kasahara S; Yokota S; Hori T; Keika K; Kasaba Y; Kumamoto A; Tsuchiya F; Shoji M; Kasahara Y; Matsuoka A; Shinohara I; Imajo S; Nakamura S; Kitahara M, "Observation of Source Plasma and Field Variations of a Substorm Brightening Aurora at L ∼ 6 by a Ground-Based Camera and the Arase Satellite on 12 October 2017" , J Geophys Res Space Phys: 127(11), id. e2021JA030072, Nov, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  5. Fukizawa M; Sakanoi T; Miyoshi Y; Kazama Y; Katoh Y; Kasahara Y; Matsuda S; Kumamoto A; Tsuchiya F; Matsuoka A; Kurita S; Nakamura S; Shoji M; Teramoto M; Imajo S; Shinohara I; Wang SY; Tam SWY; Chang TF; Wang BJ; Jun CW, "Statistical Study of Approaching Strong Diffusion of Low-Energy Electrons by Chorus and ECH Waves Based on In Situ Observations" , J Geophys Res Space Phys: 127(3), e30269, March, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  6. Ma Q; Xu W; Sanchez ER; Marshall RA; Bortnik J; Reyes PM; Varney RH; Kaeppler SR; Miyoshi Y; Matsuoka A; Kasahara Y; Matsuda S; Tsuchiya F; Kumamoto A; Kasahara S; Yokota S; Keika K; Hori T; Mitani T; Nakamura S; Kazama Y; Wang SY; Jun CW; Shinohara I; Tam SWY, "Analysis of Electron Precipitation and Ionospheric Density Enhancements Due To Hiss Using Incoherent Scatter Radar and Arase Observations" , J Geophys Res Space Phys: 127(8), id.e30545, Aug, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  7. Miyoshi Y; Shinohara I; Ukhorskiy S; Claudepierre SG; Mitani T; Takashima T; Hori T; Santolik O; Kolmasova I; Matsuda S; Kasahara Y; Teramoto M; Katoh Y; Hikishima M; Kojima H; Kurita S; Imajo S; Higashio N; Kasahara S; Yokota S; Asamura K; Kazama Y; Wang SY; Jun CW; Kasaba Y; Kumamoto A; Tsuchiya F; Shoji M; Nakamura S; Kitahara M; Matsuoka A; Shiokawa K; Seki K; Nosé M; Takahashi K; Martinez-Calderon C; Hospodarsky G; Colpitts C; Kletzing C; Wygant J; Spence H; Baker DN; Reeves GD; Blake JB; Lanzerotti L, "Collaborative Research Activities of the Arase and Van Allen Probes" , Space Sci Rev: 218(5), id.38, Aug, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  8. Thomas N; Kero A; Miyoshi Y; Shiokawa K; Hyötylä M; Raita T; ...; Kazama Y; Wang S-Y; et al., "Statistical Survey of Arase Satellite Data Sets in Conjunction With the Finnish Riometer Network" , J Geophys Res Space Phys: 127(5), id.e30271, May, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  9. Artemyev A; Zimovets I; Sharykin I; Nishimura Y; Downs C; Weygand J; Fiori R; Zhang X-J; Runov A; Velli M; Angelopoulos V; Panasenco O; Russell CT; Miyoshi Y; Kasahara S; Matsuoka A; Yokota S; Keika K; Hori T; Kazama Y; Wang S-Y; Shinohara I; Ogawa Y, "Comparative Study of Electric Currents and Energetic Particle Fluxes in a Solar Flare and Earth Magnetospheric Substorm" , ApJ: 923(2), id.151 (21pp), Dec, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  10. Asamura K; Shoji M; Miyoshi Y; Kasahara Y; Kasaba Y; Kumamoto A; Tsuchiya F; Matsuda S; Matsuoka A; Teramoto M; Kazama Y; Shinohara I, "Cross-Energy Couplings from Magnetosonic Waves to Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves through Cold Ion Heating inside the Plasmasphere" , Phys Rev Lett: 127(24), id.245101, Dec, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  11. Imajo S; Miyoshi Y; Kazama Y; Asamura K; Shinohara I; Shiokawa K; Kasahara Y; Kasaba Y; Matsuoka A; Wang S-Y; Tam SWY; Chang T-F; Wang B-J; Angelopoulos V; Jun C-W; Shoji M; Nakamura S; Kitahara M; Teramoto M; Kurita S; Hori T, "Active auroral arc powered by accelerated electrons from very high altitudes" , Scientific Report: 11(1), id.1610, Jan, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  12. Inaba Y; Shiokawa K; Oyama S-I; Otsuka Y; Connors M; Schofield I; Miyoshi Y; Imajo S; Shinbori A; Gololobov AY; Kazama Y; Wang S-Y; Tam SWY; Chang T-F; Wang B-J; Asamura K; Yokota S; Kasahara S; Keika K; Hori T; Matsuoka A; Kasahara Y; Kumamoto A; Matsuda S; Kasaba Y; Tsuchiya F; Shoji M; Kitahara M; Nakamura S; Shinohara I; Spence HE; Reeves GD; Macdowall RJ; Smith CW; Wygant JR; Bonnell JW, "Multi Event Analysis of Plasma and Field Variations in Source of Stable Auroral Red (SAR) Arcs in Inner Magnetosphere During Non Storm Time Substorms" , J Geophys Res Space Phys: 126(4), id.e29081, Apr, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  13. Kawai K; Shiokawa K; Otsuka Y; Oyama S; Kasaba Y; Kasahara Y; Tsuchiya F; Kumamoto A; Nakamura S; Matsuoka A; Imajo S; Kazama Y; Wang S-Y; Tam SWY; Chang TF; Wang BJ; Asamura K; Kasahara S; Yokota S; Keika K; Hori T; Miyoshi Y; Jun C; Shoji M; Shinohara I, "First Simultaneous Observation of a Night Time Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance From the Ground and a Magnetospheric Satellite" , J Geophys Res Space Phys: 126(9), id.e29086, Sep, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  14. Kazama Y; Kojima H; Miyoshi Y; Kasahara Y; Kasahara S; Usui H; Wang BJ; Wang SY; Tam SWY; Chang TF; Asamura K; Kasaba Y; Matsuda S; Shoji M; Matsuoka A; Teramoto M; Takashima T; Shinohara I, "Extremely Collimated Electron Beams in the High Latitude Magnetosphere Observed by Arase" , Geophys Res Lett: 48(5), e2020GL090522, Mar, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  15. Kazama Y; Miyoshi Y; Kojima H; Kasahara Y; Kasahara S; Usui H; Wang B-J; Wang S-Y; Tam SWY; Chang TF; Asamura K; Matsuda S; Kumamoto A; Tsuchiya F; Kasaba Y; Shoji M; Matsuoka A; Teramoto M; Takashima T; Shinohara I, "Arase Observation of Simultaneous Electron Scatterings by Upper-Band and Lower-Band Chorus Emissions" , Geophys Res Lett: 48(14), id.e93708, Jul, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  16. Miyashita Y; Chang T-F; Miyoshi Y; Hori T; Kadokura A; Kasahara S; Wang S-Y; Keika K; Matsuoka A; Tanaka Y; Kasahara Y; Teramoto M; Jun C-W; Asamura K; Kazama Y; Tam SWY; Wang B-J; Yokota S; Kumamoto A; Tsuchiya F; Shoji M; Kurita S; Imajo S; Shinohara I, "Magnetic Field and Energetic Particle Flux Oscillations and High-Frequency Waves Deep in the Inner Magnetosphere During Substorm Dipolarization: ERG Observations" , J Geophys Res Space Phys: 126(9), id.e29095, Sep, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  17. Saito Y; Delcourt D; Hirahara M; Barabash S; André N; Takashima T; Asamura K; Yokota S; Wieser M; Nishino MN; Oka M; Futaana Y; Harada Y; Sauvaud J-A; Louarn P; Lavraud B; Génot V; Mazelle C; Dandouras I; Jacquey C; Aoustin C; Barthe A; Cadu A; Fedorov A; Frezoul A-M; Garat C; Le Comte E; Lee Q-M; Médale J-L; Moirin D; Penou E; Petiot M; Peyre G; Rouzaud J; Séran H-C; Nëmeček Z; Sţafránková J; Marcucci MF; Bruno R; Consolini G; Miyake W; Shinohara I; Hasegawa H; Seki K; Coates AJ; Leblanc F; Verdeil C; Katra B; Fontaine D; Illiano J-M; Berthelier J-J; Techer J-D; Fraenz M; Fischer H; Krupp N; Woch J; Bührke U; Fiethe B; Michalik H; Matsumoto H; Yanagimachi T; Miyoshi Y; Mitani T; Shimoyama M; Zong Q; Wurz P; Andersson H; Karlsson S; Holmström M; Kazama Y; Ip W-H; Hoshino M; Fujimoto M; Terada N; Keika K; Team BMM, "Pre-flight Calibration and Near-Earth Commissioning Results of the Mercury Plasma Particle Experiment (MPPE) Onboard MMO (Mio)" , Space Sci Rev: 217(5), id.70, Aug, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  18. Thomas N; Shiokawa K; Miyoshi Y; Kasahara Y; Shinohara I; Kumamoto A; Tsuchiya F; Matsuoka A; Kasahara S; Yokota S; Keika K; Hori T; Asamura K; Wang S-Y; Kazama Y; Tam SW-Y; Chang T-F; Wang B-J; Wygant J; Breneman A; Reeves G, "Investigation of Small Scale Electron Density Irregularities Observed by the Arase and Van Allen Probes Satellites Inside and Outside the Plasmasphere" , J Geophys Res Space Phys: 126(3), e27917, Mar, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  19. Yadav S; Shiokawa K; Oyama S; Inaba Y; Takahashi N; Seki K; Keika K; Chang T-F; Tam SWY; Wang B-J; Kazama Y; Wang S-Y; Asamura K; Kasahara S; Yokota S; Hori T; Kasaba Y; Tsuchiya F; Kumamoto A; Shoji M; Kasahara Y; Matsuoka A; Matsuda S; Jun C-W; Imajo S; Miyoshi Y; Shinohara I, "Study of an Equatorward Detachment of Auroral Arc From the Oval Using Ground-Space Observations and the BATS-R-US-CIMI Model" , J Geophys Res Space Phys: 126(12), e29080, Dec, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  20. Fukizawa M; Sakanoi T; Miyoshi Y; Kazama Y; ...; Wang SY; ...; Wang BJ; et al., "Pitch-Angle Scattering of Inner Magnetospheric Electrons Caused by ECH Waves Obtained With the Arase Satellite" , Geophys Res Lett: 47(23), e89926 (9pp.), Dec, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  21. Inaba Y; Shiokawa K; Oyama S-I; ...; Kazama Y; Wang S-Y; ...; Wang B-J; et al., "Plasma and Field Observations in the Magnetospheric Source Region of a Stable Auroral Red (SAR) Arc by the Arase Satellite on 28 March 2017" , J Geophys Res Space Phys: 125(10), id.e28068 (18pp.), Oct, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  22. Liu N; Su Z; Gao Z; ...; Kazama Y; Wang B-J; Wang S-Y; et al., "Comprehensive Observations of Substorm-Enhanced Plasmaspheric Hiss Generation, Propagation, and Dissipation" , Geophys Res Lett: 47(2), e86040 (11pp.), Jan, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  23. Shiokawa K; Nosé M; Imajo S; ...; Kazama Y; Wang SY; ...; Wang B-J; et al., "Arase Observation of the Source Region of Auroral Arcs and Diffuse Auroras in the Inner Magnetosphere" , J Geophys Res Space Phys: 125(8), id.e27310 (25pp.), Aug, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  24. Angelopoulos V; Cruce P; Drozdov A; ...; Kazama Y; et al., "The Space Physics Environment Data Analysis System (SPEDAS)" , Space Sci Rev: 215(1), id. 9 (46 pp.), Jan, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  25. Asamura K; Kazama Y; Yokota S; et al., "Low-energy particle experiments-ion mass analyzer (LEPi) onboard the ERG (Arase) satellite" , Earth Planets and Space: 70(1), 70, May, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  26. Fukizawa M; Sakanoi T; Miyoshi Y; ...; Kazama Y; et al., "Electrostatic Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves as a Candidate to Cause Pulsating Auroras" , Geophys Res Lett: 45(23), 12661-12668, Dec, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  27. Hori T; Nishitani N; Shepherd SG; ...; Kazama Y; Wang S-Y; ...; Wang B-J; et al., "Substorm-Associated Ionospheric Flow Fluctuations During the 27 March 2017 Magnetic Storm: SuperDARN-Arase Conjunction" , Geophys Res Lett: 45(18), 9441-9449, Sep, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  28. Kasahara S; Miyoshi Y; Yokota S; ...; Kazama Y; et al., "Pulsating aurora from electron scattering by chorus waves" , Nature: 554(7692), 337-340, Feb 15, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  29. Kazama Y; Kojima H; Miyoshi Y; ...; Wang BJ; Wang S-Y; ...; Ho PTP; et al., "Density Depletions Associated With Enhancements of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Emissions: An ERG Observation" , Geophys Res Lett: 45(19), 10075-10083, Oct, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  30. Kazama Y; Wang B-J; Wang S-Y; Ho PTP; et al., "Low-energy particle experiments-electron analyzer (LEPe) onboard the Arase spacecraft" , Earth Planets and Space: 69(1), 165, Dec, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
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