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成果發表 > 研究成果藝廊 > 掩星計畫



Shadow of a KBO projected onto the surface of the Earth Shadow of a KBO projected onto the surface of the Earth
Shadow of a KBO projected onto the surface of the Earth. Note the significant diffraction effects. The image is 10 km on a side. ...(more)
The four TAOS telescopes on top of Lu-Lin Mountain. The four TAOS telescopes on top of Lu-Lin Mountain.
The four TAOS telescopes on top of Lu-Lin Mountain. ...(more)
TAOS II at San Pedro Mártir Observatory TAOS II at San Pedro Mártir Observatory
Rendering of the three TAOS II telescopes to be installed at San Pedro Mártir Observatory in Baja California, Mexico in 2013. The TAOS II control room is shown on the ...(more)
The light curves derived from the TAOS zipper mode data The light curves derived from the TAOS zipper mode data
Lightcurves of (62) Erato occultation on 2011-01-17. This event was observed from two sites separated some 60 km at Taichung (24:06:48N, 120:39:00E) and Lulin (23:28:07N, 120:52:25E). The time of ingress ...(more)
The lightcurves and estimated diameter of (62) Erato from occultation The lightcurves and estimated diameter of (62) Erato from occultation
Lightcurves of (62) Erato occultation on 2011-01-17. This event was observed from two sites separated some 60 km at Taichung (24:06:48N, 120:39:00E) and Lulin (23:28:07N, 120:52:25E). The time of ingress ...(more)
TAOS telescopes TAOS telescopes
One of the TAOS 0.5m telescopes in its enclosure ...(more)
TAOS zipper-mode image of the occultation of HIP050525 (mv~8.46mag) by the asteroid (1723) Klemola (mv~15.7mag;D~31km) TAOS zipper-mode image of the occultation of HIP050525 (mv~8.46mag) by the asteroid (1723) Klemola (mv~15.7mag;D~31km)
TAOS zipper-mode image of the occultation of HIP050525 (mv~8.46mag) by the asteroid (1723) Klemola (mv~15.7mag;D~31km). Each frame is a 0.25 second read out of the field. Some 108 stellar photometric ...(more)
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台北市106216羅斯福路四段1號 中央研究院/台灣大學天文數學館11樓