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Research Gallery > Extragalactic Astronomy

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Extragalactic Astronomy

Discovery of a spiral-host episodic radio galaxy
Image Credit: Hota, Sirothia, Ohyama et al
Discovery of a spiral-host episodic radio galaxy
An exotic galaxy nick-named 'Speca' (Spiral-host Episodic radio-galaxy(AGN) tracing Cluster Accretion) has been discovered. Above is the composite image of Speca: Optical SDSS image of the galaxies in yellow, low resolution radio image from NVSS in blue, high resolution radio image from GMRT in red.
An exotic galaxy nick-named 'Speca' (Spiral-host Episodic radio-galaxy(AGN) tracing Cluster Accretion) has been discovered.It is the 2nd spiral-host large radio galaxy. It is the 2nd triple-double episodic radio galaxy. It is the brightest galaxy of a poor cluster. It is a unique case where the relic radio plasma has flat spectral index, likely revived by cosmological accretion shock. (Hota A,...,Ohyama Y,Konar C,...,Matsushita S, MNRAS: 417(1), L36-L40, Oct, 2011)
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