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研究成果藝廊 > 理論天文物理理論天文物理 (Theory)


理論天文物理理論天文物理 (Theory)

The Existence of Inner Cool Disks in the Low Hard State of Accreting Black Holes
圖片來源: Liu, Taam, Meyer-Hofmeister and Meyer
The Existence of Inner Cool Disks in the Low Hard State of Accreting Black Holes
Schematic picture of the truncated outer disk separated from the inner disk by a coronal gap, indicating the energy and mass flow in the configuration.
The description for the condensation of material from a hot coronal region to a cool inner accretion disk surrounding a black hole in a X-ray binary system has been investigated. A simple model for the exchange of energy and mass is illustrated schematically in the accompanying figure. Here, the exchange results from thermal conduction and electron (Compton) scattering processes. The theory provides an interpretative framework for understanding the recently discovered (using the XMM Newton X-ray telescope) cool inner disks surrounding black holes in X-ray transient systems in their quiescent state. (Liu, Taam, Meyer-Hofmeister, and Meyer, 2007, ApJ, 671, 695)
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