大橋永芳 Ohashi, Nagayoshi

Research Fellow

photo of 大橋永芳
辦公室: ASMAB 1314
電子信箱: ohashi   _replace_to_@_   asiaa.sinica.edu.tw
pubLON 3947583/nagayoshi-ohashi/
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How stars like the Sun and planets like the Earth are formed? In order to answer this question, I have been using radio telescopes, particularly radio interferometers, to observe nearby star and planet forming regions. Radio interferometers allow us to observe fine structures of dense cores and disks where stars and planets form. In order to have better observational tools, I also have been working to build radio telescopes (Submillimeter Array and Atacama Millimeter and Submillimeter Array). My near future goal is to image protoplanetary disks at a resolution of 0.01”. I have started an ALMA Large Program "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk)" since 2019.






  1. Ohashi N; Saigo K; Aso Y; ...; Takakuwa S; ...; Yen H-W ., "Formation of a Keplerian Disk in the Infalling Envelope around L1527 IRS: Transformation from Infalling Motions to Kepler Motions", ApJ: 796(2), 131, Dec 1, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  2. Ohashi N, "Observational signature of planet formation: The ALMA view", Ap&SS: 313(1-3), 101-107, Jan, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  3. Ohashi N, "The Submillimeter Array: Current Status and Future Plan", JKAS: 38, 103-106, June, 2005 ( ADS | Fulltext )
  4. Ohashi N, "Infall in Protostellar Envelopes", IAUS: 221, 75-82, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  5. Ohashi N, "Physical properties of molecular envelopes in low-mass star-forming regions", IAUS: 197, 61-70, 2000 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  6. Ohashi N; Lee SW; Wilner DJ; Hayashi M, "CCS imaging of the starless core L1544: An envelope with infall and rotation", ApJ: 518(1), L41-L44, Jun 10, 1999 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  7. Ohashi N; Hayashi M; Ho PTP; et al, "Rotation in the protostellar envelopes around IRAS 04169+2702 and IRAS 04365+2535: The size scale for dynamical collapse", ApJ: 488(1), 317-320, Oct 10, 1997 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  8. Perry JP; Pattle K; Johnstone D; Kwon W; Bourke TL; Chung EJ; Coudé S; Doi Y; Fanciullo L; Hwang J; Khan ZA; Kwon J; Lai S-P; Le Gouellec VJM; Lee CW; Ohashi N; Sadavoy S; Savini G; Sharma E; Tamura M, "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: the magnetized evolution of star-forming cores in the Ophiuchus molecular cloud interpreted using histograms of relative orientation", MNRAS: 536(2), 1736-1751, Jan, 2025 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  9. Choi Y; Kwon W; Pattle K; Arzoumanian D; Bourke TL; Hoang T; Hwang J; Koch PM; Sadavoy S; Bastien P; Furuya R; Lai S-P; Qiu K; Ward-Thompson D; Berry D; Byun D-Y; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Chen M; Chen Z; Ching T-C; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y; Coudé S; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Dai S; Debattista V; Di Francesco J; Diep PN; Doi Y; Duan H-Y; Duan Y; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hasegawa T; Houde M; Hull CLH; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Johnstone D; Karoly J; Könyves V; Kang J-H; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee CW; Lee H; Lee C-F; Lee J-E; Lee S-S; Li D; Li D; Li G; Li H-B; Lin S-J; Liu H-L; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Liu J; Longmore S; Lu X; Lyo AR; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Bich Ngoc N; Ohashi N; Onaka T; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Rawlings M; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Sharma E; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Soam A; Kang M; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim J; Kim S; Kim G; Kim KH; Kim M-R; Kim K-T; Kim H; Kirchschlager F; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Kusune T; Kwon J; Tamura M; Tang Y-W; Tang X; Tomisaka K; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Wang J-W; Wu J; Xie J; Yang M-Z; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang G; Zhang Y; Zhang C-P; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; André P; Dowell CD; Eden D; Eyres S; Falle S; Le Gouellec VJM; Poidevin F; Van Loo S, "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: The Magnetic Fields of the IC 348 Star-forming Region", ApJ: 977(1), id.32 (17 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  10. Wu J; Qiu K; Poidevin F; Bastien P; Liu J; Ching T-C; Bourke TL; Ward-Thompson D; Pattle K; Johnstone D; Koch PM; Arzoumanian D; Lee CW; Fanciullo L; Onaka T; Hwang J; Le Gouellec VJM; Soam A; Tamura M; Tahani M; Eswaraiah C; Li H-B; Berry D; Furuya RS; Coudé S; Kwon W; Lin S-J; Wang J-W; Hasegawa T; Lai S-P; Byun D-Y; Chen Z; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Chen M; Cho J; Choi Y; Choi Y; Choi M; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Dai S; Di Francesco J; Diep PN; Doi Y; Duan H-Y; Duan Y; Eden D; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hayashi S; Hoang T; Houde M; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Könyves V; Kang J-H; Kang M; Karoly J; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kim S; Kim M-R; Kim KH; Kim K-T; Kim J; Kim H; Kim G; Kirchschlager F; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee H; Lee C-F; Lee S-S; Lee J-E; Li D; Li D; Li G; Liu S-Y; Liu T; Liu H-L; Lu X; Lyo AR; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ngoc NB; Ohashi N; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Rawlings M; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Sharma E; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tang Y-W; Tang X; Thuong HD; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Whitworth A; Xie J; Yang M-Z; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang G; Zhang C-P; Zhang Y; Zhou J; Zhu L; Looze ID; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "A Tale of Three: Magnetic Fields along the Orion Integral-shaped Filament as Revealed by the JCMT BISTRO Survey", ApJL: 977(2), id.L31 (14 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  11. Gavino S; Jørgensen JK; Sharma R; Yang Y-L; Li Z-Y; Tobin JJ; Ohashi N; Takakuwa S; Plunkett A; Kwon W; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Lin Z-YD; Santamaría-Miranda A; Aso Y; Sai J; Aikawa Y; Tomida K; Koch PM; Lee J-E; Lee CW; Lai S-P; Looney LW; Narayanan S; Phuong NT; Thieme TJ; Van 'T Hoff MLR; Willians JP; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks. XI. A High-resolution View Toward the BHR 71 Class 0 Protostellar Wide Binary", ApJ: 974(1), id.21 (33pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  12. Santamaría-Miranda A; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Sai J; Jørgensen JK; Aso Y; Daniel Lin Z-Y; Flores C; Kido M; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lee CW; Li Z-Y; Looney LW; Plunkett AL; Takakuwa S; R Van't Hoff ML; Williams JP; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk): XVI. Asymmetric dust disk driving a multicomponent molecular outflow in the young Class 0 protostar GSS30 IRS3", A&A: 690, id.A46 (23 pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  13. Yen H-W; Williams JP; Sai J; Koch PM; Han I; Jørgensen JK; Kwon W; Lee CW; Li Z-Y; Looney LW; Narang M Ohashi N; Takakuwa S; Tobin JJ; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Lai S-P; Lee J-E; Tomida K, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). XV. Influence of Magnetic Field Morphology in Dense Cores on Sizes of Protostellar Disks", ApJ: 969(2), id.125 (14pp.), July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  14. Encalada FJ; Looney LW; Takakuwa S; Tobin JJ; Ohashi N; Jørgensen JK; Li Z-Y; Aikawa Y; Aso Y; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Lin Z-YD; Santamaría-Miranda A; de Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Phuong NT; Plunkett A; Sai J (Insa Choi); Sharma R; Yen H-W; Han I, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). XIII. Aligned Disks with Nonsettled Dust around the Newly Resolved Class 0 Protobinary R CrA IRAS 32", ApJ: 966 (1), id.32 (27 pp.), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  15. Sai J; Yen H-W; Machida MN; Ohashi N; Aso Y; Maury AJ; Maret S, "Multiple Outflows around a Single Protostar IRAS 15398‑3359", ApJ: 966(2), id.192 (14 pp.), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  16. Takakuwa S; Saigo K; Kido M; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Jørgensen JK; Aikawa Y; Aso Y; Gavino S; Han I; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li Z-Y; Lin Z-YD; Looney LW; Mori S; Sai J; Sharma R; Sheehan PD; Tomida K; Williams JP; Yamato Y; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). XIV. Flared Dust Distribution and Viscous Accretion Heating of the Disk around R CrA IRS 7B-a", ApJ: 964(1), id.24 (21pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  17. Wang JW; Koch PM; Clarke SD; Fuller G; Peretto N; Tang Y-W; Yen H-W; Lai S-P; Ohashi N; Arzoumanian D; Johnstone D; Furuya R; Inutsuka S-I; Lee CW; Ward-Thompson D; Le Gouellec VJM; Liu H-L; Fanciullo L; Hwang J; Pattle K; Poidevin F; Tahani M; Onaka T; Rawlings MG; Chung EJ; Liu J; Lyo AR; Priestley F; Hoang T; Tamura M; Berry D; Bastien P; Ching T-C; Coudé S; Kwon W; Chen M; Eswaraiah C; Soam A; Hasegawa T; Qiu K; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen Z; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y (Yunhee Choi); Choi Y (Youngwoo Choi); Chrysostomou A; Dai S; Di Francesco J; Diep PN; Doi Y; Duan Y; Duan H-Y; Eden D; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hayashi S; Houde M; Inoue T; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Könyves V; Kang J-H; Kang M; Karoly J; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Khan Z; Kim M-R; Kim K-T; Kim KH; Kim S; Kim J; Kim H; Kim G; Kirchschlager F; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee S-S; Lee H; Lee J-E; Lee C-F; Li D; Li H-B; Li G; Li D; Lin S-J; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Lu X; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Bich Ngoc N; Park G; Parsons H; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Sharma E; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tang X; Thuong HD; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Whitworth A; Wu J; Xie J; Yang M-Z; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang C-P; Zhang Y; Zhang G; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "Filamentary Network and Magnetic Field Structures Revealed with BISTRO in the High-mass Star-forming Region NGC 2264: Global Properties and Local Magnetogravitational Configurations", ApJ: 962(2), id.136 (34pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  18. Flores C; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Jørgensen JK; Takakuwa S; Li Z-Y; Lin Z-YD; Van 'T Hoff MLR; Plunkett AL; Yamato Y; Sai J; Koch PM; Yen H-W; Aikawa Y; Aso Y; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Kido M; Kwon W; Lee J-E; Lee CW; Looney LW; Santamaría-Miranda A; Sharma R; Thieme TJ; Williams JP; Han I; Narayanan S; Lai S-P, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). XII. Accretion Streamers, Protoplanetary Disk, and Outflow in the Class I Source Oph IRS 63", ApJ: 958(1), id.98 (22 pp), Nov, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  19. Narayanan S; Williams JP; Tobin JJ; Jorgensen JK; Ohashi N; Lin Z-YD; van't Hoff MLR; Li Z-Y; Plunkett AL; Looney LW; Takakuwa S; Yen H-W; Aso Y; Flores C; Lee J-E; Lai S-P; Kwon W; de Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Sharma R; Lee CW, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). X. Compact Disks, Extended Infall, and a Fossil Outburst in the Class I Oph IRS43 Binary", ApJ: 958(1), id.20 (10 pp), Nov, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  20. Thieme TJ; Lai S-P; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Jørgensen JK; Sai J; Aso Y; Williams JP; Yamato Y; Aikawa Y; de Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Han I; Kwon W; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li Z-Y; Lin Z-YD; Looney LW; Narayanan S; Phuong NT; Plunkett AL; Santamaría-Miranda A; Sharma R; Takakuwa S; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). VIII. A Small Protostellar Disk around the Extremely Low Mass and Young Class 0 Protostar IRAS 15398-3359", ApJ: 958(1), id.60 (22pp), Nov, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  21. Aso Y; Kwon W; Ohashi N; Jørgensen JK; Tobin JJ; Aikawa Y; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Han I; Kido M; Koch PM; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li Z-Y; Lin Z-YD; Looney LW; Narayanan S; Phuong NT; Sai J (Insa Choi) ; Saigo K; Santamaría-Miranda A; Sharma R; Takakuwa S; Thieme TJ; Tomida K; Williams JP; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). VI. Kinematic Structures around the Very-low-mass Protostar IRAS 16253-2429", ApJ: 954(1), id.101 (17pp), Sep, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  22. Sai J; Yen H-W; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Jørgensen JK; Takakuwa S; Saigo K; Aso Y; Lin Z-YD; Koch PM; Aikawa Y; Flores C; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Han I; Kido M; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li Z-Y; Looney LW; Mori S; Phuong NT; Santamaría-Miranda A; Sharma R; Thieme TJ; Tomida K; Williams JP, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). V. Possible Annular Substructure in a Circumstellar Disk in the Ced110 IRS4 System", ApJ: 954(1), id.67 (25pp), Sep, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  23. Sharma R; Jørgensen JK; Gavino S; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Lin Z-YD; Li Z-Y; Takakuwa S; Lee CW; Sai J (Insa Choi); Kwon W; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Santamaría-Miranda A; Yen H-W; Aikawa Y; Aso Y; Lai S-P; Lee J-E; Looney LW; Phuong NT; Thieme TJ; Williams JP, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). IX. High-resolution ALMA Observations of the Class 0 Protostar R CrA IRS5N and Its Surroundings", ApJ: 954(1), id.69 (22 pp), Sep, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  24. Kido M; Takakuwa S; Saigo K; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; K J; Jørgensen; Aikawa Y; Aso Y; Encalada FJ; Flores C; Gavino S; de Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Han I; Hirano S; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li Z-Y; Lin Z-YD; Looney LW; Mori S; Narayanan S; Plunkett AL; Phuong NT; Sai J (Choi I); Santamarîa-Miranda A; Sharma R; Sheehan P; Thieme TJ; Tomida K; van't Hoff MLR; Williams JP; Yamato Y; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). VII. Keplerian Disk, Disk Substructure, and Accretion Streamers in the Class 0 Protostar IRAS 16544-1604 in CB 68", ApJ: 953(2), id.190 (22 pp), Aug, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  25. Karoly J; Ward-Thompson D; Pattle K; Berry D; Whitworth A; Kirk J; Bastien P; Ching T-C; Coude S; Hwang J; Kwon W; Soam A; Wang J-W; Hasegawa T; Lai S-P; Qiu K; Arzoumanian D; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Chen M; Chen Z; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y; Choi Y; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Dai S; Debattista V; Di Francesco J; Diep PN; Doi Y; Duan H-Y; Duan Y; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Furuya R; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hoang T; Houde M; Hull CLH; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Johnstone D; Konyves V; Kang J-H; Kang M; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim J; Kim S; Kim G; Kim KH; Kim M-R; Kim K-T; Kim H; Kirchschlager F; Kobayashi MIN; Koch PM; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee CW; Lee H; Lee Y-H; Lee C-F; Lee J-E; Lee S-S; Li D; Li D; Li G; Li H-B; Lin S-J; Liu H-L; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Liu J; Longmore S; Lu X; Lyo AR; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Bich Ngoc N; Ohashi N; Onaka T; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Rawlings M; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Sharma E; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tahani M; Tamura M; Tang Y-W; Tang X; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Wu J; Xie J; Yang M-Z; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang G; Zhang Y; Zhang C-P; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; Andre P; Dowell CD; Eden D; Eyres S; Falle S; Le Gouellec VJM; Poidevin F; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: Studying the Complex Magnetic Field of L43", ApJ: 952(1), id.29 (18 pp), July, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  26. Lin Z-YD; Li Z-Y; Tobin JJ; Ohashi N; Jørgensen JK; Looney LW; Aso Y; Takakuwa S; Aikawa Y; Van't Hoff MLR; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Encalada FJ; Flores C; Gavino S; Han I; Kido M; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Phuong NT; Sai Insa Choi J; Sharma R; Sheehan P; Thieme TJ; Williams JP; Yamato Y; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). II. Limited Dust Settling and Prominent Snow Surfaces in the Edge-on Class I Disk IRAS 04302+2247", ApJ: 951(1), id.9 (26 pp), July, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  27. Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Jørgensen JK; Takakuwa S; Sheehan P; Aikawa Y; Li Z-Y; Looney LW; Williams JP; Aso Y; Sharma R; Sai J (Choi I); Yamato Y; Lee J-E; Tomida K; Yen H-W; Encalada FJ; Flores C; Gavino S; Kido M; Han I; Lin Z-YD; Narayanan S; Phuong NT; Santamaría-Miranda A; Thieme TJ; Van't Hoff MLR; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Plunkett A; Saigo K; Hirano S; Lam KH; Mori S, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). I. Overview of the Program and First Results", ApJ: 951(1), id.8 (26pp), July, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  28. Van't Hoff MLR; Tobin JJ; Li Z-Y; Ohashi N; Jørgensen JK; Lin Z-YD; Aikawa Y; Aso Y; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Gavino S; Han I; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Looney LW; Narayanan S; Plunkett A; Sai J (Choi I); Santamaría-Miranda A; Sharma R; Sheehan PD; Takakuwa S; Thieme TJ; Williams JP; Lai S-P; Phuong NT; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). III. A First High-resolution View of Submillimeter Continuum and Molecular Line Emission toward the Class 0 Protostar L1527 IRS", ApJ: 951(1), id.10 (29pp), July, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  29. Yamato Y; Aikawa Y; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Jørgensen JK; Takakuwa S; Aso Y; Choi J; Flores C; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Hirano S; Han I; Kido M; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li Z-Y; Lin Z-YD; Looney LW; Mori S; Narayanan S; Phuong NT; Saigo K; Santamaría-Miranda A; Sharma R; Thieme TJ; Tomida K; Van't Hoff MLR; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). IV. The Ringed and Warped Structure of the Disk around the Class I Protostar L1489 IRS", ApJ: 951(1), id.11 (20pp), July, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  30. Ward-Thompson D; Karoly J; Pattle K; Whitworth A; Kirk J; Berry D; Bastien P; Ching T-C; Coudé S; Hwang J; Kwon W; Soam A; Wang J-W; Hasegawa T; Lai S-P; Qiu K; Arzoumanian D; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Chen M; Chen Z; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y; Choi Y; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Dai S; Debattista V; Di Francesco J; Diep PN; Doi Y; Duan H-Y; Duan Y; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Furuya R; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hayashi S; Hoang T; Houde M; Hull CLH; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Johnstone D; Könyves V; Kang J-H; Kang M; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim J; Kim S; Kim G; Kim KH; Kim M-R; Kim K-T; Kim H; Kirchschlager F; Kobayashi MIN; Koch PM; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee CW; Lee H; Lee Y-H; Lee C-F; Lee J-E; Lee S-S; Li D; Li D; Li G; Li H-B; Lin S-J; Liu H-L; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Liu J; Longmore S; Lu X; Lyo AR; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ngoc NB; Ohashi N; Onaka T; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Rawlings M; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tahani M; Tamura M; Tang Y-W; Tang X; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Wu J; Xie J; Yang M-Z; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang G; Zhang Y; Zhang C-P; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; André P; Dowell CD; Eden D; Eyres S; Falle S; Le Gouellec VJM; Poidevin F; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "First BISTRO Observations of the Dark Cloud Taurus L1495A-B10: The Role of the Magnetic Field in the Earliest Stages of Low-mass Star Formation", ApJ: 946(2), id.62 (12pp), April, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  31. Sai J (Choi I); Ohashi N; Yen H-W; Maury AJ; Maret S, "Probing Velocity Structures of Protostellar Envelopes: Infalling and Rotating Envelopes within Turbulent Dense Cores", ApJ: 944(2), id.222 (24 pp), Feb, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  32. Tahani M; Bastien P; Furuya RS; Pattle K; Johnstone D; Arzoumanian D; Doi Y; Hasegawa T; Inutsuka S-I; Coudé S; Fissel L; Chen MC-Y; Poidevin F; Sadavoy S; Friesen R; Koch PM; Di Francesco J; Moriarty-Schieven GH; Chen Z; Chung EJ; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Gledhill T; Le Gouellec VJM; Hoang T; Hwang J; Kang J-H; Kim KH; Kirchschlager F; Kwon W; Lee CW; Liu H-L; Onaka T; Rawlings MG; Soam A; Tamura M; Tang X; Tomisaka K; Whitworth AP; Kwon J; Hoang TD; Redman M; Berry D; Ching T-C; Wang J-W; Lai S-P; Qiu K; Ward-Thompson D; Houde M; Byun D-Y; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y; Chrysostomou A; Diep PN; Duan H-Y; Fiege J; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Fuller G; Graves SF; Greaves JS; Griffin MJ; Gu Q; Han I; Hatchell J; Hayashi SS; Hull CLH; Inoue T; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Kanamori Y; Kang M; Kang S-J; Kataoka A; Kawabata KS; Kemper F; Kim G; Kim J; Kim K-T; Kim M-R; Kim S; Kirk JM; Kobayashi MIN; Konyves V; Kusune T; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee C-F; Lee H; Lee J-E; Lee S-S; Lee Y-H; Li D; Li D; Li H-B; Liu J; Liu S-Y; Liu T; De Looze I; Lyo AR; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews BC; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ohashi N; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Saito H; Savini G; Scaife AMM; Seta M; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tang Y-W; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang C-P; Zhang G; Zhang Y; Zhou J; Zhu L; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres SPS; Falle S; Van Loo S; Robitaille J-F, "JCMT BISTRO Observations: Magnetic Field Morphology of Bubbles Associated with NGC 6334", ApJ: 944(2), id.139 (21pp), Feb, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  33. Yen H-W; Koch P; Lee C-F; Hirano N; Ohashi N; Sai J (Choi I); Takakuwa S; Tang Y-W; Tatematsu KI; Zhao B, "Increasing mass-to-flux ratio from the dense core to the protostellar envelope around the Class 0 protostar HH 211", ApJ: 942(1), id.32 (20 pp), Jan, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  34. Ching T-C; Qiu K; Li D; Ren Z; Lai S-P; Berry D; Pattle K; Furuya R; Ward-Thompson D; Johnstone D; Koch PM; Lee CW; Hoang T; Hasegawa T; Kwon W; Bastien P; Eswaraiah C; Wang J-W; Kim KH; Hwang J; Soam A; Lyo AR; Liu J; Le Gouellec VJM; Arzoumanian D; Whitworth A; Di Francesco J; Poidevin F; Liu T; Coudé S; Tahani M; Liu H-L; Onaka T; Li D; Tamura M; Chen Z; Tang X; Kirchschlager F; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen M; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Cho J; Choi Y; Choi Y; Choi M; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Dai YS; Diep PN; Doi Y; Duan Y; Duan H-Y; Eden D; Fanciullo L; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hayashi S; Houde M; Hull CLH; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Könyves V; Kang J-H; Kang M; Karoly J; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim J; Kim M-R; Kim S; Kim H; Kim K-T; Kim G; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee S-S; Lee H; Lee J-E; Lee C-F; Lee Y-H; Li G; Li H-B; Lin S-J; Liu S-Y; Lu X; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ngoc NB; Ohashi N; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings M; Rawlings J; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tang Y-W; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Wu J; Xie J; Yang M-Z; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang C-P; Zhang Y; Zhang G; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "The JCMT BISTRO-2 Survey: Magnetic Fields of the Massive DR21 Filament", ApJ: 941(2), id.122 (21 pp), Dec, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  35. Hwang J; Kim J; Pattle K; Lee CW; Koch PM; Johnstone D; Tomisaka K; Whitworth A; Furuya RS; Kang J-H; Lyo AR; Chung EJ; Arzoumanian D; Park G; Kwon W; Kim S; Tamura M; Kwon J; Soam A; Han I; Hoang T; Kim KH; Onaka T; Eswaraiah C; Ward-Thompson D; Liu H-L; Tang X; Chen WP; Matsumura M; Hoang TD; Chen Z; Le Gouellec VJM; Kirchschlager F; Poidevin F; Bastien P; Qiu K; Hasegawa T; Lai S-P; Byun D-Y; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y; Choi Y; Jeong I-G; Kang M; Kim H; Kim K-T; Lee J-E; Lee S-S; Lee Y-H; Lee H; Kim M-R; Yoo H; Yun H-S; Chen M; Francesco JD; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Houde M; Lacaille K; Matthews B; Sadavoy S; Moriarty-Schieven G; Tahani M; Ching T-C; Dai YS; Duan Y; Gu Q; Law C-Y; Li D; Li D; Li G; Li H-B; Liu T; Lu X; Qian L; Wang H; Wu J; Xie J; Yuan J; Zhang C-P; Zhang G; Zhang Y; Zhou J; Zhu L; Berry D; Friberg P; Graves S; Liu J; Mairs S; Parsons H; Rawlings M; Doi Y; Hayashi S; Hull CLH; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kim G; Kobayashi MIN; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Pyo T-S; Saito H; Seta M; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tsukamoto Y; Zenko T; Chen H-RV; Duan H-Y; Fanciullo L; Kemper F; Lee C-F; Lin S-J; Liu S-Y; Ohashi N; Rao R; Tang Y-W; Wang J-W; Yang M-Z; Yen H-W; Bourke TL; Chrysostomou A; Debattista V; Eden D; Eyres S; Falle S; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Greaves J; Griffin M; Hatchell J; Karoly J; Kirk J; Könyves V; Longmore S; Van Loo S; De Looze I; Peretto N; Priestley F; Rawlings J; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Savini G; Scaife A; Viti S; Diep PN; Ngoc NB; Tram LN; André P; Coudé S; Dowell CD; Friesen R; Robitaille J-F, "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: A Spiral Magnetic Field in a Hub-filament Structure, Monoceros R2", ApJ: 941(1), id.51 (19pp), Dec, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  36. Sheehan PD; Tobin JJ; Li Z-Y; Van 'T Hoff MLR; Jørgensen JK; Kwon W; Looney LW; Ohashi N; Takakuwa S; Williams JP; Aso Y; Gavino S; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Han I; Lee CW; Plunkett A; Sharma R; Aikawa Y; Lai S-P; Lee J-E; Lin Z-YD; Saigo K; Tomida K; Yen H-W, "A VLA View of the Flared, Asymmetric Disk Around the Class 0 Protostar L1527 IRS", ApJ: 934(2), id.95 (14 pp), Aug, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  37. Kwon W; Pattle K; Sadavoy S; Hull CLH; Johnstone D; Ward-Thompson D; Francesco JD; Koch PM; Furuya R; Doi Y; Le Gouellec VJM; Hwang J; Lyo AR; Soam A; Tang X; Hoang T; Kirchschlager F; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Kim KH; Onaka T; Könyves V; Kang J-H; Lee CW; Tamura M; Bastien P; Hasegawa T; Lai S-P; Qiu K; Berry D; Arzoumanian D; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen WP; Chen H-RV; Chen M; Chen Z; Ching T-C; Cho J; Choi Y; Choi M; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Coudé S; Dai S; Diep PN; Duan Y; Duan H-Y; Eden D; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hatchell J; Hayashi S; Houde M; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Kang M; Karoly J; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim K-T; Kim G; Kim M-R; Kim S; Kim J; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee C-F; Lee Y-H; Lee H; Lee J-E; Lee S-S; Li D; Li D; Li H-B; Lin S-J; Liu S-Y; Liu H-L; Liu J; Liu T; Lu X; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ngoc NB; Ohashi N; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Rawlings MG; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tahani M; Tang Y-W; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Wang J-W; Whitworth A; Wu J; Xie J; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang Y; Zhang C-P; Zhang G; Zhou J; Zhu L; Looze ID; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Loo SV, "B-fields in Star-forming Region Observations (BISTRO): Magnetic Fields in the Filamentary Structures of Serpens Main", ApJ: 926(2), id.163 (13pp), Feb, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  38. Sai J; Ohashi N; Maury AJ; Maret S; Yen H-W; Aso Y; Gaudel M, "Which Part of Dense Cores Feeds Material to Protostars? The Case of L1489 IRS", ApJ: 925(1), id.12 (18 pp), Jan, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  39. Lyo A-R; Kim J; Sadavoy S; Johnstone D; Berry D; Pattle K; Kwon W; Bastien P; Onaka T; Di Francesco J; Kang J-H; Furuya R; Hull CLH; Tamura M; Koch PM; Ward-Thompson D; Hasegawa T; Hoang T; Arzoumanian D; Won Lee C; Lee C-F; Byun D-Y; Kirchschlager F; Doi Y; Kim K-T; Hwang J; Diep PN; Fanciullo L; Lee S-S; Park G; Yoo H; Chung EJ; Whitworth A; Mairs S; Soam A; Liu T; Tang X; Coudé S; André P; Bourke TL; Vivien Chen H-R; Chen Z; Ping Chen W; Chen M; Ching T-C; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y; Chrysostomou A; Dai S; Dowell CD; Duan H-Y; Duan Y; Eden D; Eswaraiah C; Eyres S; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hatchell J; Hayashi S; Houde M; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Kang M; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim G; Kim M-R; Kim S; Kim KH; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Könyves V; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Lai S-P; Law C-Y; Lee J-E; Lee Y-H; Lee H; Li D; Li D; Li H-B; Liu H-L; Liu J; Liu S-Y; Lu X; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Bich Ngoc N; Ohashi N; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Qiu K; Rao R; Rawlings J; Rawlings MG; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Saito H; Savini G; Scaife A; Seta M; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tahani M; Tang Y-W; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang J-W; Wang H; Xie J; Yen H-W; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang G; Zhang C-P; Zhang Y; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; Dowell CD; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: An 850/450 μm Polarization Study of NGC 2071IR in Orion B", ApJ: 918(2), id.85 (17pp), Sep, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  40. Eswaraiah C; Li D; Furuya RS; Hasegawa T; Ward-Thompson D; Qiu K; Ohashi N; Pattle K; Sadavoy S; Hull CLH; Berry D; Doi Y; Ching T-C; Lai S-P; Wang J-W; Koch PM; Kwon J; Kwon W; Bastien P; Arzoumanian D; Coudé S; Soam A; Fanciullo L; Yen H-W; Liu J; Hoang T; Ping Chen W; Shimajiri Y; Liu T; Chen Z; Li H-b; Lyo A-R; Hwang J; Johnstone D; Rao R; Bich Ngoc N; Ngoc Diep P; Mairs S; Parsons H; Tamura M; Tahani M; Chen H-R; Nakamura F; Shinnaga H; Tang Y-W; Cho J; Won Lee C; Inutsuka S-i; Inoue T; Iwasaki K; Qian L; Xie J; Li D; Liu H-L; Zhang C-P; Chen M; Zhang G; Zhu L; Zhou J; André P; Liu S-Y; Yuan J; Lu X; Peretto N; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Dai S; Duan Y; Duan H-Y; Eden D; Matthews B; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Kim K-T; Lee C-F; Kim J; Pyo T-S; Choi Y; Choi M; Chrysostomou A; Jung Chung E; Ngoc Tram L; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hatchell J; Hayashi S; Houde M; Kawabata K; Jeong I-G; Kang J-h; Kang S-j; Kang M; Kataoka A; Kemper F; Rawlings M; Rawlings J; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Saito H; Savini G; Scaife A; Seta M; Kim G; Hee Kim K; Kim M-R; Kirchschlager F; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Konyves V; Kusune T; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee S-S; Lee Y-H; Matsumura M; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakanishi H; Onaka T; Park G; Tang X; Tomisaka K; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Whitworth A; Yoo H; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang Y; de Looze I; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; van Loo S, "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: Revealing the Diverse Magnetic Field Morphologies in Taurus Dense Cores with Sensitive Submillimeter Polarimetry", ApJL: 912(2), id.L27 (15 pp), May, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  41. Pattle K; Lai S-P; Wright M; Coudé S; Plambeck R; Hoang T; Tang Y-W; Bastien P; Eswaraiah C; Furuya RS; Hwang J; Inutsuka S-I; Kim K-T; Kirchschlager F; Kwon W; Lee CW; Liu S-Y; Lyo A; Ohashi N; Rawlings MG; Tahani M; Tamura M; Soam A; Wang J-W; Ward-Thompson D, "OMC-1 dust polarization in ALMA Band 7: diagnosing grain alignment mechanisms in the vicinity of Orion Source I", MNRAS: 503(3), 3414-3433, May, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  42. Arzoumanian D; Furuya RS; Hasegawa T; Tahani M; Sadavoy S; Hull CLH; Johnstone D; Koch PM; Inutsuka S; Doi Y; Hoang T; Onaka T; Iwasaki K; Shimajiri Y; Inoue T; Peretto N; André P; Bastien P; Berry D; Chen HRV; Di Francesco J; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Fissel LM; Hwang J; Kang JH; Kim G; Kim KT; Kirchschlager F; Kwon W; Lee CW; Liu HL; Lyo AR; Pattle K; Soam A; Tang X; Whitworth A; Ching TC; Coudé S; Wang JW; Ward-Thompson D; Lai SP; Qiu K; Bourke TL; Byun DY; Chen M; Chen Z; Chen WP; Cho J; Choi Y; Choi M; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Dai S; Diep PN; Duan HY; Duan Y; Eden D; Fiege J; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hatchell J; Hayashi S; Houde M; Jeong IG; Kang M; Kang SJ; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim MR; Kim KH; Kim J; Kim S; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Könyves V; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law CY; Lee CF; Lee YH; Lee SS; Lee H; Lee JE; Li HB; Li D; Li DL; Liu J; Liu T; Liu SY; Lu X; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ngoc NB; Ohashi N; Park G; Parsons H; Pyo TS; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Rawlings M; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Saito H; Savini G; Scaife A; Seta M; Shinnaga H; Tamura M; Tang YW; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Xie J; Yen HW; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun HS; Zenko T; Zhang G; Zhang CP; Zhang Y; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Friesen R; Robitaille JF; Van Loo S, "Dust polarized emission observations of NGC 6334. BISTRO reveals the details of the complex but organized magnetic field structure of the high-mass star-forming hub-filament network", A&A: 647, id.A78 (29 pp), Mar, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  43. Ngoc NB; Diep PN; Parsons H; Pattle K; Hoang T; Ward-Thompson D; Tram LN; Hull CLH; Tahani M; Furuya R; Bastien P; Qiu K; Hasegawa T; Kwon W; Doi Y; Lai S-P; Coudé S; Berry D; Ching T-C; Hwang J; Soam A; Wang J-W; Arzoumanian D; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen H-RV; Chen Z; Chen WP; Chen M; Cho J; Choi Y; Choi M; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Dai S; Di Francesco J; Duan Y; Duan H-Y; Eden D; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hatchell J; Hayashi S; Houde M; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Johnstone D; Kang J-H; Kang S-J; Kang M; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim K-T; Kim J; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings M; Rawlings J; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Scaife A; Seta M; Kim G; Kim S; Kim KH; Kim M-R; Kirchschlager F; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Koch PM; Konyves V; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee S-S; Lee Y-H; Lee C-F; Lee J-E; Lee H; Lee CW; Li D; Li H-B; Li D; Liu H-L; Liu J; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Lu X; Lyo AR; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ohashi N; Onaka T; Park G; Peretto N; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tamura M; Tang Y-W; Tang X; Tomisaka K; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Whitworth A; Xie J; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang Y; Zhang C-P; Zhang G; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "Observations of Magnetic Fields Surrounding LkHα 101 Taken by the BISTRO Survey with JCMT-POL-2", ApJ: 908(1), id.10 (20pp), Feb, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  44. Yen H-W; Koch PM; Hull CLH; Ward-Thompson D; Bastien P; Hasegawa T; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Qiu K; Ching T-C; Chung EJ; Coudé S; Di Francesco J; Diep PN; Doi Y; Eswaraiah C; Falle S; Fuller G; Furuya RS; Han I; Hatchell J; Houde M; Inutsuka S-I; Johnstone D; Kang J-H; Kang M; Kim K-T; Kirchschlager F; Kwon J; Lee CW; Lee C-F; Liu H-L; Liu T; Lyo AR; Ohashi N; Onaka T; Pattle K; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Shinnaga H; Soam A; Tahani M; Tamura M; Tang Y-W; Tang X; Zhang C-P, "The JCMT BISTRO survey: alignment between outflows and magnetic fields in dense cores/clumps", ApJ: 907(1), 33 (21pp), Jan, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  45. Doi Y; Hasegawa T; Furuya RS; …; Koch PM; …; Wang J-W; Lai S-P; …; Chen H-RV; …; Fanciullo L; …; Kemper F; …; Lee C-F; …; Liu S-Y; …; Ohashi N; …; Rao R; …; Tang Y-W; …; Yen H-W; et al., "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: Magnetic Fields Associated with a Network of Filaments in NGC 1333", ApJ: 889(1), id.28 (33pp.), Aug, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  46. Takakuwa S; Saigo K; Matsumoto T; ...; Lim J; Yen H-W; Ohashi N; Ho PTP; et al., "Circumbinary Disks of the Protostellar Binary Systems in the L1551 Region", ApJ: 898(1), id.10 (22pp.), Jul, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  47. Sai J; Ohashi N; Saigo K; ...; Aso Y; Takakuwa S; ...; Yen H-W; et al., "Disk Structure around the Class I Protostar L1489 IRS Revealed by ALMA: A Warped-disk System", ApJ: 893(1), id.51 (26pp.), Apr, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  48. Yen H-W; Zhao B; Koch P; Krasnopolsky R; Li Z-Y; Ohashi N; Shang H; Takakuwa S; Tang Y-W, "Transition from Ordered Pinched to Warped Magnetic Field on a 100 au Scale in the Class 0 Protostar B335", ApJ: 893(1), id.54 (11pp.), Apr, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  49. Aso Y; Hirano N; ...; Ohashi N; ...; Takakuwa S; Yen H-W; et al., "Protostellar Evolution in Serpens Main: Possible Origin of Disk-size Diversity", ApJ: 877(2), id. 209 (14 pp.), Dec, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  50. Yen H-W; Zhao B; Hsieh I-T; Koch P; Krasnopolsky R; Lee C-F; Li Z-Y; Liu S-Y; Ohashi N; Takakuwa S; Tang Y-W; et al., "JCMT POL-2 and ALMA Polarimetric Observations of 6000─100 au Scales in the Protostar B335: Linking Magnetic Field and Gas Kinematics in Observations and MHD Simulations", ApJ: 871(2), id. 243 (18 pp.), Feb, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  51. Soam A; Pattle K; Ward-Thompson D; ...; Koch PM; ...; Lai SP; ...; Rao R; ...; Chen R-H; ....; Kemper F; ...; Liu SY; ...; Ohashi N; ...; Tang YW; ...; Yen HW; et al., "Magnetic Fields toward Ophiuchus-B Derived from SCUBA-2 Polarization Measurements", ApJ: 861(1), id. 65 (13 pp. ), July, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  52. Yen H-W; Zhao B; Koch PM; Krasnopolsky R; Li Z-Y; Ohashi N; Takakuwa S, "Constraint on ion-neutral drift velocity in the Class 0 protostar B335 from ALMA observations", A&A: 615, id.A58 (11 pp.), July, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  53. Maury AJ; Girart JM; Zhang Q; ...; Rao R; Lai S-P; Ohashi N; et al., "Magnetically regulated collapse in the B335 protostar? I. ALMA observations of the polarized dust emission", MNRAS: 477(2), 2760-2765, June, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  54. Kwon J; Doi Y; Tamura M; ...; Lai, S-P; ...; Koch PM; …; Rao R; …; Chen H-R; …; Kemper F; ...; Liu S-Y;…; Ohashi N; …; Tang Y-W; ...; Yen H-W; et al., "A First Look at BISTRO Observations of the ρ Oph-A core", ApJ: 859(1), id. 4 (22 pp.), May, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  55. Aso Y; Ohashi N; Aikawa Y; ...; Takakuwa S; ...; Yen HW; et al., "ALMA Observations of SMM11 Reveal an Extremely Young Protostar in Serpens Main Cluster", ApJL: 850(1), L2, Nov 20, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  56. Aso Y; Ohashi N; Aikawa Y;...; Takakuwa S;...; Yen HW, "ALMA Observations of the Protostar L1527 IRS: Probing Details of the Disk and the Envelope Structures", ApJ: 849 (1), 56, Nov 1, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  57. Tang Y-W*; Guilloteau S; Dutrey A; ...; Gu PG; ...; Ho PTP; ...; Ohashi N; et al., "Planet Formation in AB Aurigae: Imaging of the inner gaseous Spirals observed inside the Dust Cavity", ApJ: 840(1), 32, May, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  58. Yen H-W; Koch PM; Takakuwa S; Krasnopolsky R; Ohashi N; et al., "Signs of Early-stage Disk Growth Revealed with ALMA", ApJ: 834(2), 178, Jan, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  59. Aso Y; Ohashi N; Saigo K; ...; Takakuwa S; ...; Yen H-W, "ALMA Observations of the Transition from Infall Motion to Keplerian Rotation around the Late-phase Protostar TMC-1A", ApJ: 812(1), 27, Oct, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  60. Yen H-W; Takakuwa S; Koch PM; ...; Krasnopolsky R; Ohashi N, "No Keplerian Disk >10 AU around the Protostar B335: Magnetic Braking or Young Age?", ApJ: 812(2), 129, Oct 20, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  61. ALMA Partnership; Fomalont EB; Vlahakis C; ...; Matsushita S; …; Espada D.; …; Chapillon E; ...; Hasegawa T; ...; Ohashi N; ...; Huang Y-D; Liu S-Y; Kemper F; Koch PM; Chen M-T; ...; Su Y-N; Trejo-Cruz A; Wang K-S; ...; Ho PTP; et al., "The 2014 ALMA Long Baseline Campaign: An Overview", ApJL: 808(1), L1, July 20, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  62. Yen H-W; Koch PM; Takakuwa S; Ho PTP; Ohashi N; Tang Y-W, "Observations of Infalling and Rotational Motions on a 1000 AU Scale around 17 Class 0 and 0/I Protostars: Hints of Disk Growth and Magnetic Braking?", ApJ: 799(2), 193, Feb 1, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  63. Hashimoto J; Tsukagoshi T; Brown JM; Dong R; ...; Ohashi N; ...; Takami M; et al., "The Structure of Pre-transitional Protoplanetary Disks. II. Azimuthal Asymmetries, Different Radial Distributions of Large and Small Dust Grains in PDS 70", ApJ: 799(1), 43, Jan 20, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  64. Chou T-L; Takakuwa S; Yen H-W; Ohashi N; Ho PTP, "Transition from the Infalling Envelope to the Keplerian Disk around L1551 IRS 5", ApJ: 796(1), 70, Nov 20, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  65. Yen H-W; Takakuwa S; Ohashi N; et al., "ALMA Observations of Infalling Flows toward the Keplerian Disk around the Class I Protostar L1489 IRS", ApJ: 793(1), 1, Sept 20, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  66. Sakai N; Oya Y; Sakai T; ...; Takakuwa S; Ohashi N; Yen H-W; et al., "A Chemical View of Protostellar-Disk Formation in L1527", ApJL: 791(2), L38, Aug 20, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  67. Koyamatsu S; Takakuwa S; Hayashi M; Mayama S; Ohashi N, "The Disappearing Envelope around the Transitional Class I Object L43", ApJ: 789(2), 95, July, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  68. Sakai N; Sakai T; Hirota T; ...; Ohashi N; Takakuwa S; Yen H-W; et al., "Change in the chemical composition of infalling gas forming a disk around a protostar", Nature: 507(7490), 78-80, March 6, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  69. Takahashi S; Ohashi N; Bourke LT, "Direct Imaging of a Compact Molecular Outflow from a Very Low Luminosity Object: L1521F-IRS", ApJ: 774(1), 20, Sept 1, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  70. Yen H-W; Takakuwa S; Ohashi N; Ho PTP, "Unveiling the Evolutionary Sequence from Infalling Envelopes to Keplerian Disks around Low-Mass Protostars", ApJ: 772(1), 22, July, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  71. Tang Y-W; ...; Ohashi N; Ho PTP, "The circumstellar disk of AB Aurigae: evidence for envelope accretion at late stages of star formation?", A&A: 547, A84, Nov, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  72. Liu C-F; Shang H; Pyo T-S; Takami M; ...; Yan C-H; Wang SY; Ohashi N; Hayashi M, "Is FS Tau B Driving an Asymmetric Jet?", ApJ: 749(1), 62, April 10, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  73. Muto T; ...; Ohashi N;...; Takami M; et al., "Discovery of Small-Scale Spiral Structures in the Disk of SAO 206462 (HD 135344B): Implications for the Physical State of the Disk from Spiral Density Wave Theory", ApJL: 748(2), L22-28, April 1, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  74. Maury A; Ohashi N; Andre P, "Subarcsecond SMA observations of the prototype Class 0 object VLA1623 at 1.3 mm: a single protostar with a structured outflow cavity?", A&A: 539, A130, Mar, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  75. Lyo A-R; Ohashi N; Qi C; Wilner DJ; Su Y-N, "Millimeter Observations of the Transition Disk around HD 135344B (SAO 206462)", AJ: 142(5), 151, Nov, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  76. Yen H-W; Takakuwa S; Ohashi N, "Kinematics and Physical Conditions of the Innermost Envelope in B335", ApJ: 742(1), 57, Nov 20, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  77. Hashimoto J; ...; Ohashi N;...; Takami M; et al., "Direct Imaging of Fine Structures in Giant Planet Forming Regions of a Protoplanetary Disk", ApJ: 729(2), L17-20, Mar, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  78. Takakuwa S; Ohashi N; Aikawa Y, "Carbon-chain and Organic Molecules Around Very Low Luminosity Protostellar Objects of L1521F-IRS and IRAM 04191+1522", ApJ: 728(2), 101, Feb, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  79. Karr JL; Ohashi N; Kudo T; Tamura M, "Candidate Coronagraphic Detections of Protoplanetary Disks around Four Young Stars", AJ: 139(3), 1015-1027, Mar, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  80. Momose M; Ohashi N; et al., "High Resolution Observations of Dust Continuum Emission at 340 GHz from the Low-mass T Tauri Star FN Tauri", ApJ: 712(1), 397-404, March 20, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  81. Dai Y; Wilner DJ; Andrews SM; Ohashi N, "Millimeter Dust Emission in the GQ Lup System", AJ: 139(2), 626-629, Feb, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  82. Yen H-W; Takakuwa S; Ohashi N, "High-Velocity Jets and Slowly Rotating Envelope in B335", ApJ: 710(2), 1786-1799, Feb 20, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  83. Okamoto YK; ...; Ohashi N; et al., "Direct Detection of a Flared Disk Around a Young Massive Star HD200775 and its 10 to 1000 AU Scale Properties", ApJ: 706(1), 665-675, Nov 20, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  84. Karr JL; Manoj P; Ohashi N, "Gum 48d: an evolved HII region with ongoing star formation", ApJ: 697(1), 133-147, May 20, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  85. Phan-Bao N; ...; Lee CF; Tang YW; Ho PTP; ...; Lim J; Ohashi N; Shang H, "First Confirmed Detection of a Bipolar Molecular Outflow from a Young Brown Dwarf", ApJ: 689(2), L141-L144, Dec 20, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  86. Takahashi S; Saito M; Ohashi N; ...; Takakuwa S; et al., "Millimeter- and Submillimeter- Wave Observations of the OMC-2/3 Region. III. An Extensive Survey for Molecular Outflows", ApJ: 688(1), 344-361, Nov 20, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  87. Yeh SCC; Hirano N; ...; Ho PTP; Lee CF; Ohashi N; Takakuwa S, "The CO Molecular Outflows of IRAS 16293-2422 Probed by the Submillimeter Array", ApJ: 675(1), 454-463, Mar 1, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  88. Manoj P; Ho PTP; Ohashi N; Zhang Q; Hasegawa T; Chen HR; Bhatt HC; Ashok NM, "An evolved disk surrounding the massive main sequence star MWC 297?", ApJ: 667(2), L187-L190, Oct 1, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  89. Takakuwa S; Ohashi N; Bourke TL; Hirano N; Ho PTP; Jorgensen JK; Kuan YJ; et al., "Arcsecond-Resolution Submillimeter HCN Imaging of the Binary Protostar IRAS 16293-2422", ApJ: 662(1), 431-442, June 10, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  90. Jorgensen JK; Bourke TL; Myers PC; Di Francesco J; van Dishoeck EF; Lee CF; Ohashi N; Schoier FL; Takakuwa S; Wilner DJ; Zhang Q, "PROSAC: A Submillimeter Array Survey of Low-Mass Protostars I. Overview of Program: Envelopes, Disks, Outflows, and hot Cores", ApJ: 659(1), 479-498, Apr 10, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  91. Chen HR; Su YN; Liu SY; Hunter TR; Wilner DJ; Zhang Q; Lim J; Ho PTP; Ohashi N; Hirano N, "654 GHz Continuum and C18O(6-5) Observations of G240.31+0.07 with the Submillimeter Array", ApJ: 654(1), L87-L90, Jan 1, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  92. Lin SY; Ohashi N; Lim J; Ho PTP; Fukagawa M; Tamura M, "Possible Molecular Spiral Arms in the Protoplanetary Disk of AB Aur", ApJ: 645(2), 1297-1304, July 10, 2006 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  93. Beuther H; Hunter TR; ...; Ho PTP; Ohashi N; Su YN; Lim J; Liu SY, "Submillimeter Array Outflow/Disk Studies in the Massive Star-forming Region IRAS 18089-1732", ApJ: 616(1), L23-L26, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  94. Beuther H; Zhang Q; ...; Ho PTP; Liu SY; Ohashi N; Su YN; Lim J, "Submillimeter Array Multiline Observations of the Massive Star-forming Region IRAS 18089-1732", ApJ: 616(1), L19-L22, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  95. Kuan YJ; ...; Hirano N; ...; Liu SY; Ohashi N; et al, "Organic Molecules in Low-Mass Protostellar Hot Cores: Submillimeter Imaging of IRAS 16293-2422", ApJ: 616(1), L27-L30, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  96. Matsushita S; Sakamoto K; Kuo CY; Hsieh PY; Dinh-V-Trung; ...; Liu SY; Ohashi N; Lim J, "Submillimeter Array 12CO (J=3-2) Interferometric Observations of the Central Region of M51", ApJ: 616(1), L55-L58, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  97. Qi C; Ho PTP; ...; Hirano N; Ohashi N; ...; Choi M; et al, "Imaging the Disk around TW Hydrae with the Submillimeter Array", ApJ: 616(1), L11-L14, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  98. Su Y-N; Liu SY; Lim J; Ohashi N; ...; Ho PTP, "Search for Calibrators for the Submillimeter Array.I. High-Mass Star-forming Regions", ApJ: 616(1), L39-L42, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  99. Takakuwa S; Ohashi N; Ho PTP; ...; Hirano N; Choi M; et al, "Submillimeter Array Observations of L1551 IRS 5 in CS J = 7-6", ApJ: 616(1), L15-L18, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  100. Young KH; ...; Hirano N; Ho PTP; Liu SY; Lo KY; Martin R; Matsushita S; ...; Ohashi N; ...; Patt F; ...; Dihn-V-Trung, "Submillimeter Array Observations of CS J = 14-13 Emission from the Evolved Star IRC +10216", ApJ: 616(1), L51-L54, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  101. Sollins PK; Hunter TR; ...; Ho PTP; Lim J; Liu SY; Ohashi N; Sridharan TK; Su YN; et al, "Mapping the Outflow from G589-039 in SiO J = 5 --> 4", ApJ: 616(1), L35-L38, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  102. Shinnaga H; Ohashi N; Lee S-W; Moriarty-Schieven GH, "Physical Properties and Kinetic Structure of a Starless Core in Taurus Molecular Cloud", ApJ: 601(2), 962-978, Feb 1, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  103. Aikawa Y; Ohashi N; Herbst E, "Molecular Evolution in Collapsing Prestellar Cores. II. The Effect of Grain-Surface Reactions", ApJ: 593(2), 906-924, Aug 20, 2003 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  104. Takakuwa S; Ohashi N; Hirano N, "Interaction between the Outflow and the Core in IRAM 04191+1522", ApJ: Journal 590(2), 932-943, Jun 20, 2003 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  105. Di Francesco J; Myers PC; ... ; Ohashi N; et al., "Infall, outflow, rotation, and turbulent motions of dense gas within NGC 1333 IRAS 4", AJ: 562(2), 770-789, Dec 1, 2001 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  106. Aikawa Y; Ohashi N; Inutsuka S-i; ...; Takakuwa S, "Molecular evolution in collapsing prestellar cores", ApJ: 552(2), 639-653, May 10, 2001 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  107. Park YS; Panis JF; Ohashi N; Choi M; Minh YC, "Interferometric observation of the L483 molecular core", ApJ: 542(1), 344-351, Oct 10, 2000 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  108. Momose M; Ohashi N; Kawabe R; et al, "Aperture Synthesis C 18O J= 1-0 Observations of L1551 IRS 5: Detailed Structure of the Infalling Envelope", ApJ: 504(1), 314-333, Sep 1, 1998 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  109. Zhang QZ; Ho PTP; Ohashi N, "Dynamical Collapse in W51 Massive Cores: CS (3--2) and CH 3CN Observations", ApJ: 494(2), 636-656, Feb 20, 1998 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )