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Pluto Occultation 2018
Pluto Occultation 2018
電話: +886-2-2366-5405
傳真: +886-2-2367-7849
電子信箱: kevinhuang_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw


太陽系, 海王星外天體, 掩星, 天文資料模型, 時域天文學, 光變曲線





  1. A-thano N.; Awiphan S; Jiang I-G; Kerins E; Priyadarshi A; McDonald I; Joshi YC; Chulikorn T; Hayes JJC; Charles S; Huang C-K; Rattanamala R; Yeh L-C; Dhillon VS, "Revisiting the Transit Timing and Atmosphere Characterization of the Neptune-mass Planet HAT-P-26 b" , AJ: 166(6), id.223 (21 pp), Dec, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  2. Pereira CL; Sicardy B; Morgado BE; Braga-Ribas F; Fernández-Valenzuela E; Souami D; Holler BJ; Boufleur RC; Margoti G; Assafin M; Ortiz JL; Santos-Sanz P; Epinat B; Kervella P; Desmars J; Vieira-Martins R; Kilic Y; Gomes Júnior AR; Camargo JIB; Emilio M; Vara-Lubiano M; Kretlow M; Albert L; Alcock C; Ball JG; Bender K; Buie MW; Butterfield K; Camarca M; Castro-Chacón JH; Dunford R; Fisher RS; Gamble D; Geary JC; Gnilka CL; Green KD; Hartman ZD; Huang C-K; Januszewski H; Johnston J; Kagitani M; Kamin R; Kavelaars JJ; Keller JM; de Kleer KR; Lehner MJ; Luken A; Marchis F; Marlin T; McGregor K; Nikitin V; Nolthenius R; Patrick C; Redfield S; Rengstorf AW; Reyes-Ruiz M; Seccull T; Skrutskie MF; Smith AB; Sproul M; Stephens AW; Szentgyorgyi A; Sánchez-Sanjuán S; Tatsumi E; Verbiscer A; Wang S-Y; Yoshida F; Young R; Zhang Z-W, "The two rings of (50000) Quaoar" , A&A: 673, id.L4 (14 pp), May, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  3. Hernández-Valencia B; Castro-Chacón JH; Reyes-Ruiz M; Lehner MJ; Guerrero CA; Silva JS; Hernández-Ñguila JB; Alvarez-Santana FI; Sánchez E; Nuñez JM; Calvario-Velásquez LT; Figueroa L; Huang CK; Wang S-Y; Alcock C; Chen WP; Granados Contreras AP; Geary JC; Cook KH; Kavelaars JJ; Norton T; Szentgyorgyi A; Yen WL; Zhang ZW; Olague G, "Pattern Recognition Using SVM for the Classification of the Size and Distance of Trans-Neptunian Objects Detected by Serendipitous Stellar Occultations" , PASP: 134(1038), 84501 (15pp), Aug, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  4. Silva-Cabrera JS; Castro-Chacón JH; Reyes-Ruiz M; Lehner MJ; Guerrero CA; Huang C-K; Alvarez-Santana FI; Chang Y-C; Ling H-H; Porras-Navarro I; Hernández-Ñguila JB; Pérez-Arce RL; Rojas-Quintero JA; Avila R; Wang S-Y; Alcock C; Chen W-P; Granados Contreras AP; Cook KH; Geary JC; Hernández-Valencia B; Kavelaars JJ; Norton T; Sánchez E; Szentgyorgyi A; Yen W-L; Zhang Z-W, "2018 August 15 stellar occultation by minor planet (134340) Pluto" , MNRAS: 511(4), 5550-5559, April, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  5. Huang C-K; Lehner MJ; Granados Contreras AP; Castro-Chacón JH; Chen W-P; Alcock C; Alvarez-Santana FI; Cook KH; Geary JC; Guerrero Peña CA; Hernández-Ñguila JB; Hernández-Valencia B; Karr J; Kavelaars JJ; Norton T; Nuñez JM; Ochoa D; Reyes-Ruiz M; Sánchez E; Silva JS; Szentgyorgyi A; Wang S-Y; Yen W-L; Zhang Z-W, "The TAOS II Survey: Real-time Detection and Characterization of Occultation Events" , PASP: 133(1021), id.34503 (17pp), Mar, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
電話: 886-2-3365-2200 傳真: 886-2-2367-7849
一般事務: asiaa_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw 媒體連絡: epo_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw
台北市106216羅斯福路四段1號 中央研究院/台灣大學天文數學館11樓