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研究成果藝廊 > 中美掩星計畫(TAOS)



The light curves derived from the TAOS zipper mode data
圖片來源: Andrew Wang
The light curves derived from the TAOS zipper mode data
Lightcurves of (62) Erato occultation on 2011-01-17. This event was observed from two sites separated some 60 km at Taichung (24:06:48N, 120:39:00E) and Lulin (23:28:07N, 120:52:25E). The time of ingress and egress were (16:37:58.33 - 16:38:02.33UT) and (16:37:57.715 - 16:38:03.115UT) respectively for two sites. The estimated diameter of (62) Erato is 85.2+/-0.9 km.
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