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Youngest Protoplanetary Disk Discovered with ALMA
Morphology of magnetic field in high mass star formation region - W51 e2 and e8 cores
訪問學者 (清華大學物理系)
辦公室: NTHU 519
電子信箱: slai_replace2@_phys.nthu.edu.tw


  • Professor: National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2015~ 迄今)
  • Associate Professor: National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2010~2015)
  • 國立清華大學助理教授 (2006~2010)
  • 美國馬里蘭大學博士後研究 (2003~2006)
  • 美國加州理工學院噴射推進實驗室博士後研究 (2001~2003)
  • 美國伊利諾大學 (1996~2001)


Although we know that stars are formed from molecular clouds mainly due to the gravitational collapse, the detailed processes are still largely unclear. For example, there is a huge debate on whether magnetic fields or turbulence motions in molecular clouds will dominate and control the star formation processes. Like all physics questions, the initial conditions may determine the final status of a physical system. To advance our understanding of star formation, it is critical to study the early stage of star formation, in particular the physical conditions and environment of protostars.

The focus of my research is on studying the earliest stage of star formation. My researches can be divided into two categories: (1) Mapping magnetic fields in star- forming cores and (2) Studying the jets and chemical age of youngest Protostars. (1) Mapping Magnetic Fields in Star-forming Cores In order to examine the contemporary star formation theories, it is crucial to measure the strengths and the morphology of magnetic fields in star-forming regions. I have done many successful observations with Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Array and Submillimeter Array (SMA). I currently participate in a SMA Legacy Project for mapping magnetic field morphology of large number of star-forming cores and also a IRAM key project for mapping magnetic field strengths with Zeeman effect. (2) Studying the Jets and Chemical Age of Youngest Protostars. Observing the just-formed protostars and their associate molecular cores is essential for understanding the initial conditions of star formation. In particular, outflows are the most spectacular phenomenon in the star-forming process and they are responsible for removing the angular moment of the core to facilitate the formation of stars. I have successfully obtained data from Arizona Radio Observatory, Submillimeter Array, and Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to study the youngest protosters and their outflows and evaluate their evolutionary sequence through abundance of deuterated species.


  1. Eden DJ; Liu T; Moore TJT; Di Francesco J; Fuller G; Kim K-T; Li D; Liu SY; Plume R; Tatematsu KI; Thompson MA; Wu Y; Bronfman L; Butner HM; Currie MJ; Garay G; Goldsmith PF; Hirano N; Johnstone D; Juvela M; Lai SP; Lee CW; Mannfors EE; Olguin F; Pattle K; Park G; Polychroni D; Rawlings M; Rigby AJ; Sanhueza P; Traficante A; Urquhart JS; Weferling B; White GJ; Yadav RK, "A study of galactic plane Planck galactic cold clumps observed by SCOPE and the JCMT plane survey" , MNRAS: 530 (4), pp.5192-5208, May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  2. Encalada FJ; Looney LW; Takakuwa S; Tobin JJ; Ohashi N; Jørgensen JK; Li Z-Y; Aikawa Y; Aso Y; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Lin Z-YD; Santamaría-Miranda A; de Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Phuong NT; Plunkett A; Sai J (Insa Choi); Sharma R; Yen H-W; Han I, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). XIII. Aligned Disks with Nonsettled Dust around the Newly Resolved Class 0 Protobinary R CrA IRAS 32" , ApJ: 966 (1), id.32 (27 pp.), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  3. Lin S-J (Lin, Shang-Jing); Yen H-W; Lai S-P, "Multiple misaligned outflows and warped accretion flows in the proto-multiple system Per-emb-8 and 55" , AJ: (), (17pp), 2024, Accepted [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  4. Thieme TJ; Lai S-P; Lee Y-N; Lin S-J; Yen H-W, "The First Estimation of the Ambipolar Diffusivity Coefficient from Multi-Scale Observations of the Class 0/I Protostar, HOPS-370" , ApJ: 968(1), id.26 (15pp), June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  5. Wang JW; Koch PM; Clarke SD; Fuller G; Peretto N; Tang Y-W; Yen H-W; Lai S-P; Ohashi N; Arzoumanian D; Johnstone D; Furuya R; Inutsuka S-I; Lee CW; Ward-Thompson D; Le Gouellec VJM; Liu H-L; Fanciullo L; Hwang J; Pattle K; Poidevin F; Tahani M; Onaka T; Rawlings MG; Chung EJ; Liu J; Lyo AR; Priestley F; Hoang T; Tamura M; Berry D; Bastien P; Ching T-C; Coudé S; Kwon W; Chen M; Eswaraiah C; Soam A; Hasegawa T; Qiu K; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen Z; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y (Yunhee Choi); Choi Y (Youngwoo Choi); Chrysostomou A; Dai S; Di Francesco J; Diep PN; Doi Y; Duan Y; Duan H-Y; Eden D; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hayashi S; Houde M; Inoue T; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Könyves V; Kang J-H; Kang M; Karoly J; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Khan Z; Kim M-R; Kim K-T; Kim KH; Kim S; Kim J; Kim H; Kim G; Kirchschlager F; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee S-S; Lee H; Lee J-E; Lee C-F; Li D; Li H-B; Li G; Li D; Lin S-J; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Lu X; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Bich Ngoc N; Park G; Parsons H; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Sharma E; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tang X; Thuong HD; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Whitworth A; Wu J; Xie J; Yang M-Z; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang C-P; Zhang Y; Zhang G; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "Filamentary Network and Magnetic Field Structures Revealed with BISTRO in the High-mass Star-forming Region NGC 2264: Global Properties and Local Magnetogravitational Configurations" , ApJ: 962(2), id.136 (34pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  6. Xu F; Wang K; Liu T; Eden D; Liu X; Juvela M; He J; Johnstone D; Goldsmith P; Garay G; Wu Y; Soam A; Traficante A; Ristorcelli I; Falgarone E; Chen H-RV; Hirano N; Doi Y; Kwon W; White GJ; Whitworth A; Sanhueza P; Rawlings MG; Alina D; Ren Z; Lee CW; Tatematsu KI; Zhang C-P; Zhou J; Lai S-P; Ward-Thompson D; Liu S-Y; Gu Q; Chakali E; Zhu L; Mardones D; Tóth LV, "On the Scarcity of Dense Cores (n > 105 cm‑3) in High-latitude Planck Galactic Cold Clumps" , ApJ: 963(1), L9 (11pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  7. Yen H-W; Williams JP; Sai J; Koch PM; Han I; Jørgensen JK; Kwon W; Lee CW; Li Z-Y; Looney LW; Narang M Ohashi N; Takakuwa S; Tobin JJ; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Lai S-P; Lee J-E; Tomida K, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). XV. Influence of Magnetic Field Morphology in Dense Cores on Sizes of Protostellar Disks" , ApJ: 969(2), id.125 (14pp.), July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  8. Aso Y; Kwon W; Ohashi N; Jørgensen JK; Tobin JJ; Aikawa Y; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Han I; Kido M; Koch PM; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li Z-Y; Lin Z-YD; Looney LW; Narayanan S; Phuong NT; Sai J (Insa Choi) ; Saigo K; Santamaría-Miranda A; Sharma R; Takakuwa S; Thieme TJ; Tomida K; Williams JP; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). VI. Kinematic Structures around the Very-low-mass Protostar IRAS 16253-2429" , ApJ: 954(1), id.101 (17pp), Sep, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  9. Flores C; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Jørgensen JK; Takakuwa S; Li Z-Y; Lin Z-YD; Van 'T Hoff MLR; Plunkett AL; Yamato Y; Sai J; Koch PM; Yen H-W; Aikawa Y; Aso Y; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Kido M; Kwon W; Lee J-E; Lee CW; Looney LW; Santamaría-Miranda A; Sharma R; Thieme TJ; Williams JP; Han I; Narayanan S; Lai S-P, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). XII. Accretion Streamers, Protoplanetary Disk, and Outflow in the Class I Source Oph IRS 63" , ApJ: 958(1), id.98 (22 pp), Nov, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  10. Karoly J; Ward-Thompson D; Pattle K; Berry D; Whitworth A; Kirk J; Bastien P; Ching T-C; Coude S; Hwang J; Kwon W; Soam A; Wang J-W; Hasegawa T; Lai S-P; Qiu K; Arzoumanian D; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Chen M; Chen Z; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y; Choi Y; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Dai S; Debattista V; Di Francesco J; Diep PN; Doi Y; Duan H-Y; Duan Y; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Furuya R; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hoang T; Houde M; Hull CLH; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Johnstone D; Konyves V; Kang J-H; Kang M; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim J; Kim S; Kim G; Kim KH; Kim M-R; Kim K-T; Kim H; Kirchschlager F; Kobayashi MIN; Koch PM; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee CW; Lee H; Lee Y-H; Lee C-F; Lee J-E; Lee S-S; Li D; Li D; Li G; Li H-B; Lin S-J; Liu H-L; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Liu J; Longmore S; Lu X; Lyo AR; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Bich Ngoc N; Ohashi N; Onaka T; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Rawlings M; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Sharma E; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tahani M; Tamura M; Tang Y-W; Tang X; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Wu J; Xie J; Yang M-Z; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang G; Zhang Y; Zhang C-P; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; Andre P; Dowell CD; Eden D; Eyres S; Falle S; Le Gouellec VJM; Poidevin F; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: Studying the Complex Magnetic Field of L43" , ApJ: 952(1), id.29 (18 pp), July, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  11. Lin Z-YD; Li Z-Y; Tobin JJ; Ohashi N; Jørgensen JK; Looney LW; Aso Y; Takakuwa S; Aikawa Y; Van't Hoff MLR; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Encalada FJ; Flores C; Gavino S; Han I; Kido M; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Phuong NT; Sai Insa Choi J; Sharma R; Sheehan P; Thieme TJ; Williams JP; Yamato Y; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). II. Limited Dust Settling and Prominent Snow Surfaces in the Edge-on Class I Disk IRAS 04302+2247" , ApJ: 951(1), id.9 (26 pp), July, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  12. Liu J; Zhang Q; Koch PM; Liu HB; Li Z-Y; Li S; Girart JM; Chen H-RV; Ching T-C; Ho PTP; Lai S-P; Qiu K; Rao R; Tang Y-W, "Multi-scale Physical Properties of NGC 6334 as Revealed by Local Relative Orientations between Magnetic Fields, Density Gradients, Velocity Gradients, and Gravity" , ApJ: 945(2), id.160 (22pp), March, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  13. Liu J; Zhang Q; Liu HB; Qiu K; Li S; Li Z-Y; Ho PTP; Girart JM; Ching T-C; Chen H-RV; Lai S-P; Rao R; Tang Y-W, "Deviation from a Continuous and Universal Turbulence Cascade in NGC 6334 due to Massive Star Formation Activity" , ApJ: 949(1), id.30 (11pp), May, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  14. Narayanan S; Williams JP; Tobin JJ; Jorgensen JK; Ohashi N; Lin Z-YD; van't Hoff MLR; Li Z-Y; Plunkett AL; Looney LW; Takakuwa S; Yen H-W; Aso Y; Flores C; Lee J-E; Lai S-P; Kwon W; de Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Sharma R; Lee CW, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). X. Compact Disks, Extended Infall, and a Fossil Outburst in the Class I Oph IRS43 Binary" , ApJ: 958(1), id.20 (10 pp), Nov, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  15. Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Jørgensen JK; Takakuwa S; Sheehan P; Aikawa Y; Li Z-Y; Looney LW; Williams JP; Aso Y; Sharma R; Sai J (Choi I); Yamato Y; Lee J-E; Tomida K; Yen H-W; Encalada FJ; Flores C; Gavino S; Kido M; Han I; Lin Z-YD; Narayanan S; Phuong NT; Santamaría-Miranda A; Thieme TJ; Van't Hoff MLR; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Plunkett A; Saigo K; Hirano S; Lam KH; Mori S, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). I. Overview of the Program and First Results" , ApJ: 951(1), id.8 (26pp), July, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  16. Sai J; Yen H-W; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Jørgensen JK; Takakuwa S; Saigo K; Aso Y; Lin Z-YD; Koch PM; Aikawa Y; Flores C; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Han I; Kido M; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li Z-Y; Looney LW; Mori S; Phuong NT; Santamaría-Miranda A; Sharma R; Thieme TJ; Tomida K; Williams JP, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). V. Possible Annular Substructure in a Circumstellar Disk in the Ced110 IRS4 System" , ApJ: 954(1), id.67 (25pp), Sep, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  17. Sharma R; Jørgensen JK; Gavino S; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Lin Z-YD; Li Z-Y; Takakuwa S; Lee CW; Sai J (Insa Choi); Kwon W; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Santamaría-Miranda A; Yen H-W; Aikawa Y; Aso Y; Lai S-P; Lee J-E; Looney LW; Phuong NT; Thieme TJ; Williams JP, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). IX. High-resolution ALMA Observations of the Class 0 Protostar R CrA IRS5N and Its Surroundings" , ApJ: 954(1), id.69 (22 pp), Sep, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  18. Tahani M; Bastien P; Furuya RS; Pattle K; Johnstone D; Arzoumanian D; Doi Y; Hasegawa T; Inutsuka S-I; Coudé S; Fissel L; Chen MC-Y; Poidevin F; Sadavoy S; Friesen R; Koch PM; Di Francesco J; Moriarty-Schieven GH; Chen Z; Chung EJ; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Gledhill T; Le Gouellec VJM; Hoang T; Hwang J; Kang J-H; Kim KH; Kirchschlager F; Kwon W; Lee CW; Liu H-L; Onaka T; Rawlings MG; Soam A; Tamura M; Tang X; Tomisaka K; Whitworth AP; Kwon J; Hoang TD; Redman M; Berry D; Ching T-C; Wang J-W; Lai S-P; Qiu K; Ward-Thompson D; Houde M; Byun D-Y; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y; Chrysostomou A; Diep PN; Duan H-Y; Fiege J; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Fuller G; Graves SF; Greaves JS; Griffin MJ; Gu Q; Han I; Hatchell J; Hayashi SS; Hull CLH; Inoue T; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Kanamori Y; Kang M; Kang S-J; Kataoka A; Kawabata KS; Kemper F; Kim G; Kim J; Kim K-T; Kim M-R; Kim S; Kirk JM; Kobayashi MIN; Konyves V; Kusune T; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee C-F; Lee H; Lee J-E; Lee S-S; Lee Y-H; Li D; Li D; Li H-B; Liu J; Liu S-Y; Liu T; De Looze I; Lyo AR; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews BC; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ohashi N; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Saito H; Savini G; Scaife AMM; Seta M; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tang Y-W; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang C-P; Zhang G; Zhang Y; Zhou J; Zhu L; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres SPS; Falle S; Van Loo S; Robitaille J-F, "JCMT BISTRO Observations: Magnetic Field Morphology of Bubbles Associated with NGC 6334" , ApJ: 944(2), id.139 (21pp), Feb, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  19. Thieme TJ; Lai S-P; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Jørgensen JK; Sai J; Aso Y; Williams JP; Yamato Y; Aikawa Y; de Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Han I; Kwon W; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li Z-Y; Lin Z-YD; Looney LW; Narayanan S; Phuong NT; Plunkett AL; Santamaría-Miranda A; Sharma R; Takakuwa S; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). VIII. A Small Protostellar Disk around the Extremely Low Mass and Young Class 0 Protostar IRAS 15398-3359" , ApJ: 958(1), id.60 (22pp), Nov, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  20. Van't Hoff MLR; Tobin JJ; Li Z-Y; Ohashi N; Jørgensen JK; Lin Z-YD; Aikawa Y; Aso Y; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Gavino S; Han I; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Looney LW; Narayanan S; Plunkett A; Sai J (Choi I); Santamaría-Miranda A; Sharma R; Sheehan PD; Takakuwa S; Thieme TJ; Williams JP; Lai S-P; Phuong NT; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). III. A First High-resolution View of Submillimeter Continuum and Molecular Line Emission toward the Class 0 Protostar L1527 IRS" , ApJ: 951(1), id.10 (29pp), July, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  21. Ward-Thompson D; Karoly J; Pattle K; Whitworth A; Kirk J; Berry D; Bastien P; Ching T-C; Coudé S; Hwang J; Kwon W; Soam A; Wang J-W; Hasegawa T; Lai S-P; Qiu K; Arzoumanian D; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Chen M; Chen Z; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y; Choi Y; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Dai S; Debattista V; Di Francesco J; Diep PN; Doi Y; Duan H-Y; Duan Y; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Furuya R; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hayashi S; Hoang T; Houde M; Hull CLH; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Johnstone D; Könyves V; Kang J-H; Kang M; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim J; Kim S; Kim G; Kim KH; Kim M-R; Kim K-T; Kim H; Kirchschlager F; Kobayashi MIN; Koch PM; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee CW; Lee H; Lee Y-H; Lee C-F; Lee J-E; Lee S-S; Li D; Li D; Li G; Li H-B; Lin S-J; Liu H-L; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Liu J; Longmore S; Lu X; Lyo AR; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ngoc NB; Ohashi N; Onaka T; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Rawlings M; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tahani M; Tamura M; Tang Y-W; Tang X; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Wu J; Xie J; Yang M-Z; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang G; Zhang Y; Zhang C-P; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; André P; Dowell CD; Eden D; Eyres S; Falle S; Le Gouellec VJM; Poidevin F; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "First BISTRO Observations of the Dark Cloud Taurus L1495A-B10: The Role of the Magnetic Field in the Earliest Stages of Low-mass Star Formation" , ApJ: 946(2), id.62 (12pp), April, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  22. Yamato Y; Aikawa Y; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Jørgensen JK; Takakuwa S; Aso Y; Choi J; Flores C; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Hirano S; Han I; Kido M; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li Z-Y; Lin Z-YD; Looney LW; Mori S; Narayanan S; Phuong NT; Saigo K; Santamaría-Miranda A; Sharma R; Thieme TJ; Tomida K; Van't Hoff MLR; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). IV. The Ringed and Warped Structure of the Disk around the Class I Protostar L1489 IRS" , ApJ: 951(1), id.11 (20pp), July, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  23. Ching T-C; Qiu K; Li D; Ren Z; Lai S-P; Berry D; Pattle K; Furuya R; Ward-Thompson D; Johnstone D; Koch PM; Lee CW; Hoang T; Hasegawa T; Kwon W; Bastien P; Eswaraiah C; Wang J-W; Kim KH; Hwang J; Soam A; Lyo AR; Liu J; Le Gouellec VJM; Arzoumanian D; Whitworth A; Di Francesco J; Poidevin F; Liu T; Coudé S; Tahani M; Liu H-L; Onaka T; Li D; Tamura M; Chen Z; Tang X; Kirchschlager F; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen M; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Cho J; Choi Y; Choi Y; Choi M; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Dai YS; Diep PN; Doi Y; Duan Y; Duan H-Y; Eden D; Fanciullo L; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hayashi S; Houde M; Hull CLH; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Könyves V; Kang J-H; Kang M; Karoly J; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim J; Kim M-R; Kim S; Kim H; Kim K-T; Kim G; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee S-S; Lee H; Lee J-E; Lee C-F; Lee Y-H; Li G; Li H-B; Lin S-J; Liu S-Y; Lu X; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ngoc NB; Ohashi N; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings M; Rawlings J; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tang Y-W; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Wu J; Xie J; Yang M-Z; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang C-P; Zhang Y; Zhang G; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "The JCMT BISTRO-2 Survey: Magnetic Fields of the Massive DR21 Filament" , ApJ: 941(2), id.122 (21 pp), Dec, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  24. Gupta A; Yen H-W; Koch P; Bastien P; Bourke TL; Chung EJ; Hasegawa T; Hull CLH; Inutsuka S-I; Kwon J; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Lee C-F; Pattle K; Qiu K; Tahani M; Tamura M; Ward-Thompson D, "Effects of magnetic field orientations in dense cores on gas kinematics in protostellar envelopes" , ApJ: 930(1), id.67 (17pp), May, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  25. Hwang J; Kim J; Pattle K; Lee CW; Koch PM; Johnstone D; Tomisaka K; Whitworth A; Furuya RS; Kang J-H; Lyo AR; Chung EJ; Arzoumanian D; Park G; Kwon W; Kim S; Tamura M; Kwon J; Soam A; Han I; Hoang T; Kim KH; Onaka T; Eswaraiah C; Ward-Thompson D; Liu H-L; Tang X; Chen WP; Matsumura M; Hoang TD; Chen Z; Le Gouellec VJM; Kirchschlager F; Poidevin F; Bastien P; Qiu K; Hasegawa T; Lai S-P; Byun D-Y; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y; Choi Y; Jeong I-G; Kang M; Kim H; Kim K-T; Lee J-E; Lee S-S; Lee Y-H; Lee H; Kim M-R; Yoo H; Yun H-S; Chen M; Francesco JD; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Houde M; Lacaille K; Matthews B; Sadavoy S; Moriarty-Schieven G; Tahani M; Ching T-C; Dai YS; Duan Y; Gu Q; Law C-Y; Li D; Li D; Li G; Li H-B; Liu T; Lu X; Qian L; Wang H; Wu J; Xie J; Yuan J; Zhang C-P; Zhang G; Zhang Y; Zhou J; Zhu L; Berry D; Friberg P; Graves S; Liu J; Mairs S; Parsons H; Rawlings M; Doi Y; Hayashi S; Hull CLH; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kim G; Kobayashi MIN; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Pyo T-S; Saito H; Seta M; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tsukamoto Y; Zenko T; Chen H-RV; Duan H-Y; Fanciullo L; Kemper F; Lee C-F; Lin S-J; Liu S-Y; Ohashi N; Rao R; Tang Y-W; Wang J-W; Yang M-Z; Yen H-W; Bourke TL; Chrysostomou A; Debattista V; Eden D; Eyres S; Falle S; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Greaves J; Griffin M; Hatchell J; Karoly J; Kirk J; Könyves V; Longmore S; Van Loo S; De Looze I; Peretto N; Priestley F; Rawlings J; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Savini G; Scaife A; Viti S; Diep PN; Ngoc NB; Tram LN; André P; Coudé S; Dowell CD; Friesen R; Robitaille J-F, "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: A Spiral Magnetic Field in a Hub-filament Structure, Monoceros R2" , ApJ: 941(1), id.51 (19pp), Dec, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  26. Kwon W; Pattle K; Sadavoy S; Hull CLH; Johnstone D; Ward-Thompson D; Francesco JD; Koch PM; Furuya R; Doi Y; Le Gouellec VJM; Hwang J; Lyo AR; Soam A; Tang X; Hoang T; Kirchschlager F; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Kim KH; Onaka T; Könyves V; Kang J-H; Lee CW; Tamura M; Bastien P; Hasegawa T; Lai S-P; Qiu K; Berry D; Arzoumanian D; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen WP; Chen H-RV; Chen M; Chen Z; Ching T-C; Cho J; Choi Y; Choi M; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Coudé S; Dai S; Diep PN; Duan Y; Duan H-Y; Eden D; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hatchell J; Hayashi S; Houde M; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Kang M; Karoly J; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim K-T; Kim G; Kim M-R; Kim S; Kim J; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee C-F; Lee Y-H; Lee H; Lee J-E; Lee S-S; Li D; Li D; Li H-B; Lin S-J; Liu S-Y; Liu H-L; Liu J; Liu T; Lu X; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ngoc NB; Ohashi N; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Rawlings MG; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tahani M; Tang Y-W; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Wang J-W; Whitworth A; Wu J; Xie J; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang Y; Zhang C-P; Zhang G; Zhou J; Zhu L; Looze ID; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Loo SV, "B-fields in Star-forming Region Observations (BISTRO): Magnetic Fields in the Filamentary Structures of Serpens Main" , ApJ: 926(2), id.163 (13pp), Feb, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  27. Pattle K; Lai S-P; Sadavoy S; Coudé S; Wolf S; Furuya R; Kwon W; Lee CW; Zielinski N, "Magnetic fields and outflows in the large Bok globule CB 54" , MNRAS: 515(1), 1026-1036, Sep, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  28. Sheehan PD; Tobin JJ; Li Z-Y; Van 'T Hoff MLR; Jørgensen JK; Kwon W; Looney LW; Ohashi N; Takakuwa S; Williams JP; Aso Y; Gavino S; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Han I; Lee CW; Plunkett A; Sharma R; Aikawa Y; Lai S-P; Lee J-E; Lin Z-YD; Saigo K; Tomida K; Yen H-W, "A VLA View of the Flared, Asymmetric Disk Around the Class 0 Protostar L1527 IRS" , ApJ: 934(2), id.95 (14 pp), Aug, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  29. Thieme TJ; Lai S-P; Lin S-J; Cheong P-I; Lee C-F; Yen H-W; Li Z-Y; Lam KH; Zhao B, "Accretion Flows or Outflow Cavities? Uncovering the Gas Dynamics around Lupus 3-MMS" , ApJ: 925(1), id.32 (18pp), Jan, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  30. Aso Y; Kwon W; Hirano N; Ching T-C; Lai S-P; Li Z-Y; Rao R, "Multi-scale Dust Polarization and Spiral-like Stokes-I Residual in the Class I Protostellar System TMC-1A" , ApJ: 920(2), id.71 (16pp), Oct, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  31. Doi Y; Tomisaka K; Hasegawa T; Coudé S; Arzoumanian D; Bastien P; Matsumura M; Tahani M; Sadavoy S; Hull CLH; Johnstone D; Di Francesco J; Shimajiri Y; Furuya RS; Kwon J; Tamura M; Ward-Thompson D; Le Gouellec VJM; Hoang T; Kirchschlager F; Hwang J; Eswaraiah C; Koch PM; Whitworth AP; Pattle K; Kwon W; Kang J; Inutsuka S-I; Bourke TL; Tang X; Fanciullo L; Lee CW; Liu H-L; Lyo A-R; Qiu K; Lai S-P, "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: Evidence for Pinched Magnetic Fields in Quiescent Filaments of NGC 1333" , ApJL: 923(1), id.L9 (12pp), Dec, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  32. Eswaraiah C; Li D; Furuya RS; Hasegawa T; Ward-Thompson D; Qiu K; Ohashi N; Pattle K; Sadavoy S; Hull CLH; Berry D; Doi Y; Ching T-C; Lai S-P; Wang J-W; Koch PM; Kwon J; Kwon W; Bastien P; Arzoumanian D; Coudé S; Soam A; Fanciullo L; Yen H-W; Liu J; Hoang T; Ping Chen W; Shimajiri Y; Liu T; Chen Z; Li H-b; Lyo A-R; Hwang J; Johnstone D; Rao R; Bich Ngoc N; Ngoc Diep P; Mairs S; Parsons H; Tamura M; Tahani M; Chen H-R; Nakamura F; Shinnaga H; Tang Y-W; Cho J; Won Lee C; Inutsuka S-i; Inoue T; Iwasaki K; Qian L; Xie J; Li D; Liu H-L; Zhang C-P; Chen M; Zhang G; Zhu L; Zhou J; André P; Liu S-Y; Yuan J; Lu X; Peretto N; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Dai S; Duan Y; Duan H-Y; Eden D; Matthews B; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Kim K-T; Lee C-F; Kim J; Pyo T-S; Choi Y; Choi M; Chrysostomou A; Jung Chung E; Ngoc Tram L; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hatchell J; Hayashi S; Houde M; Kawabata K; Jeong I-G; Kang J-h; Kang S-j; Kang M; Kataoka A; Kemper F; Rawlings M; Rawlings J; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Saito H; Savini G; Scaife A; Seta M; Kim G; Hee Kim K; Kim M-R; Kirchschlager F; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Konyves V; Kusune T; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee S-S; Lee Y-H; Matsumura M; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakanishi H; Onaka T; Park G; Tang X; Tomisaka K; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Whitworth A; Yoo H; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang Y; de Looze I; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; van Loo S, "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: Revealing the Diverse Magnetic Field Morphologies in Taurus Dense Cores with Sensitive Submillimeter Polarimetry" , ApJL: 912(2), id.L27 (15 pp), May, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  33. Hwang J; Kim J; Pattle K; Kwon W; Sadavoy S; Koch PM; Hull CLH; Johnstone D; Furuya RS; Won Lee C; Arzoumanian D; Tahani M; Eswaraiah C; Liu T; Kirchschlager F; Kim K-T; Tamura M; Kwon J; Lyo A-R; Soam A; Kang J-h; Bourke TL; Matsumura M; Mairs S; Kim G; Park G; Nakamura F; Onaka T; Tang X; Liu H-L; Ward-Thompson D; Li D; Hoang T; Hasegawa T; Qiu K; Lai S-P; Bastien P, "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: The Distribution of Magnetic Field Strengths toward the OMC-1 Region" , ApJ: 913(2), id.85 (20pp), Jun, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  34. Könyves V; Ward-Thompson D; Pattle K; Di Francesco J; Arzoumanian D; Chen Z; Diep PN; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Furuya RS; Hoang T; Hull CLH; Hwang J; Johnstone D; Kang J-h; Karoly J; Kirchschlager F; Kirk JM; Koch PM; Kwon J; Lee CW; Onaka T; Robitaille J-F; Soam A; Tahani M; Tang X; Tamura M; Berry D; Bastien P; Ching T-C; Coudé S; Kwon W; Wang J-W; Hasegawa T; Lai S-P; Qiu K, "The JCMT BISTRO-2 Survey: The Magnetic Field in the Center of the Rosette Molecular Cloud" , ApJ: 913(1), id.57 (11pp), May, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  35. Lee C-F; Li Z-Y; Yang H; Lin Z-Y D; Ching T-C; Lai S-P, "What Produces Dust Polarization in the HH 212 Protostellar Disk at 878 μm: Dust Self-scattering or Dichroic Extinction?" , ApJ: 910(1), id.75 (12pp), Mar, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  36. Lee Y-H; Johnstone D; Lee J-E; Herczeg G; Mairs S; Contreras-Peña C; Hatchell J; Naylor T; Bell GS; Bourke TL; Broughton C; Francis L; Gupta A; Harsono D; Liu S-Y; Park G; Plovie S; Moriarty-Schieven GH; Scholz A; Sharma T; Teixeira PS; Wang Y-T; Aikawa Y; Bower GC; Chen H-RV; Bae J; Baek G; Chapman S; Chen WP; Du F; Dutta S; Forbrich J; Guo Z; Inutsuka S-I; Kang M; Kirk H; Kuan Y-J; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lalchand B; Lane JMM; Lee C-F; Liu T; Morata O; Pearson S; Pon A; Sahu D; Shang H; Stamatellos D; Tang S-Y; Xu Z; Yoo H; Rawlings JMC, "The JCMT Transient Survey: Four-year Summary of Monitoring the Submillimeter Variability of Protostars" , ApJ: 920(2), id.119 (23pp), Oct, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  37. Lyo A-R; Kim J; Sadavoy S; Johnstone D; Berry D; Pattle K; Kwon W; Bastien P; Onaka T; Di Francesco J; Kang J-H; Furuya R; Hull CLH; Tamura M; Koch PM; Ward-Thompson D; Hasegawa T; Hoang T; Arzoumanian D; Won Lee C; Lee C-F; Byun D-Y; Kirchschlager F; Doi Y; Kim K-T; Hwang J; Diep PN; Fanciullo L; Lee S-S; Park G; Yoo H; Chung EJ; Whitworth A; Mairs S; Soam A; Liu T; Tang X; Coudé S; André P; Bourke TL; Vivien Chen H-R; Chen Z; Ping Chen W; Chen M; Ching T-C; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y; Chrysostomou A; Dai S; Dowell CD; Duan H-Y; Duan Y; Eden D; Eswaraiah C; Eyres S; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hatchell J; Hayashi S; Houde M; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Kang M; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim G; Kim M-R; Kim S; Kim KH; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Könyves V; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Lai S-P; Law C-Y; Lee J-E; Lee Y-H; Lee H; Li D; Li D; Li H-B; Liu H-L; Liu J; Liu S-Y; Lu X; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Bich Ngoc N; Ohashi N; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Qiu K; Rao R; Rawlings J; Rawlings MG; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Saito H; Savini G; Scaife A; Seta M; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tahani M; Tang Y-W; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang J-W; Wang H; Xie J; Yen H-W; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang G; Zhang C-P; Zhang Y; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; Dowell CD; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: An 850/450 μm Polarization Study of NGC 2071IR in Orion B" , ApJ: 918(2), id.85 (17pp), Sep, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  38. Ngoc NB; Diep PN; Parsons H; Pattle K; Hoang T; Ward-Thompson D; Tram LN; Hull CLH; Tahani M; Furuya R; Bastien P; Qiu K; Hasegawa T; Kwon W; Doi Y; Lai S-P; Coudé S; Berry D; Ching T-C; Hwang J; Soam A; Wang J-W; Arzoumanian D; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen H-RV; Chen Z; Chen WP; Chen M; Cho J; Choi Y; Choi M; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Dai S; Di Francesco J; Duan Y; Duan H-Y; Eden D; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hatchell J; Hayashi S; Houde M; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Johnstone D; Kang J-H; Kang S-J; Kang M; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim K-T; Kim J; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings M; Rawlings J; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Scaife A; Seta M; Kim G; Kim S; Kim KH; Kim M-R; Kirchschlager F; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Koch PM; Konyves V; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee S-S; Lee Y-H; Lee C-F; Lee J-E; Lee H; Lee CW; Li D; Li H-B; Li D; Liu H-L; Liu J; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Lu X; Lyo AR; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ohashi N; Onaka T; Park G; Peretto N; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tamura M; Tang Y-W; Tang X; Tomisaka K; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Whitworth A; Xie J; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang Y; Zhang C-P; Zhang G; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "Observations of Magnetic Fields Surrounding LkHα 101 Taken by the BISTRO Survey with JCMT-POL-2" , ApJ: 908(1), id.10 (20pp), Feb, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  39. Pattle K; Lai S-P; Di Francesco J; Sadavoy S; Ward-Thompson D; Johnstone D; Hoang T; Arzoumanian D; Bastien P; Bourke TL; Coudé S; Doi Y; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Furuya RS; Hwang J; Hull CLH; Kang J; Kim K-T; Kirchschlager F; Kwon J; Kwon W; Lee CW; Liu T; Redman M; Soam A; Tahani M; Tamura M; Tang X, "JCMT POL-2 and BISTRO Survey Observations of Magnetic Fields in the L1689 Molecular Cloud" , ApJ: 907(2), id.88 (21pp), Feb, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  40. Pattle K; Lai S-P; Wright M; Coudé S; Plambeck R; Hoang T; Tang Y-W; Bastien P; Eswaraiah C; Furuya RS; Hwang J; Inutsuka S-I; Kim K-T; Kirchschlager F; Kwon W; Lee CW; Liu S-Y; Lyo A; Ohashi N; Rawlings MG; Tahani M; Tamura M; Soam A; Wang J-W; Ward-Thompson D, "OMC-1 dust polarization in ALMA Band 7: diagnosing grain alignment mechanisms in the vicinity of Orion Source I" , MNRAS: 503(3), 3414-3433, May, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  41. Doi Y; Hasegawa T; Furuya RS; …; Koch PM; …; Wang J-W; Lai S-P; …; Chen H-RV; …; Fanciullo L; …; Kemper F; …; Lee C-F; …; Liu S-Y; …; Ohashi N; …; Rao R; …; Tang Y-W; …; Yen H-W; et al., "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: Magnetic Fields Associated with a Network of Filaments in NGC 1333" , ApJ: 889(1), id.28 (33pp.), Aug, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  42. Hsieh C-H; Lai S-P; Cheong P-I; et al., "Determining the Physical Conditions of an Extremely Young Class 0 Circumbinary Disk around VLA 1623A" , ApJ: 894(1), Id.23 (26pp.), May, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  43. Coudé S; Bastien P; Houde M; ...; Lai SP; ...; Chen HR; ...; Kemper F; ...; Koch PM; ...; Liu SY; ...; Rao R; ...; Tang YW; ...; Yen HW; et al., "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: The Magnetic Field of the Barnard 1 Star-forming Region" , ApJ: 877(2), id. 88 (17 pp.), Jun, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  44. Eden DJ; Liu T; Kim K-T; ...; Liu S-Y; ...; Hirano N; ...; Koch PM; ...; Chu YH; ...; Lai SP; Lee CF; ...; Morata O; ...; Pech G; ...; Shang H; ...; Tang YW; et al., "SCOPE: SCUBA-2 Continuum Observations of Pre-protostellar Evolution - survey description and compact source catalogue" , MNRAS: 485(2), 2895-2908, May, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  45. Hsieh C-H; Hu Y; Lai S-P; Liu SY; Hsieh IT; et al., "Tracing Magnetic Field Morphology Using the Velocity Gradient Technique in the Presence of CO Self-absorption" , ApJ: 873(1), id. 16 (16 pp.), Mar, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  46. Hsieh T-H; Hirano N; Belloche A; Lee C-F; Aso Y; Lai S-P, "ALMA Observations of the Protostellar Disk around the VeLLO IRAS 16253-2429" , ApJ: 871(1), id. 100 (11 pp.), Jan, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  47. Hsieh T-H; Murillo NM; Belloche A; Hirano N; ...; Lai S-P, "Chronology of Episodic Accretion in Protostars—An ALMA Survey of the CO and H2O Snowlines" , ApJ: 884(2), id. 149 (21 pp.), Oct, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  48. Lee C-F; Kwon W; Jhan K-S; Hirano N; ...; SP Lai; ...; Rao R; Ho PTP, "A Pseudodisk Threaded with a Toroidal and Pinched Poloidal Magnetic Field Morphology in the HH 211 Protostellar System" , ApJ: 879(2), id. 101 (12 pp.), Jul, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  49. Liu JH; Qiu KP; Berry D; ...; Koch PM; ...; Lai SP; ...; Chen HRV; Fanciullo L; ... Kemper F; ...; Lee C-F; ...; Liu SY; ...; Rao R; ...; Tang Y-W; ...; Yen HW; et al., "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: The Magnetic Field in the Starless Core ρ Ophiuchus C" , ApJ: 877(1), id. 43 (17 pp.), May, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  50. Pattle K; Lai S-P; Hasegawa T; ...; Fanciullo L; ...; Liu SY; et al., "JCMT BISTRO Survey Observations of the Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud: Dust Grain Alignment Properties Inferred Using a Ricean Noise Model" , ApJ: 880(1), id. 27 (16 pp.), Jul, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  51. Ching T-C; Lai S-P; Zhang Q; ...; Liu HB, "Interactions Between Gas Dynamics and Magnetic Fields in the Massive Dense Cores of the DR21 Filament" , ApJ: 865(2), id. 110 (17 pp.), Oct, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  52. Galametz M; Maury A; Girart JM; Rao R; ...; Lai SP, "SMA observations of polarized dust emission in solar-type Class 0 protostars: Magnetic field properties at envelope scales" , A&A: 616, id. A139 (22 pp.), Sep, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  53. Hsieh TH; Murillo NM; Belloche A; Hirano N; ...; Lai SP, "Probing Episodic Accretion in Very Low Luminosity Objects" , ApJ: 854(1), id. 15 (29 pp.), Feb 10, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  54. Kwon J; Doi Y; Tamura M; ...; Lai, S-P; ...; Koch PM; …; Rao R; …; Chen H-R; …; Kemper F; ...; Liu S-Y;…; Ohashi N; …; Tang Y-W; ...; Yen H-W; et al., "A First Look at BISTRO Observations of the ρ Oph-A core" , ApJ: 859(1), id. 4 (22 pp.), May, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  55. Lee C-F; Hwang H-C; Ching T-C; Hirano N; Lai S-P; Rao R; Ho PTP, "Unveiling a magnetized jet from a low-mass protostar" , Nature Communications: 9, 4636 (7 pp.), Nov, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  56. Maury AJ; Girart JM; Zhang Q; ...; Rao R; Lai S-P; Ohashi N; et al., "Magnetically regulated collapse in the B335 protostar? I. ALMA observations of the polarized dust emission" , MNRAS: 477(2), 2760-2765, June, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  57. Murillo NM; Harsono D; McClure M; Lai SP; Hogerheijde MR, "Revised SED of the triple protostellar system VLA 1623-2417" , A&A: 615, L14, July, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  58. Pattle K; Ward-Thompson D; Hasegawa T; ...; Lai, SP; et al., "First Observations of the Magnetic Field inside the Pillars of Creation: Results from the BISTRO Survey" , ApJL: 860(1), L6 (6 pp), June, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  59. Soam A; Pattle K; Ward-Thompson D; ...; Koch PM; ...; Lai SP; ...; Rao R; ...; Chen R-H; ....; Kemper F; ...; Liu SY; ...; Ohashi N; ...; Tang YW; ...; Yen HW; et al., "Magnetic Fields toward Ophiuchus-B Derived from SCUBA-2 Polarization Measurements" , ApJ: 861(1), id. 65 (13 pp. ), July, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  60. Ching TC; Lai SP; Zhang Q; Girart JM; Qiu K; Liu HB, "Magnetic Fields in the Massive Dense Cores of the DR21 Filament: Weakly Magnetized Cores in a Strongly Magnetized Filament" , ApJ: 838(2), 121, April, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  61. Herczeg GJ; Johnstone D; Mairs S; ...; Bower GC; Chen HRV; ...; Rao R; ...; Takahashi S; Morata O; ...; Kuan YJ; ...; Lai SP; ...; Lee CF; ...; Lyo AR; ...; Scicluna P; ...; Takakuwa S; Tang YW; et al., "How Do Stars Gain Their Mass? A JCMT/SCUBA-2 Transient Survey of Protostars in Nearby Star-forming Regions" , ApJ: 849(1), 43, Nov 1, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  62. Hsieh T-H; Lai S-P; Belloche A, "Widening of Protostellar Outflows: An Infrared Outflow Survey in Low-luminosity Objects" , AJ: 153(4), 173, April, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  63. Hull CLH; Mocz P; Burkhart B; ...; Lai S-P, "Unveiling the Role of the Magnetic Field at the Smallest Scales of Star Formation" , ApJ: 842(2), L9, June, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  64. Ward-Thompson D; Pattle K; Bastien P; ...; Lai S-P; ...; Koch PM; ...; Rao R; ...; Kemper F; ...; Liu S-Y; ...; Tang YW; ...; Yen HW; ...; et al., "First Results from BISTRO: A SCUBA-2 Polarimeter Survey of the Gould Belt" , ApJ: 842(1), 66, June, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  65. Ching T-C; Lai S-P; Zhang Q; ...; Rao R, "Helical Magnetic Fields in the NGC 1333 IRAS 4A Protostellar Outflows" , ApJ: 819(2), 159, March, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  66. Cortes PC; Girart JM; Hull CLH; ...; Lai S-P, "Interferometric Mapping of Magnetic Fields: The ALMA View of the Massive Star-forming Clump W43-MM1" , ApJ: 825(1), L15, July, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  67. Hsieh T-H; Lai S-P; Belloche A; et al.,, "IRAS 16253–2429: The First Proto-brown Dwarf Binary Candidate Identified through the Dynamics of Jets" , ApJ: 826(1), 68, July, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  68. Liu HB; Lai S-P; Hasegawa Y; Hirano N; Rao R; Li I-H; et al., "Detection of Linearly Polarized 6.9 mm Continuum Emission from the Class 0 Young Stellar Object NGC1333 IRAS4A" , ApJ: 821(1), 41, April, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  69. Persson MV; Harsono D; Tobin JJ; ...; Lai S-P, "Constraining the physical structure of the inner few 100 AU scales of deeply embedded low-mass protostars" , A&A: 590, A33, May, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  70. Su KYL; Rieke GH; Defrére D; Wang K-S; Lai S-P; ...; Lee C-F, "The Inner Debris Structure in the Fomalhaut Planetary System" , ApJ: 818(1), 45, Feb, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  71. Murillo NM; Bruderer S; van Dishoeck EF; ...; Lai S-P; et al., "A low-mass protostar's disk-envelope interface: disk-shadowing evidence from ALMA DCO+ observations of VLA1623" , A&A: 579, A114, July, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  72. Santagelo G; Murillo NM; Nisini B, ...; Lai S-P; et al., "Disentangling the jet emission from protostellar systems. The ALMA view of VLA1623" , A&A: 581, A91, Sept, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  73. Koch PM; Tang Y-W; Ho PTP; Zhang Q; Girart JM; Chen HR; Frau P; Li HB; Li ZY; Liu HY B; Padovani M; Qiu K; Yen HW; Chen HH; Ching TC; Lai SP; Rao R, "The Importance of the Magnetic Field from an SMA-CSO-Combined Sample of Star-Forming Regions" , ApJ: 797(2), 99, Dec, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  74. Lee C-F; Rao R; Ching T-C; Lai S-P; Hirano N; Ho PTP; Hwang H-C, "Magnetic field structure in the Flattened Envelope and Jet in the young protostellar system HH 211" , ApJL: 797(1), L9-12, Dec 20, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  75. Rao R; Girart JM; Lai SP; Marrone DP, "Detection of a Magnetized Disk around a Very Young Protostar" , ApJL: 780(1), L6, Jan, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  76. Zhang Q; Qiu K; Girart JM; Liu HB; Tang Y-W; Koch PM; Ho PTP; Rao R; Lai S-P; et al., "Magnetic Fields and Massive Star Formation" , ApJ: 792(2), 116, Sept 10, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  77. Girart JM; Frau P; Zhang Q; Koch PM; Qiu K; Tang Y-W; Lai S-P; Ho PTP, "DR 21(OH): A Highly Fragmented, Magnetized, Turbulent Dense Core" , ApJ: 772(1), 69, July, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  78. Murillo NM; Lai S-P, "Disentangling the entangled: Observations and analysis of the triple non-coeval protostellar system VLA1623" , ApJL: 764(1), L15, Feb 10, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  79. Murillo NM; Lai S-P; Bruderer S; Harsono D; van Dishoeck EF, "A Keplerian disk around a Class 0 source: ALMA observations of VLA1623A" , A&A: 560, A103, Dec, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  80. Takami M; Chen H-H;Karr JL; Lee H-T; Lai SP; Minh Y-C, "Emission Mechanism of "Green Fuzzies" in High-mass Star-forming Regions" , ApJ: 748(1), 8, Mar, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  81. Hung C-L; Lai S-P; Yan C-H, "The Evolution of Density Structure of Starless and Protostellar Cores" , ApJ: 710(1), 207-211, Feb 10, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  82. Tang Y-W; Ho PTP; ...; Rao R; Koch P; et al., "Evolution of Magnetic Fields in High Mass Star Formation: SMA dust polarization image of the UCHII region G5.89-0.39" , ApJ: 695(2), 1399-1412, April 20, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  83. Tang Y-W; Ho PTP; Koch PM; ...; Lai SP; Rao R, "Evolution of Magnetic Fields in High Mass Star Formation: Linking field geometry and collapse for the W51 e2/e8 cores" , ApJ: 700(1), 251-261, July 20, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  84. Padgett DL; Rebull LM; Stapelfeldt KR; ...; Lai SP; et al., "The Spitzer c2d survey of large, nearby, interstellar clouds. VII. Ophiuchus observed with MIPS" , ApJ: 672(2), 1013-1037, Jan 10, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  85. Brooke TY; Huard TL; Bourke TL; ...; Lai SP; ...; et al., "The Spitzer c2d survey of nearby dense cores. IV. Revealing the embedded cluster in B59" , ApJ: 655(1), 364-374, Jan 20, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  86. Chapman NL; Lai SP; Mundy LG; et al., "The Spitzer c2d survey of large, nearby, interstellar clouds. IV. Lupus observed with mips" , ApJ: 667(1), 288-302, Sep 20, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  87. Rebull LM; Stapelfeldt KR; Evans NJ; ...; Lai SP; et al., "The Spitzer c2d survey of large, nearby, interstellar clouds. VI. Perseus observed with MIPS" , ApJS: 171(2), 447-477, Aug, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  88. Lee JE; Di Francesco J; Lai SP; et al., "The Spitzer c2d survey of nearby dense cores. III. Low-mass star formation in a small group, L1251B" , ApJ: 648(1), 491-503, Sep 1, 2006 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
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