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成員及訪客 > Visiting Postdocs > 簡歷
訪問博士後研究 (歐洲太空研究暨技術中心)
電子信箱: sascha.zeegers_replace2@_gmail.com


  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2019~ 迄今)
  • PhD Leiden University (2013~2018)


Interstellar dust Debris discs X-ray and infrared spectroscopy


  1. Psaradaki I; Costantini E; Rogantini D; Mehdipour M; Corrales L; Zeegers ST; De Groot F; Den Herder JWA; Mutschke H; Trasobares S; De Vries CP; Waters LBFM, "Oxygen and iron in interstellar dust: An X-ray investigation" , A&A: 670, id.A30 (12pp), Feb, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  2. Scicluna P; Kemper F; Mcdonald I; Srinivasan S; Trejo A; Wallström SHJ; Wouterloot JGA; Cami J; Greaves J; He J; Hoai DT; Kim H; Jones OC; Shinnaga H; Clark CJR; Dharmawardena T; Holland W; Imai H; Van Loon JT; Menten KM; Wesson R; Chawner H; Feng S; Goldman S; Liu FC; Macisaac H; Tang J; Zeegers S; Amada K; Antoniou V; Bemis A; Boyer ML; Chapman S; Chen X; Cho S-H; Cui L; Dell'agli F; Friberg P; Fukaya S; Gomez H; Gong Y; Hadjara M; Haswell C; Hirano N; Hony S; Izumiura H; Jeste M; Jiang X; Kaminski T; Keaveney N; Kim J; Kraemer KE; Kuan Y-J; Lagadec E; Lee CF; Li D; Liu S-Y; Liu T; De Looze I; Lykou F; Maraston C; Marshall JP; Matsuura M; Min C; Otsuka M; Oyadomari M; Parsons H; Patel NA; Peeters E; Pham TA; Qiu J; Randall S; Rau G; Redman MP; Richards AMS; Serjeant S; Shi C; Sloan GC; Smith MWL; Suh K-W; Toalá JA; Uttenthaler S; Ventura P; Wang B; Yamamura I; Yang T; Yun Y; Zhang F; Zhang Y; Zhao G; Zhu M; Zijlstra AA, "The Nearby Evolved Stars Survey II: Constructing a volume-limited sample and first results from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope" , MNRAS: 512(1), 1091-1110, May, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  3. Marshall JP; Wang L; Kennedy GM; Zeegers ST; Scicluna P, "A search for trends in spatially resolved debris discs at far-infrared wavelengths" , MNRAS: 501(4), 6168-6180, Mar, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  4. Psaradaki I; Costantini E; Mehdipour M; ...; Zeegers ST, "Interstellar oxygen along the line of sight of Cygnus X-2" , A&A: 642, id.A208 (14pp.), Oct, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  5. Rogantini D; Costantini E; Zeegers ST; et al., "Magnesium and silicon in interstellar dust: X-ray overview" , A&A: 641, id.A149 (16pp.), Sep, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  6. Costantini E; Zeegers ST; Rogantini D; et al., "X-ray extinction from interstellar dust. Prospects of observing carbon, sulfur, and other trace elements" , A&A: 629, id. A78 (10 pp.), Sep, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  7. Rogantini D; Costantini E; Zeegers ST; et al., "Interstellar dust along the line of sight of GX 3+1" , A&A: 630, id. A143 (13 pp.), Oct, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  8. Zeegers ST; Costantini E; Rogantini D; et al., "Dust absorption and scattering in the silicon K-edge" , A&A: 627, id. A16 (18 pp.), Jul, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
電話: 886-2-3365-2200 傳真: 886-2-2367-7849
一般事務: asiaa_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw 媒體連絡: epo_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw
台北市106216羅斯福路四段1號 中央研究院/台灣大學天文數學館11樓