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Star Formation Studies

A study of the wiggle morphology of HH 211 through numerical simulations: View of the simulation
Image Credit: Anthony Moraghan, Chin-Fei Lee, Po-Sheng Huang, Bhargav Vaidya
A study of the wiggle morphology of HH 211 through numerical simulations: View of the simulation
2D slices through the centre of the 3D domain of our simulations. Panel (a) shows log of density of our steady jet velocity simulation. It can be directly compared to (b) showing log of density of the 170 ± 20 km/s velocity simulation. The remaining panels show the velocity (c), log of temperature (d), and H2 fraction (e), of the 170 ± 20 km/s velocity simulation. The wiggle-shaped trajectory from the orbital motion, combined with the jet beam velocity pulsations lead to progressively angled internal or ‘oblique’ shocks. Blue lines in the H2 fraction plot are drawn to illustrate the orientation of these oblique shocks in the displayed 2D plane.
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