Aerospace Project Research Associate (AKARI) at ISAS/JAXA (2005~2008)
PhD fellow at ISAS/JAXA (2005)
Support Astronomer (FOCAS) of Subaru Telescope (RCUH/NAOJ) (2000~2004)
PhD fellow at Opt/IR division of NAOJ (1999~2000)
Research Fellow (DC1) of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (1996~1999)
PhD course student at Institute of Astronomy, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University (1996~1999)
Receive PhD at Institute of Astronomy, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University (1999)
Journal Papers affiliated with ASIAA(81)
Ohyama Y; Onishi S; Nakagawa T; Matsumoto K; Isobe N; Shirahata M; Baba S; Sakamoto K,
"Warm Molecular Gas in the Central Parsecs of the Buried Nucleus of NGC 4418 Traced with the Fundamental CO Rovibrational Absorptions",
ApJ: 951(2), id.87 (12 pp), July, 2023 [SCI]
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Ohyama Y; Sakamoto K; Aalto S; Gallagher JS III,
"Dusty Superwind from a Galaxy with a Compact Obscured Nucleus: Optical Spectroscopic Study of NGC 4418",
ApJ: 871(2), id. 191 (26 pp.), Feb, 2019 [SCI]
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Ohyama Y; Matsushita S; Oi N; Sun A-L,
"Ground-based Mid-infrared Study of the Compton-thick AGN in M51 at 10–100 pc Scale",
ApJ: 835(2), 169, Feb, 2017 [SCI]
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Ohyama Y; Terashima Y; Sakamoto K,
"Infrared and X-Ray Evidence of an AGN in the NGC 3256 Southern Nucleus",
ApJ: 805(2), 162, June 1, 2015 [SCI]
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Ohyama Y; Hota A,
"Discovery of a possibly single blue supergiant star in the intra-cluster region of Virgo cluster of galaxies",
ApJL: 767(2), L29, April, 2013 [SCI]
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Kim H; Ohyama Y; Lee H-G; Kim JH,
"Near-infrared Integral-field Spectroscopy of the Wind Forming Region of CW Leo",
AJ: 169(2), id.69 (14 pp), Feb, 2025 [SCI]
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Kim HK; Malkan MA; Takagi T; Oi N; Burgarella D; Miyaji T; Shim H; Matsuhara H; Goto T; Ohyama Y; Buat V; Kim SJ,
"The Calibration of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Dust Emission as a Star Formation Rate Indicator in the AKARI NEP Survey",
ApJ: 974(2), id.253 (31pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI]
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Miyaji T; Bravo-Navarro BA; Díaz Tello J; Krumpe M; Herrera-Endoqui M; Ikeda H; Takagi T; Oi N; Shogaki A; Matsuura S; Kim H; Malkan MA; Hwang HS; Kim T; Ishigaki T; Hanami H; Kim SJ; Ohyama Y; Goto T; Matsuhara H,
"Chandra Survey in the AKARI deep field at the North Ecliptic Pole: Optical and near-infrared identifications of X-ray sources",
A&A: 689, A83 (16pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI]
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Levitskiy A; Lim J; Ohyama Y; Li J; Donahue M,
"Star Formation, Nebulae, and Active Galactic Nuclei in CLASH Brightest Cluster Galaxies. I. Dependence on Core Entropy of Intracluster Medium",
ApJ: 971(1), id.42 (39pp), Aug, 2024 [SCI]
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Xu X; Heckman T; Yoshida M; Henry A; Ohyama Y,
"What Are the Radial Distributions of Density, Outflow Rates, and Cloud Structures in the M82 Wind?",
ApJ: 956(2), id.142 (12pp), Oct, 2023 [SCI]
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Takami M; Guenther HM; Schneider PC; Beck TL; Karr JL; Ohyama Y; Galvan-Madrid R; Uyama T; White M; Grankin K; Coffey D; Liu C-F; Fukagawa M; Manset N; Chen W-P; Pyo T-S; Shang H; Ray TP; Otsuka M; Chou M-Y,
"Time-variable Jet Ejections from RW Aur A, RY Tau, and DG Tau",
ApJS: 264(1), id.1 (19pp), Jan, 2023 [SCI]
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Uyama T; Takami M; Cugno G; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Monitoring inner regions in the RY Tau jet",
AJ: 163(6), id.268 (7pp), June, 2022 [SCI]
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Wang W-H; Foucaud S; Hsieh B-C; Jian H-Y; Lin L; Lin Y-T; Coupon J; Hashimoto Y; Ouchi M; Shimasaku K; Ohyama Y; Umetsu K; Wang S-Y; Chang T-C,
"MUSUBI (MegaCam Ultra-deep Survey: u*-band Imaging) Data for the COSMOS and SXDS Fields",
ApJS: 260(2), id.54 (15 pp), June, 2022 [SCI]
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Lim J; Wong E; Ohyama Y; Yeung MCH,
"Recent Formation of a Spiral Disk Hosting Progenitor Globular Clusters at the Center of the Perseus Brightest Cluster Galaxy. II. Progenitor Globular Clusters",
ApJ: 927(2), id.138 (8pp), March, 2022 [SCI]
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Yeung MCH; Ohyama Y; Lim J,
"Recent Formation of a Spiral Disk Hosting Progenitor Globular Clusters at the Center of the Perseus Brightest Cluster Galaxy. I. Spiral Disk",
ApJ: 927(2), id.137 (25pp), Mar, 2022 [SCI]
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Hota A; Devaraj A; Pradhan AC; Stalin CS; George K; Mohapatra A; Rey S-C; Ohyama Y; Vaddi S; Pechetti R; Sethuram R; Jose J; Roy J; Konar C,
"The sharpest ultraviolet view of the star formation in an extreme environment of the nearest Jellyfish Galaxy IC 3418",
JApA: 42(2), id.86, Oct, 2021 [SCI]
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Kim H; Lee H-G; Ohyama Y; Kim JH; Scicluna P; Chu Y-H; Mauron N; Ueta T,
"Multiepoch Optical Images of IRC+10216 Tell about the Central Star and the Adjacent Environment",
ApJ: 914(1), id.35 (14pp), Jun, 2021 [SCI]
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Oi N; Goto T; Matsuhara H; Utsumi Y; Momose R; Toba Y; Malkan M; Takagi T; Huang T-C; Kim SJ; Ohyama Y,
"Subaru/HSC deep optical imaging of infrared sources in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole-Wide field",
MNRAS: 500(4), 5024-5042, Jan, 2021 [SCI]
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Takami M; ...; Karr JL; Ohyama Y; ...; Liu HB; ...; Liu CF; ...; Shang H; ...; Chou MY,
"Possible Time Correlation between Jet Ejection and Mass Accretion for RW Aur A",
ApJ: 901(1), id.24 (9pp.), Sep, 2020 [SCI]
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Toba Y; Goto T; Oi N; ...; Hsieh BC; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Search for Optically Dark Infrared Galaxies without Counterparts of Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole Wide Survey Field",
ApJ: 899(1), id.35 (17pp.), Aug, 2020 [SCI]
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Dinh-V-Trung; Lim J; Ohyama Y,
"Sources of Bipolar Outflows and Model Challenges for the Egg Nebula",
ApJ: 896(1), id.91 (12pp.), June, 2020 [SCI]
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Boettcher E; Gallagher JS, Iii; Ohyama Y; ...; Sakamoto K; et al.,
"VV 655 and NGC 4418: Implications of an interaction for the evolution of a LIRG",
A&A: 637, id.A17 (9pp.), May, 2020 [SCI]
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Lim J; Wong E; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Sustained formation of progenitor globular clusters in a giant elliptical galaxy",
Nature Astronomy: 4, 153-158, Feb, 2020 [SCI]
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Nagai H; Onishi K; Kawakatu N; ...; Asada K; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"The ALMA Discovery of the Rotating Disk and Fast Outflow of Cold Molecular Gas in NGC 1275",
ApJ: 883(2), id. 193 (16 pp.), Oct, 2019 [SCI]
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Yoshida M; Kawabata KS; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Spectropolarimetry of the superwind filaments of the starburst galaxy M 82 II: Kinematics of the dust surrounding the nuclear starburst †",
PASJ: 71(4), id. 87 (31 pp.), Aug, 2019 [SCI]
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Poliszczuk A; Solarz A; Pollo A; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Active galactic nucleus selection in the AKARI NEP-Deep field with the fuzzy support vector machine algorithm",
PASJ: 71(3), id. 65 (17 pp.), Jun, 2019 [SCI]
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Goto T; Oi N; Utsumi Y; ...; ...; Toba Y; Ohyama Y; al.,
"Infrared luminosity functions based on 18 mid-infrared bands: revealing cosmic star formation history with AKARI and Hyper Suprime-Cam*",
PASJ: 71(2), id. 30 (10 pp.), Apr, 2019 [SCI]
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Kim JH; Im M; Kim D; …; Ohyama Y,
"The interplay between active galactic nuclei and star formation activities of type 1 active galactic nuclei probed by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon 3.3 μm emission feature with AKARI",
PASJ: 71(2), id. 25 (28 pp.), Apr, 2019 [SCI]
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Tang J-J; Goto T; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Rapid black hole growth at the dawn of the Universe: a super-Eddington quasar at z = 6.6",
MNRAS: 484(2), 2575-2586, Apr, 2019 [SCI]
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Hasegawa S; Kuroda D; Kitazato K; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Physical properties of near-Earth asteroids with a low delta-v: Survey of target candidates for the Hayabusa2 mission",
PASJ: 70, 114, Dec, 2018 [SCI]
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Inami H; Armus L; Matsuhara H; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"The AKARI 2.5-5 micron spectra of luminous infrared galaxies in the local Universe",
A&A: 617, id.A130 (27 pp.), Oct, 2018 [SCI]
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Ohyama Y; Wada T; Matsuhara H; et al.,
"AKARI mid-infrared slitless spectroscopic survey of star-forming galaxies at z ≲ 0.5",
A&A: 618, id. A101, Oct, 2018 [SCI]
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Chen MC; Broadhurst T; Lim J; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"A Likely Supermassive Black Hole Revealed by Its Einstein Radius in Hubble Frontier Fields Images",
ApJ: 863(2), id. 135 (24 pp.), Aug, 2018 [SCI]
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Toba Y; Nagao T; Wang W-H; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Far-infrared Properties of Infrared-bright Dust-obscured Galaxies Selected with IRAS and AKARI Far-infrared All-sky Survey",
ApJ: 840(1), 21, May, 2017 [SCI]
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Tang J-J; Goto T; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"A quasar discovered at redshift 6.6 from Pan-STARRS1",
MNRAS: 466(4), 4568-4572, April, 2017 [SCI]
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Im M; Jun H; Kim D; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"AKARI Spectroscopy of Quasars at 2.5 - 5 μm",
PKAS: 32(1), 163-167, March, 2017
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Toba Y; Oyabu S; Matsuhara H; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Luminosity Dependence of the Covering Factor of the Dust Torus in Active Galactic Nuclei Revealed by Akari",
PKAS: 32(1), 193-195, March, 2017
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Baba S; Nakagawa T; Shirahata M; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Revised wavelength and spectral response calibrations for AKARI near-infrared grism spectroscopy: Cryogenic phase",
PASJ: 68(2), 27, April, 2016 [SCI]
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Yoshida M; Yagi M; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Giant Hα Nebula Surrounding the Starburst Merger NGC 6240",
ApJ: 820(1), 48, March 20, 2016 [SCI]
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Yu AP-Y; Lim J; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"The High-velocity System: Infall of a Giant Low-surface-brightness Galaxy toward the Center of the Perseus Cluster",
ApJ: 814(2), 101, Dec 1, 2015 [SCI]
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Solarz A; Pollo A; Takeuchi TT; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Clustering of the AKARI NEP deep field 24 μm selected galaxies",
A&A: 582, A58, Oct, 2015 [SCI]
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Goto T; Oi N; Ohyama Y*; et al.,
"Evolution of mid-infrared galaxy luminosity functions from the entire AKARI NEP deep field with new CFHT photometry",
MNRAS: 452(2), 1684-1693, Sept 11, 2015 [SCI]
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Sugai H; Tamura N; Karoji H; ...; Ohyama Y; ...; Chang Y-C; Chen H-Y; Chou RCY; ...; Ho PTP; ....; Hsu S-F; Hu Y-S; Huang PJ; ...; Karr JE; ...; Ling H-H; ...; Wang S-Y; Wen C-Y; et al.,
"Prime Focus Spectrograph for the Subaru telescope: massively multiplexed optical and near-infrared fiber spectrograph",
JATIS: 1(3), 035001, July, 2015 [SCI]
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Jun HD; Im M; Lee HM; Ohyama Y, et al.,
"Rest-frame Optical Spectra and Black Hole Masses of 3<z<6 Quasars",
ApJ: 806(1), 109, June 10, 2015 [SCI]
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Kataza H; Sakon I; Wada T; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Performance Estimation of the Mid-Infrared Camera and Spectrometer Aboard SPICA",
JAI: 4(1-2), id. 1550001, Jun, 2015
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Buat V; Oi N; Heinis S; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Dust attenuation up to z ≃ 2 in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole Deep Field",
A&A: 577, A141, May, 2015 [SCI]
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Kim D; Im M; Kim JH; ...; Ohyama Y; Lee S-K,
"The AKARI 2.5-5.0 μm Spectral Atlas of Type-1 Active Galactic Nuclei: Black Hole Mass Estimator, Line Ratio, and Hot Dust Temperature",
ApJS: 216(1), 17, Jan, 2015 [SCI]
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Pearson CP; Serjeant S; Oyabu S; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"The first source counts at 18 μm from the AKARI NEP Survey",
MNRAS: 444(1), 846-859, Oct 11, 2014 [SCI]
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David LP; Lim J; Forman W; ...; Ohyama Y; ...; Trung D-V,
"Molecular Gas in the X-Ray Bright Group NGC 5044 as Revealed by ALMA",
ApJ: 792(2), 94, Sept 10, 2014 [SCI]
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Oi N; Matsuhara H; Murata K; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Optical - near-infrared catalog for the AKARI north ecliptic pole Deep field",
A&A: 566, A60, June, 2014 [SCI]
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Toba Y; Oyabu S; Matsuhara H; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Luminosity and Redshift Dependence of the Covering Factor of Active Galactic Nuclei viewed with WISE and Sloan Digital Sky Survey",
ApJ: 788(1), 45, June 10, 2014 [SCI]
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Karouzos M; Im M; Trichas M; ...; Ohyama Y,
"A Tale of Two Feedbacks: Star Formation in the Host Galaxies of Radio AGNs",
ApJ: 784(2), 137, April, 2014 [SCI]
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Murata K; Matsuhara H; Wada T; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"AKARI North Ecliptic Pole Deep Survey. Revision of the catalogue via a new image analysis",
A&A: 559, 132-46, Nov, 2013 [SCI]
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Toba Y; Oyabu S; Matsuhara H; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"The 9 and 18 Micrometer Luminosity Functions of Various Types of Galaxies with AKARI: Implication for the Dust Torus Structure of AGN",
PASJ: 65(5), 113-133, Oct, 2013 [SCI]
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Yu P-C; Huang KY; Hwang C-Y; Ohyama Y,
"Testing the Evolutionary Sequence between Hidden Broad-line Region (HBLR) and Non-HBLR Seyfert 2 Galaxies with the 4000 Å Break Strengths",
ApJ: 768(1), 30, May 1, 2013 [SCI]
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Sakamoto K; Aaslto S; Costagliola F; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Submillimeter Interferometry of the Luminous Infrared Galaxy NGC 4418: A Hidden Hot Nucleus with an Inflow and an Outflow",
ApJ: 764(1), 42, Feb, 2013 [SCI]
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Kim JH; Im M; Lee HM; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"The 3.3 μm Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission as a Star Formation Rate Indicator",
ApJ: 760(2), 120, Dec 1, 2012 [SCI]
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Kim SJ; Lee HM; Matsuhara H; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"The North Ecliptic Pole Wide survey of AKARI: a near- and mid-infrared source catalog",
A&A: 548, A29, Dec, 2012 [SCI]
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Hanami H; Ishigaki T; ...; Umetsu K; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Star Formation and AGN Activity in Galaxies Classified Using the 1.6 μm Bump and PAH Features at z = 0.4-2",
PASJ: 64(4), 70, Aug, 2012 [SCI]
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Taniguchi Y; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Post-starburst Tidal Tails in the Archetypical Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxy Arp 220",
ApJ: 753(1), 78, July 1, 2012 [SCI]
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Solarz A; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Star-galaxy separation in the AKARI NEP deep field",
A&A: 541, A50, May, 2012 [SCI]
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Lim J; Ohyama Y; Yan C-H; D-V-Trung; Wang SY,
"A Molecular Hydrogen Nebula in the Central cD Galaxy of the Perseus Cluster",
ApJ: 744(2), 112, Jan 10, 2012 [SCI]
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Takagi T; Matsuhara H; Goto T; ...; Ohyama Y*; et al.,
"The AKARI NEP-Deep survey: a mid-infrared source catalogue",
ApJ: 537, A24, Jan, 2012 [SCI]
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Hota A*; ...; Ohyama Y; Konar C; ...; Matsushita S,
"Discovery of a spiral-host episodic radio galaxy",
MNRAS: 417(1), L36-L40, Oct, 2011 [SCI]
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Oyabu S; Ishihara D; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"AKARI detections of hot dust in luminous infrared galaxies Search for dusty active galactic nuclei",
A&A: 529, A122, May, 2011 [SCI]
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Yoshida M; Kawabata KS; Ohyama Y,
"Spectropolarimetry of the Superwind Filaments of the Starburst Galaxy M 82: Kinematics of Dust Outflow",
PASJ: 63(Sp2), S493-S503, Mar 25, 2011 [SCI]
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Imanishi M; Nakagawa T; Shirahata M; Ohyama Y; Onaka T,
"AKARI IRC Infrared 2.5-5 μm Spectroscopy of a Large Sample of Luminous Infrared Galaxies",
ApJ: 721(2), 1233-1261, Oct 1, 2010 [SCI]
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Ootsubo T; Usui F; Kawakita H; Ishiguro M; Furusho R; Hasegawa S; Ueno M; Watanabe J; Sekiguchi T; Wada T; Ohyama Y; Oyabu S; Matsuhara H; Onaka T; Nakagawa T; Murakami H,
"Detection of Parent H2O and CO2 Molecules in the 2.5–5 μm Spectrum of Comet C/2007 N3 (Lulin) Observed with AKARI",
ApJ: 717(1), L66-L70, Jul 1, 2010 [SCI]
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Goto T; Koyama Y; Wada T; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Environmental dependence of 8 μm luminosity functions of galaxies at z ~ 0.8. Comparison between RXJ1716.4+6708 and the AKARI NEP-deep field",
A&A: 514, A7, May 3, 2010 [SCI]
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Goto T; Takagi T; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Evolution of infrared luminosity functions of galaxies in the AKARI NEP-Deep field. Revealing the cosmic star formation history hidden by dust",
A&A: 514, id.A6, May, 2010 [SCI]
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Ishihara D; Onaka T; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"The AKARI/IRC Mid-Infrared All-Sky Survey",
A&A: 514, Art. No. A1, May, 2010 [SCI]
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Kaneda H; Ishihara D; Suzuki T; Ikeda N; Onaka T; Yamagishi M; Ohyama Y; Wada T; Yasuda A,
"Large-scale distributions of mid- and far-infrared emission from the center to the halo of M 82 revealed with AKARI",
A&A: 514, id.A14, May, 2010 [SCI]
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Pearson CP; Oyabu S; Wada T; ...; Ohyama Y,
"Source counts at 15 microns from the AKARI NEP survey",
A&A: 514, id.A8, May, 2010 [SCI]
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Takagi T; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) luminous galaxies at z~1",
A&A: 514, id.A5, May, 2010 [SCI]
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Oyabu S; Kawara K; Tsuzuki Y; ...; Ohyama Y,
"Akari Near- and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Apm 08279+5255 At Z=3.91",
ApJ: 697(1), 452-457, May 20, 2009 [SCI]
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Sakon I; Onaka T; Wada T; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Properties of Newly Formed Dust by SN 2006JC Based on Near- to Mid-Infrared Observation With AKARI",
ApJ: 692, 546-555, Feb, 2009 [SCI]
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Imanishi M; Nakagawa T; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Systematic Infrared 2.5-5 um Spectroscopy of Nearby Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies with AKARI",
PASJ: 60(SP2), S489-S515, Dec, 2008 [SCI]
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Tanabe T; Sakon I; Cohen M; ... ;Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Absolute Photometric Calibration of the Infrared Camera (IRC) aboard AKARI",
PASJ: 60(SP2), S375-S388, Dec, 2008 [SCI]
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Goto T; Hanami H; Im M; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"Galaxy Clusters at 0.9 < z < 1.7 in the AKARI NEP Deep Field",
PASJ: 60(SP2), S531-S542, 2008 [SCI]
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Wada T; Matsuhara H; Oyabu S; ...; Ohyama Y; et al.,
"AKARI/IRC Deep Survey in the North Ecliptic Pole Region",
PASJ: 60(SP2), S517-S529, 2008 [SCI]
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