Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics
研究領域 > 星際與拱星介質


Evidence of a Binary-Induced Spiral from an Incomplete Ring Pattern of CIT 6
The Dust Input from Evolved Stars to The Magellanic Clouds
Map of the abundance of the CS molecule
Artist impression of fullerenes in front of a planetary nebulae.
Artist impression of fullerenes in front of a planetary nebulae.
The location of the C60 containing Planetary Nebulae (blue symbols) in the Milky Way
The location of the C60 containing Planetary Nebulae (blue symbols) in the Milky Way
Crystallization of circumstellar silicates
lattice structure of crystalline silicate
lattice structure of amorphous silicate
crystalline silicates (1)
crystalline silicates (2)
The evolution of dust abundance
Spectral energy distribution of pulsed emission from a middle-aged pulsar B1951+32
CO(6-5) line at 690 GHz of the proto-planetary nebula CRL 618
Spectrum centered around 143 GHz of carbon star CW Leo
CO(2-1) emission from carbon star R Scl
Evolution of dust abundance
The crystalline fraction of interstellar silicates in starburst galaxies
Molecular hydrogen, PAH, and Bralpha line maps of SNR N49 in the Large Magellanic Cloud

恆星之間的空間裡並不是空無一物的,那裡其實充滿氣體和塵埃,稱為「星際介質」(interstellar medium: ISM)

The life cycle of dust in the interstellar medium of a galaxy


星際與拱星介質"ICSM"這個團隊,研究的是星際與拱星周環境的物理和化學性質。團隊成員背景多樣,除了專門觀測的成員(觀測主要是在紅外線及次毫米波波段中進行)以外,還有建構模型的成員,由各種角度去研究星系中物質的生命週期(對象不含恆星)。按研究的主題來分類,則包括:漸近巨星分支(Asymptotic Giant Branch: AGB)的氣體和塵埃的質量損失如何發生;AGB包層的化學成分;拱星包層在物理結構上的雙星效應;分子雲和透明雲的化學成分;天文化學;年輕恆星的拱星周環境;原棕矮星;行星狀星雲;超新星所產生的塵埃;星系中的氣體塵埃的生命週期-特別探討麥哲倫雲星系;天文礦物學;早期宇宙中的塵埃和活躍星系中的塵埃。

Schematic chemical structure of the circumstellar shell of an AGB star
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