Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics
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Postdoctoral Positions in Observation, Theory, or Instrumentation

Closing Date: November 30, 2015

The online application form is closed.
The Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA) has openings for postdoctoral positions. Candidates who work in (a) Optical/IR/Radio astronomy, (b) Theoretical/Computational Astrophysics, or (c) Instrumentation (optical/IR/submilimeter) are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree in astronomy/astrophysics, physics, or engineering or other areas related to the research in our institute prior to beginning an appointment.
ASIAA is an institute of Academia Sinica, the leading national research organization of Taiwan. The Institute has approximately 210 staff members. Research topics include the Solar and Exoplanetary Systems, Star and Planet Formation, Astrochemistry, Stars and Compact Objects, Galactic Dynamics, Active Galaxies, Galaxy Evolution, Cosmology, and Instrumentation Developments.
  1. ASIAA has access to forefront radio observing facilities. ASIAA operates the SMA in collaboration with the SAO.
  2. ASIAA is a member of the ALMA project through collaborations with East Asia and North America.
  3. ASIAA is also a member of EACOA (East Asian Core Observatories Association) and has access to the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope.
  4. The Y. T. Lee Array on Mauna Loa is being modified for intensity mapping observations of CO rotational transitions.
  5. A retrofitted ALMA-NA prototype telescope will be deloyed to Greenland in 2016 for submm VLBI observations of shadows of supermassive black holes and related sciences, as well as single-dish THz observations.
  6. ASIAA has gained access to the CFHT, Subaru Telescope, and associated surveys, such as the Hyper-Suprime-Cam survey (HSC), through participation in instrumentation developments.
  7. The TAOS-2 project, consisting of three 1.3m telescope deployed at San Pedro Mártir in Mexico, will see the first light in 2016 and conduct a survey of small objects beyond Neptune and other time-domain sciences.
  8. ASIAA is also an Associate Institutional Member of SDSS-IV project, which is an on-going program to study the Milky Way, the nearby galaxy population, and large-scale structure with the APOGEE, MaNGA, and eBOSS surveys, respectively.
  9. In addition, theoretical and computational astrophysics (CompAS) is being pursued in ASIAA/TIARA (Theoretical Institute for Advanced Research in Astrophysics). The initiative CHARMS of TIARA aims to develop numerical simulators to bridge observations and theories in fluid dynamics, chemistry, and radiative transfer.
ASIAA offers excellent research facilities (more details in our Home Page) and an international environment, where English is the working language. We seek candidates who will actively participate in the Institute's projects, in particular:
  1. optical/IR astronomers to pursue research topics related to Institute interests (e.g., HSC, PFS, and/or SDSS-IV);
  2. radio astronomers to pursue scientific observations or participate in ongoing tests and software-developments with ALMA, SMA, VLBI, or Y. T. Lee Array;
  3. solar system or planetary astronomers to participate in the study of small objects beyond Neptune through TAOS-2;
  4. scientists or engineers to participate in instrumentation development for Optical/IR telescopes or radio telescopes; or
  5. scientists with backgrounds in astrophysics or planetary sciences to pursue topics in theoretical astrophysics, computational fluid dynamics, or MHD
The postdoc appointments at ASIAA will initially be for two years, with possible extension for additional two years based on satisfactory performance.
Applicants should apply online and submit:
  1. (1) a curriculum vitae,
  2. (2) publication list,
  3. (3) a summary of past and current research (or instrumentation experience), and
  4. (4) a plan for future research.
Applicants are also requested to arrange three letters of recommendation to be submitted online at the same site.
Applications submitted by or on 30 November 2015 will receive full consideration.
Inquiries may be sent by email to: Email:

Included Benefits:

Medical insurance and travel allowance are provided. Please see the Academia Sinica website for more information :
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11F of AS/NTU Astronomy-Mathematics Building, No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd, Taipei 10617, Taiwan, R.O.C.