郭岳芳 Kuo, Yue-Fang

Visiting Scholar (Dept. Electrical Engineering, YZ Univ.)

photo of 郭岳芳
電子信箱: yfkuo   _replace_to_@_   saturn.yzu.edu.tw


His research interests are in the area of radio frequency integrated circuits. His previouse work includes CMOS PLL frequency synthesizers, and clock generators. He is currently working on millimeter-wave astronomical local oscillators and radio astronomical instrumentation design, yield phase-locked broadband VCO module for ALMA band1 applications.




  1. Kuo Y-F; Weng R-M, "5 GHz Low Power Frequency Synthesizer with Dual-modulus Counter", IET Circuits, Devices & Systems: 3(6), 365-375, Dec, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  2. Chang HY; Weng RM; Kuo YF, "An independently tunable dual-band bandpass filter using open-loop resonators", J Electromagnet Wave: 29(1), 1-13, Jan, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )