CO(3-2) molecular outflow from the high-mass young star IRAS 20126+4104
Top left: SMA image of the CO(3-2) molecular outflow from the high-mass young star IRAS 20126+4104. Top right: The velocity-channel map of the H2CO emission that arises from the dense gas surrounding the young star. Bottom left: The observed P-V diagram o
IRAS 20126+4104, located at a distance of 1.7 kpc from the sun, is the first and perhaps the best high-mass protostellar candidate identified with a disk and a well collimated SiO jet. The high-velocity CO(3-2) molecular outflow imaged with the SMA is qualitatively consistent with the interpretation of a precessing outflow. Toward the center of this outflow, there is a compact H2CO emission surrounding the central source, which may very well be the evidence for an edge-on disk in Keplerian rotation. The best fitted model gives the mass of the protostar approximately 8 times that of the sun.