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Astronomers Reveal First Image of the Black Hole at the Heart of Our Galaxy Astronomers Reveal First Image of the Black Hole at the Heart of Our Galaxy
The first image of the supermassive black hole at the center of our Galaxy, Sgr A*. With this image, we are now very sure that this source is a supermassive ...(more)
GLT participated for EHT/GMVA observations GLT participated for EHT/GMVA observations
GLT joined the 2022 Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) 230 GHz and Global Millimeter VLBI Array (GMVA) 86 GHz VLBI observations. Picture taken at the ASIAA Remote Observation Room with video-linked ...(more)
GLT Team Conducted Remote Observations for EHT/GMVA Observations GLT Team Conducted Remote Observations for EHT/GMVA Observations
Due to the pandemic, we quickly made the remote observation system for the GLT, and successfully joined the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) 230 GHz and the Global Millimeter VLBI Array ...(more)
First Polarization Image around the Black Hole Shadow First Polarization Image around the Black Hole Shadow
The polarized light at the vicinity of the black hole for the first time (EHT Collaboration et al. 2021, ApJL, 910, L12), which carries the magnetic field and plasma information ...(more)
The First Black Hole Shadow Image The First Black Hole Shadow Image
The first ever image of a black hole shadow in the human history. The image is a supermassive black hole at the center of an elliptical galaxy M87 at the ...(more)
22nd AS Open House “Black Hole“ 22nd AS Open House “Black Hole“
Due to the huge success of the first black hole shadow press conference, the AS Headquarter decided to have the main theme of “Black Hole” in the 22nd AS Open ...(more)
EHT Press Conference 2019 EHT Press Conference 2019
On April 10, 2019, we held a very large press conference in the Academia Sinica (AS) Headquarter, simultaneously together with five other regions (Brussels, Santiago, Shanghai, Tokyo, & Washington D.C.) ...(more)
Photonics Local Oscillator Transmitter, GLT Project Photonics Local Oscillator Transmitter, GLT Project
Internal photos of Photonics LO Transmitter instrument. Left - top view of optical and RF components including Optilab 40 GHz transmitter, erbium doped fiber amplifier, 30 GHz receiver, low noise ...(more)
345 GHz Receiver Astronomical First Light!!! 345 GHz Receiver Astronomical First Light!!!
On Sep.1, 2018, since the antenna dish surface accuracy was improved, Moon started to rise from the horizon, and the sky was clear, so we tried to observe Moon using ...(more)
GLT Antenna Surface Improvement GLT Antenna Surface Improvement
Improvement of the accuracy of the GLT antenna dish surface is done by the photogrammetry. ...(more)
Joined the EHT Observation for the First Time!!! Joined the EHT Observation for the First Time!!!
We successfully joined the EHT observations for the first time in Apr. 2018, and observed the SMBH of M87, together with ALMA, JCMT, and SMA, which are Taiwan related telescopes, ...(more)
GLT Astronomical First Fringe!!! GLT Astronomical First Fringe!!!
We joined a dress rehearsal for the EHT 2018 observations on Jan. 28th ,2018, together with the ALMA and the South Pole Telescope (SPT). ...(more)
Parabolic Streamline of the Black Hole-driven Jet from ten to million gravitational radii in M87 Parabolic Streamline of the Black Hole-driven Jet from ten to million gravitational radii in M87
Multi-wavelength VLBI observations (Asada & Nakamura 2012; Nakamura & Asada 2013; Asada, Nakamura, & Pu 2016) reveal the collimating jet profile inside the sphere of gravitational influence of the supermassive ...(more)
Formation of Superluminal Knots in GRMHD simulations Formation of Superluminal Knots in GRMHD simulations
Superluminal motions are widely detected in AGN jets by utilizing the VLBI technique, implying that the flow is highly relativistic (apparent speeds are exceeding the speed of light ~ 10 ...(more)
System integration test from receiver to Mark 6 recorder System integration test from receiver to Mark 6 recorder
In May 2017, the GLT make the very first-time integration test from receiver to the backend recorder in ASIAA-Hawaii laboratory. Since the instrument rack is not delivered on time, the ...(more)
GLT receiver noise measurement in JCMT GLT receiver noise measurement in JCMT
The GLT frontend hardware was installed in JCMT of EAO for function test with sky signal. An LN2 container has set up in its Rx-cabin for Trx measurement before the ...(more)
GLT Frontend System GLT Frontend System
The cryostat chamber mounted on an alumina holding structure (The dewar frame) shown in the center of the picture. Except for few instruments fixed on the dewar frame, most frontend ...(more)
Deep inside Perseus A — A Space VLBI telescope makes a sharp image of the forming black hole jets in the core of a radio galaxy Deep inside Perseus A — A Space VLBI telescope makes a sharp image of the forming black hole jets in the core of a radio galaxy
An international team of researchers has imaged newly forming jets of plasma from a massive black hole in NGC 1275 (3C 84) with unprecedented accuracy. Radio images made with a ...(more)
GLT Astronomical First Light!!! GLT Astronomical First Light!!!
After the GLT antenna construction finished and all the instruments,electricity, and electronics had been installed, we officially started the antenna commissioning from Dec. 1st, 2017. ...(more)
Deploy GLT cryostat into Rx-cabin Deploy GLT cryostat into Rx-cabin
The Cryostat is fixed on a hydraulic lifting dolly as a "package", and this package is lifted by a cherry picker in order to put on the Rx-cabin platform. ...(more)
GLT Antenna Re-Assembly Finished!! GLT Antenna Re-Assembly Finished!!
On Jul. 24th, 2017, the primary dish was moved to the telescope site and lifted onto the antenna mount. This finalized the GLT antenna assembly in Thule, which meant reaching ...(more)
GLT Primary Dish Lifting on the Antenna Mount GLT Primary Dish Lifting on the Antenna Mount
On Jul. 24th, 2017, the GLT primary dish was moved to the telescope site, and lifting onto the antenna mount. ...(more)
GLT Antenna Primary Dish Moving from a Hanger to the Telescope Site GLT Antenna Primary Dish Moving from a Hanger to the Telescope Site
On Jul. 24th, 2017, the GLT primary dish was moved from a hanger to the telescope site. ...(more)
IF Processor Chassis, GLT Project IF Processor Chassis, GLT Project
Photo of the bottom side of two IF Processor chassis under construction in Hilo office. Visible are the four 0-2 GHz baseband channels, DC power supplies, and ADAM monitor and ...(more)
Photonics Local Oscillator Receiver, GLT Project Photonics Local Oscillator Receiver, GLT Project
Internal photos of Photonics LO Receiver instrument. Left - top view of optical and RF components and DC power supplies. Right - bottom view of optical components, DC power supply ...(more)
Resolving the Geometry of Innermost Relativistic Jets in Blazars Resolving the Geometry of Innermost Relativistic Jets in Blazars
In the current paradigm, it is believed that the compact VLBI radio core of radio-loud AGNs represents the innermost upstream regions of relativistic outflows. These regions of AGN jets have ...(more)
VSOP image of M87 at 5 GHz VSOP image of M87 at 5 GHz
Image of M87 jet taken with Space VLBI (VSOP). Innermost jet are resolved into transverse direction, and three ridgelines, presumably correspond to spine and sheath structure, are clearly seen for ...(more)
Semi-analytical GRMHD jet model Semi-analytical GRMHD jet model
A semi-analytical solution of GRMHD flow along a prescribed flow line can be obtained by considering that the outward energy flux (represented by a gray arrow) is continuously propagate outward ...(more)
Visualizing ray around a Kerr black hole Visualizing ray around a Kerr black hole
"Odyssey_Edu" is an educational software is developed for visualizing the ray around a Kerr black hole (available at https://odysseyedu.wordpress.com/). ...(more)
Velocity Field of M87 jet Velocity Field of M87 jet
The velocity field of the M87 jet from milli-arcsecond (mas) to arcsecond scales using VLBI observations, and it exhibits a systematic increase from sub-to-superluminal speed in the range from 100 ...(more)
Image simulation of black hole shadow Image simulation of black hole shadow
Image simulation of black hole shadow ("silhouette") images based on a possible accretion flow model. ...(more)
Image simulation of black hole shadow and jet Image simulation of black hole shadow and jet
The black hole shadow image (the bright circle) resulting from a relativistic jet (the luminous u-shape region) launched near the event horizon. ...(more)
ASIAA Cluster for VLBI DiFX correlator. ASIAA Cluster for VLBI DiFX correlator.
ASIAA Cluster for VLBI DiFX correlator. ...(more)
The ALMA-NA prototype telescope at Socorro, New Mexico, with one of the JVLA antennas. The ALMA-NA prototype telescope at Socorro, New Mexico, with one of the JVLA antennas.
The ALMA-NA prototype telescope at Socorro, New Mexico, with one of the JVLA antennas. ...(more)
ASIAA radiometer in Eureka, Canada ASIAA radiometer in Eureka, Canada
One of our new initiatives is to find a new site for submillimeter telescope. Such effort needs a long-term monitoring of the sky transparency in radio wavelength. In February 2011, ...(more)
Disassemble one of the ALMA prototype antennas for retrofitting and ready for the use of VLBI in submillimeter wavelength Disassemble one of the ALMA prototype antennas for retrofitting and ready for the use of VLBI in submillimeter wavelength
Disassemble one of the ALMA prototype antennas for retrofitting and ready for the use of VLBI in submillimeter wavelength. This picture shows the disassembly process in November 2012, at the ...(more)
ASIAA Radiometer in Greenland ASIAA Radiometer in Greenland
The 225 GHz ASIAA radiometer has been surveying the atmospheric clarity on the Greenland ice sheet since the summer of 2011. It has provided us the precious data regarding the ...(more)
Greenlan Telescope Project -- Disassembly in Socorro, NM Greenlan Telescope Project -- Disassembly in Socorro, NM
Disassembly of the ALMA NA Prototype in Nov. 2012. The antenna will be retrofitted for the extreme cold environment operations on the Greenland ice sheet. ...(more)
The Structure of the M87 Jet: A Transition from Parabolic to Conical Streamlines The Structure of the M87 Jet: A Transition from Parabolic to Conical Streamlines
Distribution of the radius of the M87 jet as a function of the deprojected distance from the core in units of r_s (Schwarzschild radius). ...(more)
Retrofitting one of the ALMA prototype antennas for the use of VLBI in submillimeter wavelength Retrofitting one of the ALMA prototype antennas for the use of VLBI in submillimeter wavelength
Retrofitting one of the ALMA prototype antennas for the use of VLBI in submillimeter wavelength. This picture shows the preliminary inspection of the antenna in July 2011, at the site ...(more)
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