Star Formation

Stars are formed inside large molecular clouds due to gravitational collapse. However, the collapsing processes are complicated by pressure, turbulence, magnetic field, angular momentum, stellar feedback, etc. in various length scales, leading to the formation and evolution of substructures within clouds, including filaments, clumps, cores, disks, jets and outflows, young stellar objects (YSOs), and then protostars and planets. The study can thus be broken down into the following:

  1. Formation of filaments and their evolution to dense cores: Study the properties (i.e., size, morphology, density, temperature, rotation, angular momentum, infall, turbulence, magnetic field) of filaments and dense cores, and connect the two. We can then also correlate the resulting Core Initial Mass Function (IMF) with Stellar IMF.
  2. Formation of stars in dense cores: Study (i) the initial conditions of dense cores in differet scales by mapping the first hydrostatic cores, prestellar cores, and corinos; (ii) the effects of pressure, turbulence, magnetic field, and angular momentum in gravitational collapse by studying ambipolar diffusion, magnetic braking, fragmentation, envelope flattening, pseudo-disk and disk formation; (iii) the disk accretion process due to disk viscosity, gravitational instability, and magneto-rotational instability, as well as the mass-loss process in jet and wind, and then link the two processes; and (vi) if the time variability in accretion, jet ejection, and outburst can be caused by star-disk interaction, gravitational instability, binary (either stellar or planetary) companion. We will also study the multiplicity of protostars and the magnetospheric activities of YSOs.
  3. Protoplanetary Disks and Planet Formation: Investigate planet formation by detecting protoplanets in disks, studying disk properties (e.g., 3D structure, density, temperature, magnetic field, turbulence, dust-to-gas ratio, mass, dust property, asymmetric features, grain growth), and connecting small-scale physics (e.g., turbulence, vortex, grain growth, dust evolution, viscosity, gravitational instability, disk wind) to large-scale structures (e.g., spiral arms, arcs, gaps, rings). How are non-ideal MHD shocks related to stellar core and giant planet formation?
  4. Astrochemistry: Organic molecules and water are detected around YSOs. What are their origins and can they lead to life? Shocks are detected in jets and outflows. What are the shock chemistry, and thus the resulting molecules synthesis and chemical clocks? Can we extend these to astrochemistry-related topics in the extragalactic context?

Large single-dish radio telescopes such as JCMT and potentially AtLAST/LST can be used to study the large-scale structures. High-resolution radio interferometers such as SMA, ALMA, and potentially ngVLA, can be used to study the small-scale structures. Infrared and optical facilities such as CFHT, Subaru, and potentially E-ELT/METIS or TMT, can be used to map the structures in various scales. TAOS II and Subaru can be used to study Solar System. Various facilities outside the ASIAA collaboration, e.g., NOEMA, VLA, and JWST can also be useful for our studies. Moreover, theoretical models and simulations from Theory group, as well as algorithms and analysis techniques including machine learning and line identification will be developed to study the topics above.

In order to increase our international visibility and consolidate our internal collaboration, we have been discussing about setting up a center for star and planet formation. This seems timely because we indeed have enough faculty members covering various parts.

Research Members (23)

photo of Lee, Chin-Fei 李景輝
Lee, Chin-Fei 李景輝 Homepage
Deputy Director; Distinguished Research Fellow
Research Speciality
Star formation and Stellar Evolution; Radio Observations and MHD Numerical Simulations
cflee   _replace_to_@_
photo of Koch, Patrick 高培邁
Koch, Patrick 高培邁 Homepage
Research Fellow
Research Speciality
Structure Formation, Star and Planet Formation, Clusters of Galaxies, Analysis Techniques, Telescope Commissioning
pmkoch   _replace_to_@_
photo of Liu, Sheng-Yuan 呂聖元
Liu, Sheng-Yuan 呂聖元 Homepage
Research Fellow
Research Speciality
Star Formation, Astrochemistry
syliu   _replace_to_@_
photo of Ohashi, Nagayoshi 大橋永芳
Ohashi, Nagayoshi 大橋永芳 Homepage
Research Fellow
Research Speciality
Star and Planet Formation, Molecular Cloud, Interferometer
ohashi   _replace_to_@_
photo of Shang, Hsien 尚賢
Shang, Hsien 尚賢 Homepage
Research Fellow
Research Speciality
Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics, Star and Planet Formation, Magnetohydrodynamics, Meteorites, Origins of the Solar System
shang   _replace_to_@_
photo of Takami, Michihiro 高見道弘
Takami, Michihiro 高見道弘 Homepage
Associate Research Fellow (Tenured)
Research Speciality
Star and Planet Formation, Optical-IR Observations
hiro   _replace_to_@_
photo of Yen, Hsi-Wei 顏士韋
Yen, Hsi-Wei 顏士韋 Homepage
Associate Research Fellow (Tenured)
Research Speciality
Radio Astronomy, Star Formation, Protoplanetary Disk
hwyen   _replace_to_@_
photo of Chen, Ke-Jung 陳科榮
Chen, Ke-Jung 陳科榮 Homepage
Assistant Research Fellow
Research Speciality
Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics: Supernovae of Massive Stars, Inter-Stellar Medium, Supermassive Black Holes, The First Stars and Galaxies
kjchen   _replace_to_@_
photo of Tang, Ya-Wen 湯雅雯
Tang, Ya-Wen 湯雅雯 Homepage
Assistant Research Fellow
Research Speciality
Radio inteferometry; Star formation; Polarimetry; circumstellar disk
ywtang   _replace_to_@_
photo of Ho, Paul 賀曾樸
Ho, Paul 賀曾樸 Homepage
Corresponding Research Fellow
Research Speciality
Radio Astronomy
pho   _replace_to_@_
photo of Kuan, Yi-Jehng 管一政
Kuan, Yi-Jehng 管一政 Homepage
Joint Research Fellow; Dept. Earth Sciences, NTNU
Research Speciality
Astrochemistry, Molecular Astrophysics, Molecular Clouds and Astrobiology
kuan   _replace_to_@_
photo of Lim, Jeremy 林仁良
Lim, Jeremy 林仁良 Homepage
Adjunct Research Fellow; University of Hong Kong
Research Speciality
Radio Astronomy, Star Formation and Evolution, and Extragalactic
jlim   _replace_to_@_
photo of Phan, Bao-Ngoc 潘保玉
Phan, Bao-Ngoc 潘保玉 Homepage
Visiting Scholar (Dept. Physics, HCMIU)
Research Speciality
Very Low Mass Stars
pbngoc   _replace_to_@_
photo of Takahashi, Satoko 高橋智子
Takahashi, Satoko 高橋智子 Homepage
Visiting Scholar (NAOJ)
Research Speciality
Star formation; Radio Astronomy
satoko.takahashi   _replace_to_@_
photo of Takakuwa, Shigehisa 高桑繁久
Takakuwa, Shigehisa 高桑繁久 Homepage
Visiting Scholar (Kagoshima University)
Research Speciality
Star Formation, Submillimeter Astronomy and Interferometry
takakuwa   _replace_to_@_
photo of Su, Yu-Nung 蘇裕農
Su, Yu-Nung 蘇裕農 Homepage
Project Research Manager/ALMA ARC Manager
Research Speciality
Star Formation and Radio Astronomy
ynsu   _replace_to_@_
photo of Karr, Jennifer 卡兒
Karr, Jennifer 卡兒 Homepage
Support Scientist
Research Speciality
Star Formation & Interstellar Medium
jkarr   _replace_to_@_
photo of Liu, Chun-Fan 劉君帆
Liu, Chun-Fan 劉君帆 Homepage
Theory Support Scientist
Research Speciality
Star formation, Optical and Infrared astronomy, Scientific computing and code development
cfliu   _replace_to_@_
photo of Vaisala, Miikka 韋米卡
Vaisala, Miikka 韋米卡 Homepage
Support Scientist
Research Speciality
MHD turbulence and star formation
mvaisala   _replace_to_@_
photo of Yan, Chi-Hung 顏吉鴻
Yan, Chi-Hung 顏吉鴻 Homepage
OIR/EPO Support Engineer
Research Speciality
OIR Image Pipeline, Radio Astronomy
chyan   _replace_to_@_
photo of Flores Gonzalez, Christian Alejandro 柯理思
Flores Gonzalez, Christian Alejandro 柯理思 Homepage
Postdoc Fellow
Research Speciality
Star Formation; Young stars and Protostars; Stellar Magnetic fields; Protoplanetary Disks
caflores   _replace_to_@_
photo of Thieme, Travis John 陸哲軒
Thieme, Travis John 陸哲軒 Homepage
Postdoc Fellow
Research Speciality
Star Formation, Protostellar Disk Formation and Evolution, Radio Astronomy
tjthieme   _replace_to_@_
photo of Yamaguchi, Masayuki 山口正行
Yamaguchi, Masayuki 山口正行 Homepage
Postdoc Fellow
Research Speciality
Planet formation; circumstellar disk structure and its evolution. Radio astronomy; aperture synthesis and imaging techniques for radio Interferometers. Statistical mathematics (sparse modeling) and machine learning.
myamaguchi   _replace_to_@_

Journal Papgers(483)

  1. Liu C-F; Shang H; Johnstone D; Ai T-H; Lee TM; Krasnopolsky R; Hirano N; Dutta S; Hsu S-Y; López-Vázquez JA; Liu S-Y; Liu T; Tatematsu KI; Zhang Q; Rawlings MG; Eden D; Ren Z; Sanhueza P; Kwon W; Lee CW; Kuan Y-J; Bandopadhyay S; Väisälä MS; Lee C-F; Das I, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): Nested Morphological and Kinematic Structures of Outflows Revealed in SiO and CO Emission", ApJ: 979(1), id.17, Jan, 2025 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  2. López-Vázquez JA; Lee C-F; Shang H; Cabrit S; Krasnopolsky R; Codella C; Liu C-F; Podio L; Dutta S; Murphy A; Wiseman J, "Multiple Components of the Outflow in the Protostellar System HH 212: Outer Outflow Shell, Rotating Wind, Shocked Wind, and Jet", ApJ: 977(1), id.126 (17 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  3. Chen W-Y; Chen K-J; Ono M, "Multidimensional Radiation Hydrodynamics Simulations of SN 1987A Shock Breakout", ApJ: 976(1), id.147 (22 pp), Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  4. Hsu S-Y; Lee C-F; Liu S-Y; Johnstone D; Liu T; Takahashi S; Bronfman L; Chen H-RV; Dutta S; Eden DJ; Evans NJ, Ii; Hirano N; Juvela M; Kuan Y-J; Kwon W; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li S; Liu C-F; Liu X; Luo Q; Qin S-L; Sahu D; Sanhueza P; Shang H; Tatematsu K; Yang Y-L, "ALMASOP. The Localized and Chemically rich Features near the Bases of the Protostellar Jet in HOPS 87", ApJ: 976(1), id.29, Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  5. You K-A; Chen K-J; Pan Y-C; Tsai S-H; Ou P-S, "Modeling the Progenitor Stars of Observed Type IIP Supernovae", ApJ: 970(2), id.145, Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  6. Ai T-H; Liu C-F; Shang H; Johnstone D; Krasnopolsky R, "A Unified Model for Bipolar Outflows from Young Stars: Kinematic and Mixing Structures in HH 30", ApJ: 964(2), id.147 (15 pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  7. Chen K-J; Tang C-Y; Whalen DJ; Ho M-Y; Tsai S-H; Ou P-S; Ono M, "How Population III Supernovae Determined the Properties of the First Galaxies", ApJ: 964(1), id.91 (12pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  8. Tang C-Y; Chen K-J, "Clumpy Structures within the Turbulent Primordial Cloud", MNRAS: 529(4), 4248-4261, Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  9. Motoyama K; Krasnopolsky R; Shang H; Aida K; Sakane E, "An Efficient Algorithm for Astrochemical Systems Using Stoichiometry Matrices", ApJS: 270(2), id.19 (11 pp), Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  10. Väisälä MS; Shang H; Galli D; Lizano S; Krasnopolsky R, "Exploring the Formation of Resistive Pseudodisks with the GPU Code Astaroth", ApJ: 959(1), id.32 (21pp), Dec, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  11. Hsu S-Y; Liu S-Y; Johnstone D; Liu T; Bronfman L; Chen H-RV; Dutta S; Eden DJ; Evans NJ, Ii; Hirano N; Juvela M; Kuan Y-J; Kwon W; Lee C-F; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li S; Liu C-F; Liu X; Luo Q; Qin S-L; Rawlings MG; Sahu D; Sanhueza P; Shang H; Tatematsu K; Yang Y-L, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): The Warm-Envelope Origin of Hot Corinos", ApJ: 956(2), id.120 (23pp), Oct, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  12. Chiang ID; Hirashita H; Chastenet J; Koch EW; Leroy AK; Rosolowsky E; Sandstrom KM; Sardone A; Sun J; Williams TG, "Kpc-scale properties of dust temperature in terms of dust mass and star formation activity", MNRAS: 520, 5506-5520, April, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  13. Shang H; Krasnopolsky R; Liu C-F, "A Unified Model for Bipolar Outflows from Young Stars: Apparent Magnetic Jet Acceleration", ApJL: 945(1), id.L1 (21 pp), March, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  14. Shang H; Liu C-F; Krasnopolsky R; Wang L-Y, "A Unified Model for Bipolar Outflows from Young Stars: Kinematic Signatures of Jets, Winds, and Their Magnetic Interplay with the Ambient Toroids", ApJ: 944(2), id.230 (55 pp), Feb, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  15. Takami M; Guenther HM; Schneider PC; Beck TL; Karr JL; Ohyama Y; Galvan-Madrid R; Uyama T; White M; Grankin K; Coffey D; Liu C-F; Fukagawa M; Manset N; Chen W-P; Pyo T-S; Shang H; Ray TP; Otsuka M; Chou M-Y, "Time-variable Jet Ejections from RW Aur A, RY Tau, and DG Tau", ApJS: 264(1), id.1 (19pp), Jan, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  16. Koch PM; Tang Y-W; Ho PTP; Hsieh P-Y; Wang J-W; Yen H-W; Duarte-Cabral A; Peretto N; Su Y-N, "A Multiscale Picture of the Magnetic Field and Gravity from a Large-scale Filamentary Envelope to Core-accreting Dust Lanes in the High-mass Star-forming Region W51", ApJ: 940(1), id.89 (19pp), Nov, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  17. Gu P-G; Chen C-Y; Shen E; Yen C-C, Lin MK, "Revealing the Drag Instability in One-fluid Nonideal Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of a 1D Isothermal C-shock", ApJ: 935(2), id.95 (16pp), Aug, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  18. Gupta A; Yen H-W; Koch P; Bastien P; Bourke TL; Chung EJ; Hasegawa T; Hull CLH; Inutsuka S-I; Kwon J; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Lee C-F; Pattle K; Qiu K; Tahani M; Tamura M; Ward-Thompson D, "Effects of magnetic field orientations in dense cores on gas kinematics in protostellar envelopes", ApJ: 930(1), id.67 (17pp), May, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  19. Jhan K-S; Lee C-F; Johnstone D; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Hirano N; Tatematsu KI; Dutta S; Moraghan A; Shang H; Lee J-E; Li S; Liu C-F; Hsu S-Y; Kwon W; Sahu D; Liu X-C; Kim K-T; Luo Q; Qin S-L; Sanhueza P; Bronfman L; Qizhou Z; Eden D; Traficante A; Lee CW; Almasop T, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): Deriving Inclination Angle and Velocity of the Protostellar Jets from Their SiO Knots", ApJL: 931(1), id.L5 (9pp), May, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  20. Hsu S-Y; Liu S-Y; Liu T; Sahu D; Lee C-F; Tatematsu K; Kim K-T; Hirano N; Yang Y-L; Johnstone D; Liu H; Juvela M; Bronfman L; Chen H-RV; Dutta S; Eden DJ; Jhan K-S; Kuan Y-J; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li S; Liu C-F; Qin S-L; Sanhueza P; Shang H; Soam A; Traficante A; Zhou J, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): A Hot Corino Survey toward Protostellar Cores in the Orion Cloud", ApJ: 927(2), id.218 (27pp), March, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  21. Wang W; Väisälä MS; Shang H; Krasnopolsky R; Li Z-Y; Lam KH; Yuan F, "Magnetic Spirals in Accretion Flows Originated from Misaligned Magnetic Fields", ApJ: 928(1), id.85 (23pp), March, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  22. Dutta S; Lee C-F; Johnstone D; Liu T; Hirano N; Liu S-Y; Lee J-E; Shang H; Tatematsu KI; Kim K-T; Sahu D; Sanhueza P; Di Francesco J; Jhan K-S; Lee CW; Kwon W; Li S; Bronfman L; Liu H-L; Traficante A; Kuan Y-J; Hsu S-Y; Moraghan A; Liu C-F; Eden D; Soam A; Luo Q; ALMASOP Team, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): Detection of a Dense SiO Jet in the Evolved Protostellar Phase", ApJ: 925(1), id.11 (10pp), Jan, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  23. Gu PG, "The Drag Instability in a 2D Isothermal C-shock", ApJ: 914(2), id.87 (20pp), Jun, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  24. Liu C-F; Shang H; Herczeg GJ; Walter FM, "Revealing Ionization Conditions of Sz 102 with Spatially Resolved [Ne III] Microjets", ApJ: 909(2), id.196 (12pp), Mar, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  25. Lin Z-YD; Lee C-F; Li Z-Y; Tobin JJ; Turner NJ, "Inferring (sub)millimetre dust opacities and temperature structure in edge-on protostellar discs from resolved multiwavelength continuum observations: the case of the HH 212 disc", MNRAS: 501(1), 1316-1335, Feb, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  26. Shang H; Krasnopolsky R; Liu C-F; Wang L-Y, "A Unified Model for Bipolar Outflows from Young Stars: The Interplay of Magnetized Wide-angle Winds and Isothermal Toroids", ApJ: 905(2), id.116 (52pp.), Dec, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  27. Takami M; ...; Karr JL; Ohyama Y; ...; Liu HB; ...; Liu CF; ...; Shang H; ...; Chou MY, "Possible Time Correlation between Jet Ejection and Mass Accretion for RW Aur A", ApJ: 901(1), id.24 (9pp.), Sep, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  28. Toba Y; Goto T; Oi N; ...; Hsieh BC; ...; Ohyama Y; et al., "Search for Optically Dark Infrared Galaxies without Counterparts of Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole Wide Survey Field", ApJ: 899(1), id.35 (17pp.), Aug, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  29. Gu P-G; Chen C-Y, "The Drag Instability in a 1D Isothermal C-shock", ApJ: 898(1), id.67 (18pp.), Jul, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  30. Lee C-F, "Molecular jets from low-mass young protostellar objects", A&ARv: 28(1), id.1 (38 pp.), Mar, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  31. Čemeljić M; Siwak M, "Light-curve variation caused by accretion column switching stellar hemispheres", MNRAS: 491(1), 1057-1063, Jan, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  32. Su Y-N; Liu S-Y; Li Z-Y; Lee C-F; Hirano N; Takakuwa S; Hsieh I-T, "The Infall Motion in the Low-mass Protostellar Binary NGC 1333 IRAS 4A1/4A2", ApJ: 885(2), id. 98 (16 pp.), Nov, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  33. Lin L; Pan H-A; ...; Hsieh B-C; et al., "The ALMaQUEST Survey: The Molecular Gas Main Sequence and the Origin of the Star-forming Main Sequence", ApJL: 884(2), id.L33 (5pp.), Oct, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  34. Pan H-A; Lin L; Hsieh B-C; ...; Hsu CH; Keenan R; et al., "SDSS-IV MaNGA: Spatial Evolution of Star Formation Triggered by Galaxy Interactions", ApJ: 881(2), id. 119 (14 pp.), Aug, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  35. Lee C-F; Codella C; Li Z-Y; Liu SY, "First Abundance Measurement of Organic Molecules in the Atmosphere of HH 212 Protostellar Disk", ApJ: 876(1), id. 63 (9 pp.), May, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  36. Vaisala M; Shang H; Krasnopolsky R; Liu S-Y; et al., "Time Evolution of 3D Disk Formation with Misaligned Magnetic Field and Rotation Axes", ApJ: 873(2), id. 114 (22 pp.), Mar, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  37. Hung T; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; He JH; Lee H-T; Takahashi S; Chen HR, "A Mini Survey of Methyl Cyanide toward Extended Green Objects", ApJ: 872(1), 61 (20 pp.), Feb, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  38. Lin L; Hsieh B-C; Pan H-A; et al., "SDSS-IV MaNGA: Inside-out versus Outside-in Quenching of Galaxies in Different Local Environments", ApJ: 872(1), 50 (14 pp.), Feb, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  39. Pan HA; Lin L; Hsieh BC; et al., "The Effect of Galaxy Interactions on Molecular Gas Properties", ApJ: 868(2), id.132 (20 pp.), Dec, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  40. Wu C-J; Hirano N; Takakuwa S; Yen H-W; Aso Y, "Physical and Chemical Conditions of the Protostellar Envelope and the Protoplanetary Disk in HL Tau", ApJ: 869(1), id. 59 (17 pp.), Dec, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  41. Liu SY; Su YN; Zinchenko I; Wang KS; et al., "A Submillimeter Burst of S255IR SMA1: The Rise and Fall of Its Luminosity", ApJL: 863(1), L12 (6 pp.), Aug, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  42. Dong R; Liu S-Y; Eisner J; ....; Liu HB; et al., "The Eccentric Cavity, Triple Rings, Two-Armed Spirals, and Double Clumps of the MWC 758 Disk", ApJ: 860(2), id. 124 (14 pp.), June, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  43. Naslim N; Tokuda K; Onishi T; Kemper F; Morata O; et al., "ALMA reveals molecular cloud N55 in the Large Magellanic Cloud as a site of massive star formation", ApJ: 853(2), id. 175 (18 pp.), Feb 1, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  44. Pan HA; Lin L; Hsieh B-C; et al., "SDSS IV MaNGA: Dependence of Global and Spatially Resolved SFR–M∗ Relations on Galaxy Properties", ApJ: 854(2), 159 (8 pp.), Feb, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  45. Hsieh B-C; Lin L; Lin JH; Pan HA; et al., "SDSS-IV MANGA: Spatially Resolved Star Formation Main Sequence and LI(N)ER Sequence", ApJL: 851(2), L24 (6pp.), Dec, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  46. Lin L; Belfiore F; Pan H-A; Bothwell MS; Hsieh P-Y; ...; Hsieh BC; et al., "SDSS-IV MaNGA-resolved Star Formation and Molecular Gas Properties of Green Valley Galaxies: A First Look with ALMA and MaNGA", ApJ: 851(1), 18, Dec, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  47. Lee C-F; Ho PTP; Li Z-Y; Hirano N; Zhang Q; Shang H, "A Rotating Protostellar Jet Launched from the Innermost Disk of HH 212", Nature Astronomy: 1, 0152, July, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  48. Lee C-F; Li Z-Y; Ho PTP; Hirano N; Zhang Q; Shang H, "Formation and Atmosphere of Complex Organic Molecules of the HH 212 Protostellar Disk", ApJ: 843(1), 27, July 1, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  49. Tang Y-W*; Guilloteau S; Dutrey A; ...; Gu PG; ...; Ho PTP; ...; Ohashi N; et al., "Planet Formation in AB Aurigae: Imaging of the inner gaseous Spirals observed inside the Dust Cavity", ApJ: 840(1), 32, May, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  50. Lee C-F; Li Z-Y; Ho PTP; Hirano N; Zhang Q; Shang H, "First detection of equatorial dark dust lane in a protostellar disk at submillimeter wavelength", Science Advances: 3(4), e1602935, April, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  51. Harada N*; Hasegawa Y; Aikawa Y; Hirashita H; Liu HB; Hirano N, "Effects of grain growth on molecular abundances in young stellar objects", ApJ: 837(1), 78, March, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  52. Takakuwa S; Saigo K; Matsumoto T; ...; Yen H-W; Ho PTP, "Spiral Arms, Infall, and Misalignment of the Circumbinary Disk from the Circumstellar Disks in the Protostellar Binary System L1551 NE", ApJ: 837(1), 86, March, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  53. Liu C-F; Shang H; Herczeg GJ; Walter FM, "The [Ne III] Jet of DG Tau and Its Ionization Scenarios", ApJ: 832(2), 153, Dec, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  54. Wang WH; Kohno K; Hatsukade B; ...; Hsieh BC; et al., "The SXDF-ALMA 2-arcmin^2 Deep Survey: Stacking Rest-frame Near-infrared Selected Objects", ApJ: 833(2), 195, Dec, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  55. Lee C-F; Hwang H-C; Li Z-Y, "Angular momentum loss in the envelope-disk transition region of HH 111 protostellar system: evidence for magnetic braking?", ApJ: 826(2), 213, Aug 1, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  56. Moraghan A; Lee C-F; Huang P-S; Vaidya, Bhargav, "A study of the wiggle morphology of HH 211 through numerical simulations", MNRAS: 460(2), 1829-1838, Aug 1, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  57. Wong YHV; Hirashita H; Li Z-Y, "Millimeter-sized grains in the protostellar envelopes: where do they come from?", PASJ: 68(4), 67, Aug, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  58. Chen H-R; Keto E; Zhang Q; ...; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N, "A Hot and Massive Accretion Disk around the High-mass Protostar IRAS 20126+4104", ApJ: 823(2), 125, June, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  59. Chou HG; Yen HW; Koch PM; Guilloteau S, "Protostar L1455 IRS1: Rotating Disk Connecting to Filamentary Network", ApJ: 823(2), 151, June, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  60. Liu HB; Lai S-P; Hasegawa Y; Hirano N; Rao R; Li I-H; et al., "Detection of Linearly Polarized 6.9 mm Continuum Emission from the Class 0 Young Stellar Object NGC1333 IRAS4A", ApJ: 821(1), 41, April, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  61. Takami M; Wei Y-J; Chou M-Y; Karr JL; et al., "Stable and Unstable Regimes of Mass Accretion onto RW Aur A", ApJ: 820(2), 139, April, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  62. Yen H-W; Liu HB; Gu P-G; Hirano N; Lee C-F ; Puspitaningrum E; Takakuwa S, "Gas Gaps in the Protoplanetary Disk around the Young Protostar HL Tau", ApJL: 820(2), L25, April 1, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  63. Tang Y-W*; Dutrey A; Guilloteau S; et al., "Mapping CO Gas in the GG Tauri A Triple System with 50 AU Spatial Resolution", ApJ: 820(1), 19, March 20, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  64. Hirashita H; Koch PM; Matsushita S; Takakuwa S; Nakamura M; Asada K; Liu HB; Urata U; Wang M-J; Wang W-H; Takahashi S; Tang Y-W; Chang H-H; Huang K; Morata O; Otsuka M; Lin K-Y; Tsai A-L; Lin Y-T; Srinivasan S; Martin-Cocher P; Pu J-Y; Kemper F; Patel N; Grimes P; Huang Y-D; Han C-C; Huang Y-R; Nishioka H; Lin C-CL; Zhang Q; Keto E; Burgos R; Chen M-T; Inoue M; Ho PTP, "First-generation Science Cases for Ground-based Terahertz Telescopes", PASJ: 68(1), R1, Feb, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  65. Lin L; Capak P; Laigle C; ...; Hsieh B-C; Jian H-Y; et al., "The SPLASH survey: Quiescent galaxies are more strongly clustered but are not necessarily located in high-density environments", ApJ: 817(2), 97, Feb, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  66. Liu HB; Takami M; ...Dong R; ...; Karr J; et al., "Circumstellar Disks of the Most Vigorously Accreting Young Stars", Science Advances: 2(2), e1500875, Feb, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  67. Liu HB; Galván-Madrid R; Vorobyov EI; ….; Hirano N; …; Takami M; Dong R;…; Hasegawa Y; et al., "Absence of Significant Cool Disks in Young Stellar Objects Exhibiting Repetitive Optical Outbursts", ApJL: 816(2), L29, Jan, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  68. Takakuwa S; Kiyokane K; Saigo K; Saito M, "Dispersing Envelope around the Keplerian Circumbinary Disk in L1551 NE and its Implications for the Binary Growth", ApJ: 814, 160, Dec, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  69. Lee W-K; Gu P-G, "The Effect of Vertical Temperature Gradient on the Propagation of Three-dimensional Waves in a Protoplanetary Disk", ApJ: 814(1), 72, Nov 20, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  70. Wang L-Y; Shang H; Krasnopolsky R; Chiang T-Y, "A Two-Temperature Model of Magnetized Protostellar Outflows", ApJ: 815(1), 39, Oct 10, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  71. Ruffle PME; Kemper F*; Jones OC; ...; Srinivasan S; et al., "Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph point source classification in the Small Magellanic Cloud", MNRAS: 451(4), 3504-3536, Aug 21, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  72. Morata O; Palau A; González RF; et al., "First Detection of Thermal Radiojets in a Sample of Proto-brown Dwarf Candidates", ApJ: 807(1), 55, July 1, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  73. Motoyama K; Morata O; Shang H; Krasnopolsky R; Hasegawa T, "A hydrochemical hybrid code for astrophysical problems. I. Code verification and benchmarks for Photon-Dominated Region (PDR)", ApJ: 808(1), 46, July, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  74. de Leon J; Takami M; Karr JL; ...; Liu HB; et al., "Near-IR High-resolution Imaging Polarimetry of the SU Aur Disk: Clues for Tidal Tails?", ApJL: 806(1), L10, June, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  75. Lee C-F; Hirano N; Zhang Q; Shang H; Ho PTP; et al., "Jet Motion, Internal Working Surfaces, and Nested Shells in the Protostellar System HH 212", ApJ: 805(2), 186, June 1, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  76. Moraghan A; Kim J; Yoon S-J, "Power spectra of outflow-driven turbulence", MNRAS: 450(1), 360-368, June, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  77. Liu HB; Galván-Madrid R; Jiménez-Serra I; ...; Chen H-R, "ALMA Resolves the Spiraling Accretion Flow in the Luminous OB Cluster-forming Region G33.92+0.11", ApJ: 804(1), 37, May 1, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  78. Lee C-F; Rao R; Ching T-C; Lai S-P; Hirano N; Ho PTP; Hwang H-C, "Magnetic field structure in the Flattened Envelope and Jet in the young protostellar system HH 211", ApJL: 797(1), L9-12, Dec 20, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  79. Ohashi N; Saigo K; Aso Y; ...; Takakuwa S; ...; Yen H-W ., "Formation of a Keplerian Disk in the Infalling Envelope around L1527 IRS: Transformation from Infalling Motions to Kepler Motions", ApJ: 796(2), 131, Dec 1, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  80. Chou T-L; Takakuwa S; Yen H-W; Ohashi N; Ho PTP, "Transition from the Infalling Envelope to the Keplerian Disk around L1551 IRS 5", ApJ: 796(1), 70, Nov 20, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  81. Phan-Bao N; Lee C-F; Ho PTP; Dang-Duc C; Li D, "Characterization of Molecular Outflows in The Substellar Domain", ApJ: 795(1), 70, Nov, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  82. Takakuwa S; Saito M; Saigo K; Matsumoto T; Lim J; Hanawa T; Ho PTP, "Angular Momentum Exchange by Gravitational Torques and Infall in the Circumbinary Disk of the Protostellar System L1551 NE", ApJ: 796(1), 1, Nov, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  83. Takami M; Hasegawa Y; Muto T; ...; Gu P-G; Dong R; Karr JL; ...; Chapillon E; Tang Y-W; et al., "Surface Geometry of Protoplanetary Disks Inferred From Near-Infrared Imaging Polarimetry", ApJ: 795(1), 71, Nov, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  84. Tang Y-W; Dutrey A; Guilloteau S; ...; Ho PTP; et al., "Circumbinary Ring, Circumstellar Disks, and Accretion in the Binary System UY Aurigae", ApJ: 793(1), 10, Sept 20, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  85. Yen H-W; Takakuwa S; Ohashi N; et al., "ALMA Observations of Infalling Flows toward the Keplerian Disk around the Class I Protostar L1489 IRS", ApJ: 793(1), 1, Sept 20, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  86. Hirano N; Liu F-C, "Two Extreme Young Objects in Barnard 1-b", ApJ: 789(1), 50, July, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  87. Lee CF; Hirano N; Zhang QZ; Shang H; Ho PTP; Krasnopolsky R, "ALMA Results of the Pseudodisk, Rotating Disk, and Jet in the Continuum and HCO+ in the Protostellar System HH 212", ApJ: 786(2), 114, May, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  88. Liu C-F; Shang H; Walter FM; Herczeg GJ, "Velocity-resolved [Ne III] from X-Ray Irradiated Sz 102 Microjets", ApJ: 786(2), 99, May, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  89. Phan-Bao N; Lee C-F; Ho PTP; Martin EL, "Submillimeter Array observations of the proto brown dwarf candidate SSTB213 J041757", A&A: 564, A32, April, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  90. Lin L; Jian H-Y; Foucaud S; ...; Chen C-W; Coupon J; Hsieh B-C; et al., "The Pan-STARRS1 Medium-Deep Survey: The role of galaxy group environment in the star formation rate versus stellar mass relation and quiescent fraction out to z ~ 0.8", ApJ: 782(1), 33, Feb, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  91. Liu HB; Galván-Madrid R; Forbrich J; ...; Takami M; ...; Yan CH; Karr J; Chou MY; Ho PTP; et al., "Time Monitoring of Radio Jets and Magnetospheres in the Nearby Young Stellar Cluster R Coronae Australis", ApJ: 780(2), 155-168, Jan, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  92. Rao R; Girart JM; Lai SP; Marrone DP, "Detection of a Magnetized Disk around a Very Young Protostar", ApJL: 780(1), L6, Jan, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  93. Wang L-Y; Shang H; Su Y-N; ...; Hirano N; Lee C-F; et al., "Molecular Jet of IRAS 04166+2706", ApJ: 780(1), 49, Jan, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  94. Lee H-T; Liao W-T; ...; Karr J; ...; Su Y-N; Liu S-Y; Duan H-Y; Takami M, "Near-infrared H2 and Continuum Survey of Extended Green Objects. II. Complete Census for the Northern Galactic Plane", ApJS: 208(2), 23, Oct, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  95. Takakuwa S; Saito M; Lim J; Saigo K, "Evidence for Infalling Gas of Low Angular Momentum toward the L1551 NE Keplerian Circumbinary Disk", ApJ: 776(1), 51, Oct, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  96. Morata O; Kuan Y-J; Ho PTP; et al., "Millimetric and Submillimetric Observations of IRAS 05327+3404 "Holoea" in M36", AJ: 146(3), 49, Sept, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  97. Takahashi S; Ohashi N; Bourke LT, "Direct Imaging of a Compact Molecular Outflow from a Very Low Luminosity Object: L1521F-IRS", ApJ: 774(1), 20, Sept 1, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  98. Takami M; Karr JL; Hashimoto J; Kim H; ...; Chou M-Y; et al., "High-contrast Near-infrared Imaging Polarimetry of the Protoplanetary Disk around RY TAU", ApJ: 772(2), 145, Aug, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  99. Hirashita H; Li Z-Y, "Condition for the formation of micron-sized dust grains in dense molecular cloud cores", MNRAS: 434(1), L70-L74, July, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  100. Liu HB; Qiu K; Zhang, Q; Girart JM; Ho PTP, "Gas Kinematics and the Dragged Magnetic Field in the High-mass Molecular Outflow Source G192.16–3.84: An SMA View", ApJ: 771(1), 71, July, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  101. Yen H-W; Takakuwa S; Ohashi N; Ho PTP, "Unveiling the Evolutionary Sequence from Infalling Envelopes to Keplerian Disks around Low-Mass Protostars", ApJ: 772(1), 22, July, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  102. Liu HB; Ho PTP; Hsieh PY; ...; Su YN; Sun AL; et al., "Interstellar Medium Processing in the Inner 20 pc in Galactic Center", ApJ: 770(1), 44, June, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  103. Cemeljic M; Shang H; Chiang TY, "Magnetospheric accretion and ejection of matter in resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations", ApJ: 768(1), 5, May 1, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  104. Chou M-Y; Takami M; ...; Karr JL; Shang H; Liu HB, "Time Variability of Emission Lines for Four Active T Tauri Stars. I. October-December in 2010", AJ: 145(4), 108, April, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  105. Huang Y-H; Hirano N, "Probing the Earliest Stage of Protostellar Evolution – Barnard 1-bN and Barnard 1-bS", ApJ: 766(2), 131, April 1, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  106. Morata O;Hasegawa TI, "Effects of H2 coating of grains on depletion of molecular species", MNRAS: 429(4), 3578-3583, March 11, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  107. Tang Y-W; Ho PTP; Koch PM; et al., "Dust Continuum and Polarization from Envelope to Cores in Star Formation: A Case Study in the W51 North Region", ApJ: 763(2), 135, Feb 1, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  108. Takahashi S; Ho PTP; Teixeira PA; Zapata LA; Su Y-N, "Hierarchical Fragmentation of the Orion Molecular Filaments", ApJ: 763(1), 57, Jan 20, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  109. Hsieh B-C; Wang W-H; Hsieh C-C; Lin L; Yan H; Lim J; Ho PTP, "The Taiwan ECDFS Near-Infrared Survey: Ultra-Deep J and Ks Imaging in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South", ApJS: 203(2), 23-46, Dec, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  110. Liu C-F; Shang H, "RW Aur A from the X-Wind Point of View: General Features", ApJ: 761(2), 94, Dec, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  111. Tang Y-W; ...; Ohashi N; Ho PTP, "The circumstellar disk of AB Aurigae: evidence for envelope accretion at late stages of star formation?", A&A: 547, A84, Nov, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  112. Liu HB; Hsieh PY; Ho PTP; Su YN; Melvyn W; Sun A-L; Minh YC, "Milky Way Supermassive Black Hole: Dynamical Feeding from the Circumnuclear Environment", ApJ: 756(2), 195, Sept 10, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  113. Liu HB; Jimenez-Serra I; Ho PTP; Chen H-R; Zhang Q; Li Z-Y, "Fragmentation and OB Star Formation in High-Mass Molecular Hub-Filament Systems", ApJ: 756(1), 10, Sept 1, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  114. Morata O; Girart JM; Estalella R; et al., "Probing the physical and chemical structure of the CS core in LDN 673. Multitransitional and continuum observations", MNRAS: 425(3), 1980-1991, Sept, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  115. Takakuwa S; Saito M; Lim J; Saigo K; Sridharan TK; Patel NA, "A Keplerian Circumbinary Disk around the Protostellar System L1551 NE", ApJ: 754(1), 52, July 20, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  116. Takahashi S; Saigo K; Ho PTP; et al., "Spatially Resolving Substructures within the Massive Envelope around an Intermediate-mass Protostar: MMS 6/OMC-3", ApJ: 752(1), 10, June 10, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  117. Chen H-R; Rao R; Wilner DJ; Liu S-Y, "The Magnetized Environment of the W3(H2O) Protostars", ApJL: 751(1), L13, May 20, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  118. Lee H-T; Takami M; Duan H-Y; Karr J; Su Y-N; Liu S-Y; Froebrich D; Yeh Cosmos C, "Near-Infrared H2 and Continuum Survey of Extended Green Objects", ApJS: 200(1), 2, May, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  119. Liu C-F; Shang H; Pyo T-S; Takami M; ...; Yan C-H; Wang SY; Ohashi N; Hayashi M, "Is FS Tau B Driving an Asymmetric Jet?", ApJ: 749(1), 62, April 10, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  120. Takami M; Chen H-H;Karr JL; Lee H-T; Lai SP; Minh Y-C, "Emission Mechanism of "Green Fuzzies" in High-mass Star-forming Regions", ApJ: 748(1), 8, Mar, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  121. Liu HB; ...; Ho PTP; et al., "The Origin of OB Clusters: From 10 pc to 0.1 pc", ApJ: 745(1), 61, Jan 20, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  122. Su Y-N; Liu S-Y; Chen H-R; Tang Y-W, "The Extremely High Velocity Outflow from the Luminous Young Stellar Object G5.89-0.39", ApJL: 744(2), L26, Jan 10, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  123. Chen H-R; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; Wang M-Y, "Deuterium Fractionation as an Evolutionary Probe in Massive Protostellar/Cluster Cores", ApJ: 743(2), 196, Dec 20, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  124. Takami M; Karr JL; Nisini B; et al., "A Detailed Study of Spitzer-IRAC Emission in Herbig-Haro Ob jects (II): Interaction Between Ejecta and Ambient Gas", ApJ: 743(2), 193-209, Dec, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  125. Lee CF, "A rotating disk in the HH 111 Protostellar system", ApJ: 741(1), 62, Nov 1, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  126. Yen H-W; Takakuwa S; Ohashi N, "Kinematics and Physical Conditions of the Innermost Envelope in B335", ApJ: 742(1), 57, Nov 20, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  127. Li Z-Y; Krasnopolsky R; Shang H, "Non-ideal MHD Effects and Magnetic Braking Catastrophe in Protostellar Disk Formation", ApJ: 738(2), 180, Sept 10, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  128. Takakuwa S; Kamazaki T, "Skewed Distributions and Opposite Velocity Gradients of Submillimeter Molecular Lines in Low-Mass Protostellar Envelopes", PASJ: 63(4), 921-939, Aug, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  129. Phan-Bao N; Lee C-F; Ho PTP; Tang Y-W, "Molecular Outflows in the Substellar Domain: Millimeter Observations of Young Very Low Mass Objects in Taurus and ρ Ophiuchi", ApJ: 735(1), 14, July 1, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  130. Krasnopolsky R; Li Z-Y; Shang H, "Disk Formation in Magnetized Clouds Enabled by the Hall Effect", ApJ: 733(1), 54, May 20, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  131. Rao, R.; Girart, J. -M.; Marrone, D. P., "Submillimeter Array Observations of Magnetic Fields in Star Forming Regions", IAUS: 270, 103-106, April, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  132. Liu HB; Zhang Q; Ho PTP, "An Overall Picture of the Gas Flow in a Massive Cluster-forming Region: The Case of G10.6-0.4", ApJ: 729(2), 100, Mar 10, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  133. Takakuwa S; Ohashi N; Aikawa Y, "Carbon-chain and Organic Molecules Around Very Low Luminosity Protostellar Objects of L1521F-IRS and IRAM 04191+1522", ApJ: 728(2), 101, Feb, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  134. Galvan-Madrid R; Zhang Q; Keto E; Ho PTP; Zapata LA; Rodriguez LF; Pineda JE; Vazquez-Semadeni E, "From the Convergence of Filaments to Disk-Outflow Accretion: Massive Star Formation in W33A", ApJ: 725(1), 17-28, Dec 10, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  135. Lee CF, "A Change of Rotation Profile in the Envelope in the HH 111 Protostellar System: A Transition to a Disk?", ApJ: 725(1), 712-720, Dec, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  136. Liu HB; Ho PTP; Zhang Q, "The High-velocity Molecular Outflows in Massive Cluster-forming Region G10.6-0.4", ApJ: 725(2), 2190-2208, Dec, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  137. Minh YC; Su Y-N; Chen H-R; Liu S-Y; Yan C-H;Kim S-J, "Submillimeter Array Observations toward the Massive Star-forming Core MM1 of W75N", ApJ: 723(2), 1231-1240, Nov 10, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  138. Liu HB; Ho PTP; Zhang Q; Keto E; Wu J; Li H, "The Decrease of Specific Angular Momentum and the Hot Toroid Formation: The Massive Clump G10.6-0.4", ApJ: 722(1), 262-272, Oct 10, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  139. Takami M; Karr JL; Koh H; Chen H-H; Lee H-T, "A Detailed Study of Spitzer-IRAC Emission in Herbig-Haro Objects. I. Morphology and Flux Ratios of Shocked Emission", ApJ: 720(1), 155-172, Sept 1, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  140. Yan CH; Minh YC; Wang SY; Su YN; Ginsburg, Adam, "Star-forming Region Sh 2-233IR. I. Deep Near-infrared Observations toward the Embedded Stellar Clusters", ApJ: 720(1), 1-8, Sept 1, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  141. Hirano N; Ho PTP; Liu SY; Shang H; Lee CF;et al., "Extreme active molecular jets in L1448C", ApJ: 717(1), 58-73, July 1, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  142. Tang Y-W; Ho PTP; Koch PM; Rao R, "High-Angular Resolution Dust Polarization Measurements: Shaped B-field Lines in the Massive Star-Forming Region Orion BN/KL", ApJ: 717(2), 1262-1273, July 10, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  143. Krasnopolsky R; Li Z-Y; Shang H, "Disk Formation Enabled by Enhanced Resistivity", ApJ: 716(2), 1541-1550, June 20, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  144. Shang H; Glassgold AE; Lin W-C; Liu C-F, "Ne II Fine-structure Line Emission from the Outflows of Young Stellar Objects", ApJ: 714(2), 1733-1739, May, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  145. Chen H-R; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; Zhang Q, "Deuterium Fractionation as an Evolutionary Probe in the Infrared Dark Cloud G28.34+0.06", ApJ: 713(1), L50-L54, April, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  146. Galván-Madrid R; Montes G; Ramírez EA; Kurtz S; Araya E; Hofner P, "The Rare 23.1 GHz Methanol Masers in NGC 7538 IRS 1", ApJ: 713(1), 423-428, April 10, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  147. Hiramatsu M; Hirano N; Takakuwa S, "Outflow - Core Interaction in Barnard 1", ApJ: 712(2), 778-789, April 1, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  148. Lee CF; Hasegawa TI; Hirano N; Palau A; Shang H; Ho PTP; Zhang Q, "The Reflection-Symmetric Wiggle of the Young Protostellar Jet HH211", ApJ: 713(2), 731-737, April 20, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  149. Takami M; Tamura M; Enya K; et al., "Studies of expolanets and solar systems with SPICA", Adv Space Res: 45(8), 1000-1006, Apr, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  150. Wang K-S; Kuan Y-J; Liu S-Y; Charnley SB, "Kinetic Temperatures of the Dense Gas Clumps in the Orion KL Molecular Core", ApJ: 713(2), 1192-1206, Apr 20, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  151. Karr JL; Ohashi N; Kudo T; Tamura M, "Candidate Coronagraphic Detections of Protoplanetary Disks around Four Young Stars", AJ: 139(3), 1015-1027, Mar, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  152. Yen H-W; Takakuwa S; Ohashi N, "High-Velocity Jets and Slowly Rotating Envelope in B335", ApJ: 710(2), 1786-1799, Feb 20, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  153. Cai MJ;Taam RE, "The Equilibrium Structure of Prolate Magnetized Molecular Cores", ApJ: 709(1), L79-L82, Jan 20, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  154. Galvan-Madrid R; Keto E; Zhang Q;...;Ho PTP, "Formation of O-Star Cluster by Hierarchical Accretion in G20.08-0.14 N", ApJ: 706(2), 1036-1053, Dec 1, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  155. Rao R; Girart JM; Marrone DP; Lai SP; and Schnee S, "IRAS 16293: A Magnetic Tale of Two Cores", ApJ: 707(2), 921-935, Dec 20, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  156. Hirashita H; Omukai K, "Dust coagulation in star formation with different metallicities", MNRAS: 399 (4), 1975-1801, November, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  157. Krasnopolsky R; Shang H; Li Z-Y, "Topologies of Current-Free Axisymmetric Magnetospheres in Star-Disk Systems", ApJ: 703(2), 1863-1871, Oct 1, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  158. Su Y-N; Liu S-Y; Wang K-S; Chen Y-H, Chen H-R, "The Hot and Clumpy Molecular Cocoon Surrounding the Ultracompact HII Region G5.89-0.39", ApJ: 704(1), L5-L9, Oct 10, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  159. Takahashi S; Ho PTP; Tang YW; Kawabe R; Saito M, "Evolutionary Status of Brightest and Youngest Source in the Orion Molecular Cloud-3 Region", ApJ: 704(2), 1459-1470, Oct, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  160. Yamada M; Machida MN; Inutsuka S; Tomisaka K, "Emission from a Young Protostellar Object I. Signatures of Young Embedded Outflows", ApJ: 703(1), 1141-1158, Sep, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  161. Lee CF; Hirano N; ...; Ho PTP; ...; Shang H, "Rotation and Outflow motions in the very low-mass Class 0 protostellar system HH 211 at subarcsecond resolution", ApJ: 699(2), 1584-1594, July, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  162. Tang Y-W; Ho PTP; Koch PM; ...; Lai SP; Rao R, "Evolution of Magnetic Fields in High Mass Star Formation: Linking field geometry and collapse for the W51 e2/e8 cores", ApJ: 700(1), 251-261, July 20, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  163. Su YN; Liu SY; Lim J, "Subarcsecond Imaging of the High-Mass Star Forming Region Onsala 1", ApJ: 698(2), 1981-1988, Jun 20, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  164. Wu P-F; Takakuwa S; Lim J, "Multiple Bipolar Molecular Outflows from the L1551 IRS5 Protostellar System", ApJ: 698(1), 184–197, June 10, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  165. Karr JL; Manoj P; Ohashi N, "Gum 48d: an evolved HII region with ongoing star formation", ApJ: 697(1), 133-147, May 20, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  166. Lee CF; Mao YY; Reipurth B, "Infall and rotation motions in the HH 111 protostellar system: A flattened envelope in transition to a disk?", ApJ: 694(2), 1395-1401, Apr 1, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  167. Lee H-T; Chen WP, "Triggered Star Formation on the Border of the Orion-Eridanus Superbubble", ApJ: 694(2), 1423-1434, Apr 1, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  168. Tang Y-W; Ho PTP; ...; Rao R; Koch P; et al., "Evolution of Magnetic Fields in High Mass Star Formation: SMA dust polarization image of the UCHII region G5.89-0.39", ApJ: 695(2), 1399-1412, April 20, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  169. Phan-Bao N; ...; Lee CF; Tang YW; Ho PTP; ...; Lim J; Ohashi N; Shang H, "First Confirmed Detection of a Bipolar Molecular Outflow from a Young Brown Dwarf", ApJ: 689(2), L141-L144, Dec 20, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  170. Morata O; Herbst E, "Time-dependent models of dense PDR's with complex molecules", MNRAS: 390(4), 1549-1561, Nov, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  171. Takahashi S; Saito M; Ohashi N; ...; Takakuwa S; et al., "Millimeter- and Submillimeter- Wave Observations of the OMC-2/3 Region. III. An Extensive Survey for Molecular Outflows", ApJ: 688(1), 344-361, Nov 20, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  172. Lee CF; Ho PTP; ...; Hirano N; Shang H; et al., "SiO shocks of the protostellar jet HH 212: A search for jet rotation", ApJ: 685(2), 1026-1032, Oct 1, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  173. Cemeljic M; Gracia J; Vlahakis N; Tsinganos K, "Resistive jet simulations extending radially self-similar magnetohydrodynamic models", MNRAS: 389(3), 1022-1032, Sep, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  174. Lee H-T; Lim J, "On the Formation of Perseus OB1 at High Galacitc Latitudes", ApJ: 679(2), 1352-1363, Jun 1, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  175. Yeh SCC; Hirano N; ...; Ho PTP; Lee CF; Ohashi N; Takakuwa S, "The CO Molecular Outflows of IRAS 16293-2422 Probed by the Submillimeter Array", ApJ: 675(1), 454-463, Mar 1, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  176. Cai MJ; Shang H; Lin HH; Shu FH, "X-winds in action", ApJ: 672(1), 489-503, Jan 1, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  177. Takahashi S; Saito M; Takakuwa S; Kawabe R, "A new evolutionary scenario of intermediate-mass star-formation revealed by multi-wavelength observations of OMC-2/3", Ap&SS: 313(1-3), 165-168, Jan, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  178. Takakuwa S; Iono D; Vila-Vilaro B; Sekiguchi T; et al., "Scientific role of ACA for low-mass star-formation study", Ap&SS: 313(1-3), 169-173, Jan, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  179. Lee CF; Ho PTP; Palau A; Hirano N; Bourke TL; Shang H; Zhang Q, "Submillimeter Arcsecond-Resolution Mapping of the Highly Collimated Protostellar Jet HH211", ApJ: 670(2), 1188-1197, Dec 1, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  180. Su YN; Liu SY; Chen HR; Zhang Q; Cesaroni R, "The Outflow from the Luminous Young Stellar Object IRAS 20126+4104:From 4000 AU to 0.4 pc", ApJ: 671(1), 571-580, Dec 10, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  181. Takami M; Beck TL; Pyo T-S; McGregor P; Davis C, "A Micro-Molecular Bipolar Outflow from HL Tauri", ApJ: 670(1), L33-L36, Nov, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  182. Manoj P; Ho PTP; Ohashi N; Zhang Q; Hasegawa T; Chen HR; Bhatt HC; Ashok NM, "An evolved disk surrounding the massive main sequence star MWC 297?", ApJ: 667(2), L187-L190, Oct 1, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  183. Shang H, "Jets and molecular outflows from Herbig-Haro objects", Ap&SS: 311(1-3), 25-34, Oct, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  184. Minh YC; Muller S; Liu SY; Yoon TS, "Unveiling the on-going star formation in the starburst galaxy NGC253", ApJ: 661(2), L135-L138, June 1, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  185. Motoyama K; Umemoto T; Shang H, "A Radiation Driven Implosion Model for the Enhanced Luminosity of Protostars near HII Regions", A&A: 467(2), 657-664, May, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  186. Lee CF; Ho PTP; Beuther H; Bourke TL; Hirano N; Shang H; Zhang Q, "HH212: SMA Observations of a Remarkable Protostellar Jet", ApJ: 659(1), 499-511, Apr 10, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  187. Chen HR; Su YN; Liu SY; Hunter TR; Wilner DJ; Zhang Q; Lim J; Ho PTP; Ohashi N; Hirano N, "654 GHz Continuum and C18O(6-5) Observations of G240.31+0.07 with the Submillimeter Array", ApJ: 654(1), L87-L90, Jan 1, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  188. Shang H; Li Z-Y; Hirano N, "Jets and Bipolar Outflows from Young Stars: Theory and Observational Tests", Protostars and Planets: V, 261-276, 2007 ( ADS | Fulltext )
  189. Lim J; Takakuwa S, "Properties and Formation of the Multiple Protostellar System L1551~IRS5", ApJ: 653(1), 425-436, Dec 10, 2006 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  190. Shang H; Allen A; Li Z-Y; Liu C-F; Chou M-Y; Anderson J, "A Unified Model for Bipolar Outflows from Young Stars", ApJ: 649(2), 845-855, Oct, 2006 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  191. Lin SY; Ohashi N; Lim J; Ho PTP; Fukagawa M; Tamura M, "Possible Molecular Spiral Arms in the Protoplanetary Disk of AB Aur", ApJ: 645(2), 1297-1304, July 10, 2006 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  192. Chen H-R; Welch WJ; Wilner DJ; Sutton EC, "A High-Mass Protobinary System in the Hot Core W3(H2O)", ApJ: 639(2), 975-990, Mar 10, 2006 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  193. Hirano N; Liu SY; Shang H; Ho PTP; ...; Kuan YJ; et al., "SiO J=5-4 in the HH 211 protostellar jet imaged with the Submillimeter Array", ApJ: 636(2), L141-L144, Jan 10, 2006 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  194. Kuan YJ; ...; Hirano N; ...; Liu SY; Ohashi N; et al, "Organic Molecules in Low-Mass Protostellar Hot Cores: Submillimeter Imaging of IRAS 16293-2422", ApJ: 616(1), L27-L30, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  195. Shang H; Lizano S; Glassgold A; Shu F, "Free-free Radio Emission from Young Stellar Objects", ApJ: 612(1), L69-L72, Sept 1, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  196. Allen A, "Molecular Cloud Collapse", Ap&SS: 292(1), 361-364, Mar, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  197. Su Y-N; Zhang Q; Lim J, "Bipolar Molecular Outflows from High-Mass Protostars", ApJ: 604(1), 258-271, Mar 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  198. Shu FH; Li Z-Y; Allen A, "Does Magnetic Levitation or Suspension Define the Masses of Forming Stars?", ApJ: 601(2), 930-951, Feb 1, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  199. Choi M; Tatematsu K, "High-resolution millimeter imaging of the R Coronae Australis IRS 7 region", ApJ: 600(1), L55-L58, Jan 1, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  200. Shang H, "Modeling Outflows from Young Stars", IAUS: 221, 351-358, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  201. Allen A; Li ZY; Shu FH, "Collapse of Magnetized Singular Isothermal Toroids. II. Rotation and Magnetic Braking", ApJ: 599(1), 363-379, Dec, 2003 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
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  203. Takakuwa S; Ohashi N; Hirano N, "Interaction between the Outflow and the Core in IRAM 04191+1522", ApJ: Journal 590(2), 932-943, Jun 20, 2003 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  204. Takakuwa S; Kamazaki T; Saito M; Hirano N, "H13CO+ and CH3OH Line Observations of Prestellar Dense Cores in the TMC-1C Region. II. Internal Structure", ApJ: 584(2), 818-831, Feb 20, 2003 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  205. Shang H, "Developing Diagnostic Tools for X-Wind Jets", Ap&SS: 287(1), 123-127, 2003 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
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  208. Shang H; Glassgold AE; Shu FH; Lizano S, "Heating and ionization of X-winds", ApJ: 564(2), 853-876, Jan, 2002 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
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  210. Hirano N; Taniguchi Y, "Submillimeter CO emission from shock-heated gas in the L1157 outflow", ApJ: 550(2), L219-L222, Apr 1, 2001 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  211. Takakuwa S; Mikami H; Saito M; Hirano N, "A Comparison of the Spatial Distribution of H13CO+, CH3OH, and C34S Emission and Its Implication in Heiles Cloud 2", ApJ: 542(1), 367-379, Oct 10, 2000 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  212. Shu FH; Shang H; Gounelle M; Glassgold AE; Lee T, "Making calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions and chondrules near the young sun by flares", Meteorit Planet Sci: 35 Supplement, A145-A146, Sep, 2000 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
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  220. Allart R; Lemée-Joliecoeur PB; Jaziri AY; Lafrenière D; Artigau E; Cook N; Darveau-Bernier A; Dang L; Cadieux C; Boucher A; Bourrier V; Deibert EK; Pelletier S; Radica M; Benneke B; Carmona A; Cloutier R; Cowan NB; Delfosse X; Donati JF; Doyon R; Figueira P; Forveille T; Fouqué P; Gaidos E; Gu PG; Hébrard G; Kiefer F; Kóspál Ñ; Jayawardhana R; Martioli E; Dos Santos LA; Shang H; Turner JD; Vidotto AA, "Homogeneous search for helium in the atmosphere of 11 gas giant exoplanets with SPIRou", A&A: 677, id.A164 (26 pp), Sep, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  221. Liu X; Liu T; Shen Z; Qin S-L; Luo Q; Cheng Y; Gu Q; Zhang T; Zhu F; Liu S-Y; Lu X; Zhao R; Zhong W; Wu Y; Li J; Zhao Z; Wang J; Liu Q; Xia B; Li B; Fu L; Yan Z; Zhang C; Wang L; Ye Q; Tatematsu KI; Liu H; Shang H; Xu F; Lee C-F; Zhang C; Dutta S, "A Q-band Line Survey toward Orion KL Using the Tianma Radio Telescope", ApJS: 263(1), id.13 (21 pp), Nov, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  222. Johnstone D; Lalchand B; Mairs S; Shang H; Chen WP; Bower GC; Herczeg GJ; Lee J-E; Forbrich J; Chen B-Y; Contreras Peña C; Lee Y-H; Park W; Broughton C; Plovie S; Team JT, "The JCMT Transient Survey: Single-epoch Transients and Variability of Faint Sources", ApJ: 937(1), id.6 (12pp), Sep, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  223. Sun J; Leroy AK; Rosolowsky E; Hughes A; Schinnerer E; Schruba A; Koch EW; Blanc GA; Chiang ID; Groves B; Liu D; Meidt S; Pan H-A; Pety J; Querejeta M; Saito T; Sandstrom K; Sardone A; Usero A; Utomo D; Williams TG; Barnes AT; Benincasa SM; Bigiel F; Bolatto AD; Boquien M; Chevance M; Dale DA; Deger S; Emsellem E; Glover SCO; Grasha K; Henshaw JD; Klessen RS; Kreckel K; Kruijssen JMD; Ostriker EC; Thilker DA, "Molecular Cloud Populations in the Context of Their Host Galaxy Environments: A Multiwavelength Perspective", AJ: 164(2), id.43 (39 pp), Aug, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  224. Salii SV; Zinchenko II; Liu S-Y; Sobolev AM; Aberfelds A; Su Y-N, "The methanol emission in the J1- J0 A-+ line series as a tracer of specific physical conditions in high-mass star-forming regions", MNRAS: 512(3), 3215-3229, May, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  225. Shimoikura T; Dobashi K; Hirano N; Nakamura F; Hirota T; Matsumoto T; Taniguchi K; Shimajiri Y, "Cluster Formation in GGD 12-15: Infall Motion with Rotation of the Natal Clump", ApJ: 928(1), id.76 (16pp), March, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  226. Sanghani MN; Lajaunie L; Marhas KK; Rickard WDA; Hsiao SS-Y; Peeters Z; Shang H; Lee D-C; Calvino JJ; Bizzarro M, "Microstructural and Chemical Investigations of Presolar Silicates from Diverse Stellar Environments", ApJ: 925(2), id.110 (28pp), Feb, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  227. Tychoniec Ł; Van Dishoeck EF; Van't Hoff MLR; Van Gelder ML; Tabone B; Chen Y; Harsono D; Hull CLH; Hogerheijde MR; Murillo NM; Tobin JJ, "Which molecule traces what: Chemical diagnostics of protostellar sources", A&A: 655, id.A65, Nov, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  228. Zhao B; Caselli P; Li Z-Y; Krasnopolsky R; Shang H; Lam KH, "The Interplay between Ambipolar Diffusion and Hall Effect on Magnetic Field Decoupling and Protostellar Disc Formation", MNRAS: 505(4), 5142-5163, Aug, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  229. Dodin A; Lamzin S; Petrov P; ...; Takami M; et al., "RW Aur B: a modest UX Ori-type companion of the famous primary", MNRAS: 497(), 4322-4332, Aug, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  230. De Simone M; Ceccarelli C; Codella C; ...; Liu HB; et al., "Hot Corinos Chemical Diversity: Myth or Reality?", ApJ: 896(1), id.L3 (9pp.), Jun, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  231. Ginsburg A; Anderson LD; Dicker S; ...; Liu HB; et al., "The MUSTANG Galactic Plane Survey (MGPS90) Pilot", ApJS: 248(2), id.24 (16pp.), Jun, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  232. Lacy M; Baum SA; Chandler CJ; ...; Bower GC; et al., "The Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array Sky Survey (VLASS). Science Case and Survey Design", PASP: 132(1009), id. 35001 (34 pp.), Mar, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  233. Baug T; Wang K; Liu T; ...; Liu S-Y; et al., "ALMA Observations Reveal No Preferred Outflow-filament and Outflow-magnetic Field Orientations in Protoclusters", ApJ: 890(1), id.44 (18pp.), Feb, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  234. Donati J-F; Bouvier J; Alencar SH; ...; Takami M; et al., "The magnetic field and accretion regime of CI Tau", MNRAS: 491(4), 5660-5670, Feb, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  235. Zinchenko II; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; Wang K-S; Wang Y, "Dense Cores, Filaments, and Outflows in the S255IR Region of High-mass Star Formation", ApJ: 889(1), id.43(15 pp.), Jan, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  236. Sawicki M; Arnouts S; Huang J; ...; Hsieh B-C; ...; Wang W-H; et al., "The CFHT Large Area U-band Deep Survey (CLAUDS)", MNRAS: 489(4), 5202-5217, Nov, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  237. Saajasto M; Harju J; Juvela M;...; Liu S-Y; Hirano N; et al., "Cloud G074.11+00.11: a stellar cluster in formation", A&A: 630, id. A69 (17 pp.), Oct, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  238. Soam A; Liu T; Andersson B-G; ...; Tang Y-W; ...; Liu S-Y; et al., "Magnetic Fields in the Infrared Dark Cloud G34.43+0.24", ApJ: 883(1), id. 95 (13 pp. ), Sep, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  239. Motogi K; Hirota T; Machida MN; ...; Takakuwa S; Matsushita S, "The First Bird’s-eye View of a Gravitationally Unstable Accretion Disk in High-mass Star Formation", ApJL: 877(2), id. L25 (8 pp.), Jun, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  240. Eden DJ; Liu T; Kim K-T; ...; Liu S-Y; ...; Hirano N; ...; Koch PM; ...; Chu YH; ...; Lai SP; Lee CF; ...; Morata O; ...; Pech G; ...; Shang H; ...; Tang YW; et al., "SCOPE: SCUBA-2 Continuum Observations of Pre-protostellar Evolution - survey description and compact source catalogue", MNRAS: 485(2), 2895-2908, May, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  241. Hsieh C-H; Hu Y; Lai S-P; Liu SY; Hsieh IT; et al., "Tracing Magnetic Field Morphology Using the Velocity Gradient Technique in the Presence of CO Self-absorption", ApJ: 873(1), id. 16 (16 pp.), Mar, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  242. Suriano SS; Li Z-Y; Krasnopolsky R; ...; Shang H; et al., "The formation of rings and gaps in wind-launching non-ideal MHD discs: three-dimensional simulations", MNRAS: 484(1), 107-124, Mar, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  243. Aguado DS; Ahumada R; Almeida A; ...; Hsieh BC; ...; Lin L; Lin YT; ...; Pan HA; et al., "The Fifteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release of MaNGA-derived Quantities, Data Visualization Tools, and Stellar Library", ApJS: 240(2), id. 23 (25 pp.), Feb, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  244. Donati J-F; Bouvier J; Alencar SH; ...; Takami M; Herczeg GJ, "The magnetic propeller accretion regime of LkCa 15", MNRAS: 483(1), L1-L5, Feb, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  245. Hwang H-C; Barrera-Ballesteros JK; Heckman TM; ...; Lin L; ...; Pan H-A; Hsieh B-C; et al., "Anomalously Low-metallicity Regions in MaNGA Star-forming Galaxies: Accretion Caught in Action?", ApJ: 872(2), id. 144 (22 pp.), Feb, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  246. Alencar SHP; Bouvier J; Donati JF; ...; Takami M, "Inner disk structure of the classical T Tauri star LkCa 15", A&A: 620, A195, Dec, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  247. Zhang GY; Xu JL; Vasyunin AI; ...; Liu SY; et al., "Physical properties and chemical composition of the cores in the California molecular cloud", A&A: 620, A163, Dec, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  248. Roelfsema PR; Shibai H; Armus L; ...; Kemper F; et al., "SPICA-A Large Cryogenic Infrared Space Telescope: Unveiling the Obscured Universe", PASA: 35, id.e030 (17 pp.), Aug, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  249. Beuther H; Soler JD; Vlemmings W; ...; Rao R; et al., "Magnetic fields at the onset of high-mass star formation", A&A: 614, A64 (7 pp), June, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  250. Kwon J; Doi Y; Tamura M; ...; Lai, S-P; ...; Koch PM; …; Rao R; …; Chen H-R; …; Kemper F; ...; Liu S-Y;…; Ohashi N; …; Tang Y-W; ...; Yen H-W; et al., "A First Look at BISTRO Observations of the ρ Oph-A core", ApJ: 859(1), id. 4 (22 pp.), May, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  251. Abolfathi B; Aguado DS; Aguilar G; ...; Hsieh B-C; ...; Lin L; ...; Pan HA; et al, "The Fourteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and from the Second Phase of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment", ApJS: 235(2), id.42 (19 pp.), Apr, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  252. Barrado D; de Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Huelamo N; ...; Morata O; et al., "Early phases in the stellar and substellar formation and evolution. Infrared and submillimeter data in the Barnard 30 dark cloud", A&A: 612, A79, April, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  253. Liu H-B; Dunham MM; Pascucci I; … ; Hirano N; …; Takami M; et al., "A 1.3mm SMA Survey of 29 Variable Young Stellar Objects", A&A: 612, A54, April, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  254. Liu T; Kim K-T; Juvela M; ...; Liu S-Y; ...; Koch PM; ...; Hirano N; ...; Chen H-R; Lee C-F; ...; Morata O; ...; Shang H; ...; Tang Y-W; et al., "The TOP-SCOPE Survey of Planck Galactic Cold Clumps: Survey Overview and Results of an Exemplar Source, PGCC G26.53+0.17", ApJS: 234(2), 28, Feb, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  255. Aihara H; Arimoto N; Armstrong R; ...; Chan JHH; ...; Ho PTP; Hsieh B-C; Huang K; Huang S; Ikeda H; Imanishi M; ...; Jian H-Y; ... ; Lin L; Lin Y-T; ...; Suyu SH; ...; Toba Y; ...; Umetsu K; ...; Wang S-Y; Wang W-H; Wong KC; et al., "The Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP Survey: Overview and Survey Design", PASJ: 70(SP1), S4, Jan, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  256. Aihara H; Armstrong R; Bickerton S; ...; Coupon J; ...; ...; Wang S-Y; ...; Ho PTP; Hsieh B-C; ...; Jian H-Y; ...; Lin L; Lin Y-T; ...; Toba Y; ...; Umetsu K; Urata, Yuji; et al., "First Data Release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program", PASJ: 70(SP1), S8, Jan, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  257. Stephens IW; Yang H; Li Z-Y; ...; Rao R, "ALMA Reveals Transition of Polarization Pattern with Wavelength in HL Tau’s Disk", ApJ: 851(1), 55, Dec, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  258. Ando R; Nakanishi K; Kohno K; ...; Harada N; et al., "Diverse Nuclear Star-forming Activities in the Heart of NGC 253 Resolved with 10-pc-scale ALMA Images", ApJ: 849(2), 81, Nov 10, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  259. Herczeg GJ; Johnstone D; Mairs S; ...; Bower GC; Chen HRV; ...; Rao R; ...; Takahashi S; Morata O; ...; Kuan YJ; ...; Lai SP; ...; Lee CF; ...; Lyo AR; ...; Scicluna P; ...; Takakuwa S; Tang YW; et al., "How Do Stars Gain Their Mass? A JCMT/SCUBA-2 Transient Survey of Protostars in Nearby Star-forming Regions", ApJ: 849(1), 43, Nov 1, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  260. Girart JM; Estalella R; Fernandez-Lopez M; ...; Rao R; et al., "The Circumestellar Disk of the B0 Protostar Powering the HH 80-81 Radio Jet", ApJ: 847(1), 58, Sept 20, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  261. Jones OC; Woods PM; Kemper F; ...; Srinivasan S; ...; Ruffle PME; et al., "The SAGE-Spec Spitzer Legacy program: The life-cycle of dust and gas in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Point source classification III.", MNRAS: 470(3), 3250-3282, Sept, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  262. Juárez C; Girart JM; Zamora-Aviles M; Tang Y-W; Koch P; Liu HB; et al., "Magnetized Converging Flows toward the Hot Core in the Intermediate/High-mass Star-forming Region NGC 6334 V", ApJ: 844(1), 44, July, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  263. Kim J; Lee J-E; Liu T; ...; Liu S-Y; JCMT Large Program “SCOPE” Collaboration; TRAO Key Science Program “TOP” Collaboration, "Star Formation Conditions in a Planck Galactic Cold Clump, G108.84–00.81", ApJS: 231(1), 9, July, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  264. Liu HB; Vorobyov EI; Dong R; ...; Takami M; ...; ...; Hirano N; Hasegawa Y; et al., "A concordant scenario to explain FU Orionis from deep centimeter and millimeter interferometric observations", A&A: 602, A19, June, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  265. Ward-Thompson D; Pattle K; Bastien P; ...; Lai S-P; ...; Koch PM; ...; Rao R; ...; Kemper F; ...; Liu S-Y; ...; Tang YW; ...; Yen HW; ...; et al., "First Results from BISTRO: A SCUBA-2 Polarimeter Survey of the Gould Belt", ApJ: 842(1), 66, June, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  266. Chang YY; Le Floc'h E; Juneau S;...; Hsieh B-C; et al., "Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei triggered in compact star-forming galaxies", MNRAS: 466(1), L103-L107, March, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  267. Gully-Santiago MA; Herczeg GJ; Czekala I; ...; Liu C-F, "Placing the spotted T Tauri star LkCa 4 on an HR diagram", ApJ: 836(2), 200, Feb, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  268. Tatematsu K; Liu T; Ohashi S; ...; Liu S-Y; Hirano N; ...; et al., "Astrochemical Properties of Planck Cold Clumps", ApJS: 228(2), 12, Feb, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  269. Juárez C; Girart JM; Frau P; ...; Morata O; et al., "A correlation between chemistry, polarization, and dust properties in the Pipe nebula starless core FeSt 1-457", A&A: 597, A74, Jan, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  270. Stephens IW; Gouliermis D; Looney LW;...; Chu Y-H; et al., "Stellar clusterings around "Isolated" Massive YSOs in the LMC", ApJ: 834(1), 94, Jan, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  271. Tafalla M; Su Y-N; Shang H; ...; Lee C-F; Hirano N; Wang L-Y, "Anatomy of the internal bow shocks in the IRAS 04166+2706 protostellar jet", A&A: 597, A119, Jan, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  272. Yang Y; Hashimoto J; Hayashi SS; ...; Takami M; Tang Y-W; et al., "Near-Infrared Imaging Polarimetry of Inner Region of GG Tau A Disk", AJ: 153, 7, Jan, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  273. Konishi M; Matsuo T; Yamamoto Ki; ...; Takami M; et al., "A substellar companion to Pleiades HII 3441", PASJ: 68(6), 92, Dec, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  274. Rodríguez LF; Yam JO; Carrasco-González C; Anglada G; Trejo A, "The Radio Jet Associated with the Multiple V380 Ori System", AJ: 152(4), 101, Oct, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  275. Lomax JR; Wisniewski JP; Grady CA; ...; Takami M; et al., "Constraining the Movement of the Spiral Features and the Locations of Planetary Bodies within the AB Aur System", ApJ: 828(1), 2, Sept 1, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  276. Lee C-D; Chen WP; Liu S-Y, "Evolutionary status of isolated B[e] stars", A&A: 592, id.A130 (9 pp.), Aug, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  277. Lim J; Yeung PKH; Hanawa T; Takakuwa S; et al., "Rotationally driven Fragmentation in the Formation of the Binary Protostellar System L1551 IRS 5", ApJ: 826(2), 153, Aug 1, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  278. Ohta Y; Fukagawa M; Sitko ML; ...; Takami M; et al., "Extreme asymmetry in the polarized disk of V1247 Orionis", PASJ: 68(4), 53, Aug, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  279. Zhao B; Caselli P; Li Z-Y; Krasnopolsky R; Shang H; Nakamura F, "Protostellar disc formation enabled by removal of small dust grains", MNRAS: 460(2), 2050-2076, Aug 1, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  280. Liu T; Zhang Q; Kim K-T; ...; Liu S-Y; Chen H-R; et al., "Discovery of an Extremely Wide-angle Bipolar Outflow in AFGL 5142", ApJ: 824(1), 31, June, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  281. Minh YC; Liu HB; Galvań-Madrid R, "Chemical Diagnostics of the Massive Star Cluster-forming Cloud G33.92+0.11 I. 13CS, CH3OH, CH3CN, OCS, H2S, SO2, and SiO", ApJ: 824(2), 99, June 20, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  282. de Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Barrado D; Bouy H; ...; Morata O; et al., "A submillimetre search for pre- and proto-brown dwarfs in Chamaeleon II", A&A: 590, A79, May, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  283. Martín S; Aalto S; Sakamoto K; ...; Harada N; et al., "The unbearable opaqueness of Arp220", A&A: 590, A25, May, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  284. Faisst AL; Capak P; Hsieh BC; et al., "A Coherent Study of Emission Lines from Broad-Band Photometry: Specific Star-Formation Rates and [O III]/H_beta Ratio at 3 < z < 6", ApJ: 821(2), 122, April 20, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  285. Busquet G; Estalella R; Palau A; Liu HB; ...; Ho PTP, "What Is Controlling the Fragmentation in the Infrared Dark Cloud G14.225-0.506?: Different Levels of Fragmentation in Twin Hubs.", ApJ: 819(2), 139, March, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  286. Ching T-C; Lai S-P; Zhang Q; ...; Rao R, "Helical Magnetic Fields in the NGC 1333 IRAS 4A Protostellar Outflows", ApJ: 819(2), 159, March, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  287. Dang-Duc C; Phan-Bao, N; Dao-Van DT, "Two confirmed class I very low-mass objects in Taurus", A&A: 588, L2, March, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  288. Izumi T; Kohno K; Aalto S;...; Harada N; ...; Hsieh P-Y; ...; Matsushita S; et al., "Submillimeter-HCN Diagram for Energy Diagnostics in the Centers of Galaxies", ApJ: 818(1), 42, Feb, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  289. Kimura M; Isogai K; Kato T; ...; Chen Y-T; King S-K; Wen C-Y; Wang SY; Lehner MJ; Schwamb ME; Wang J-H; Zhang Z-W; ...;Cook KH; Kim D-W; Lee T;et al. (the TAOS collaboration), "Repetitive Patterns in Rapid Optical Variations in the Nearby Black-hole Binary V404 Cygni", Nature: 529(7584), 54-58, Jan, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  290. Liu T; Liu T; Zhang Q; ...; Liu S-Y; Hirano N; Koch P; Tang Y-W; Liu HB; et al., "Planck Cold Clumps in the λ Orionis Complex. I. Discovery of an Extremely Young Class 0 Protostellar Object and a Proto-brown Dwarf Candidate in the Bright-rimmed Clump PGCC G192.32-11.88", ApJS: 222(1), 7, Jan, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  291. Shimajiri Y; Sakai T; Kitamura Y; ...; Takakuwa S; et al. ,, "Spectral-Line Survey at Millimeter and Submillimeter Wavelengths toward an Outflow-Shocked Region, OMC 2-FIR 4", ApJS: 221(2), 31, Dec, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  292. Donati JF; Hebrard E; Hussain GAJ;...; Takami M; et al., "Magnetic activity and hot Jupiters of young Suns: the weak-line T Tauri stars V819 Tau and V830 Tau", MNRAS: 453(4), 3706-3719, Nov 11, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  293. Aso Y; Ohashi N; Saigo K; ...; Takakuwa S; ...; Yen H-W, "ALMA Observations of the Transition from Infall Motion to Keplerian Rotation around the Late-phase Protostar TMC-1A", ApJ: 812(1), 27, Oct, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  294. Momose M; Morita A; Fukagawa M; ...; Takami M; et al., "Detailed structure of the outer disk around HD 169142 with polarized light in H-band", PASJ: 67(5), id.8316, Oct, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  295. Rich EA; Wisniewski JP; Mayama S; ...; Takami M; et al., "Near-IR Polarized Scattered Light Imagery of the DoAr 28 Transitional Disk", AJ: 150(3), 86, Sept, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  296. Zinchenko I; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; et al., "The Disk-outflow System in the S255IR Area of High-mass Star Formation", ApJ: 810(1), 10, Sept 1, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  297. Jiang X-J; Liu HB; Zhang Q; Wang J; Gu Q; Zhang Z-Y; Li J, "SMA Observations of C2H in High-mass Star-forming Regions", ApJ: 808(2), 114, Aug, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  298. ALMA Partnership; Brogan CL; Pérez LM; ...; Matsushita S; ...; Takahashi S; Lee C-F; ...; Takakuwa S; ...; Liu H-Y; et al., "The 2014 ALMA Long Baseline Campaign: First Results from High Angular Resolution Observations toward the HL Tau Region", ApJL: 808(1), L3, July 20, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  299. Ilbert O; Arnouts S; Le Floc'h E; ...; Hsieh BC; et al., "Evolution of the specific Star Formation Rate Function at z < 1.4 - Dissecting the mass-SFR plane in COSMOS and GOODS", A&A: 579, 2, July, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  300. Galvan-Madrid R*; Rodriguez LF; Liu HB; et al., "Pre- and Post-burst Radio Observations of the Class 0 Protostar HOPS 383 in Orion", ApJL: 806(2), L32, June 20, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  301. Li H-B; Yuen KH; Otto F; ...; Liu HB; Tang Y-W; et al., "Self-similar fragmentation regulated by magnetic fields in a region forming massive stars", Nature: 520 (7548), 518, Apr 23, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  302. Turner JL; Beck SC; Benford DJ; Consiglio SM; Ho PTP; Kovács A; Meier DS; Zhao J-H, "Highly efficient star formation in NGC 5253 possibly from stream-fed accretion", Nature: 519(7543), 331-333, March, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  303. Grady C; Fukagawa M; Maruta Y; ...; Takami M; Karr J; et al., "The outer disks of Herbig stars from the UV to NIR", Ap&SS: 355(2), 253-266, Feb, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  304. Follette KB; Grady CA; Swearingen JR; ...; Takami M; et al., "SEEDS Adaptive Optics Imaging of the Asymmetric Transition Disk Oph IRS 48 in Scattered Light", ApJ: 798(2), 132, Jan 10, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  305. Hashimoto J; Tsukagoshi T; Brown JM; Dong R; ...; Ohashi N; ...; Takami M; et al., "The Structure of Pre-transitional Protoplanetary Disks. II. Azimuthal Asymmetries, Different Radial Distributions of Large and Small Dust Grains in PDS 70", ApJ: 799(1), 43, Jan 20, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  306. Higuchi A; Saigo K; Chibueze J; Sanhueza P; Takakuwa S; Garay G, "IRAS 16547-4247: A New Candidate of a Protocluster Unveiled with ALMA", ApJL: 798(2), L33, Jan, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  307. Ge JX; He JH; Chen X; Takahashi S, "Early-stage star-forming cloud cores in Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey (GLIMPSE) extended green objects (EGOs) as traced by organic species", MNRAS: 445(2), 1170-1185, Dec, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  308. Seale JP; Meixner M; Sewiło M; ...; Srinivasan S; et al., "Herschel Key Program Heritage: a Far-Infrared Source Catalog for the Magellanic Clouds", AJ: 148(6), 124, Dec, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  309. Beltrán MT; Sánchez-Monge Á; Cesaroni R; ...; Wang K-S; et al., "Filamentary structure and Keplerian rotation in the high-mass star-forming region G35.03+0.35 imaged with ALMA", A&A: 571, A52, Nov, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  310. Donati J-F; Hébrard E; Hussain G; ...; Takami M; et al., "Modelling the magnetic activity and filtering radial velocity curves of young Suns : the weak-line T Tauri star LkCa 4", MNRAS: 444(4), 3220-3229, Nov, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  311. Dutrey A; Di Folco E; Guilloteau S; ...; Tang YW, "Possible planet formation in the young, low-mass, multiple stellar system GG Tau A", Nature: 514(7524), 600-602, Oct 30, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  312. Galvan-Madrid R*; Liu HB; Manara CF; ...; Hasegawa Y; Takami M; et al., "Constraints on photoevaporation models from (lack of) radio emission in the Corona Australis protoplanetary disks", A&A: 570, L9, Oct, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  313. Qiu K; Zhang Q; Menten KM; Liu HB; Tang Y-W; et al., "Submillimeter Array Observations of Magnetic Fields in G240.31+0.07: an Hourglass in a Massive Cluster-forming Core", ApJL: 794 (1), L18, Oct 10, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  314. Han W-Y; ...; Matsumoto T, "MIRIS: A compact Wide-field Infrared Space Telescope", PASP: 126(943), 853-862, Sept, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  315. Zhang Q; Qiu K; Girart JM; Liu HB; Tang Y-W; Koch PM; Ho PTP; Rao R; Lai S-P; et al., "Magnetic Fields and Massive Star Formation", ApJ: 792(2), 116, Sept 10, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  316. Chitsazzadeh S; Di Francesco J; Schnee S; ...; Takakuwa S; et al., "Physical and Chemical Characteristics of L1689-SMM16, an Oscillating Prestellar Core in Ophiuchus", ApJ: 790(2), 129, Aug 1, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  317. Lu X; Zhang QZ; Liu HB; et al., "Very Large Array Observations of Ammonia in High-mass Star Formation Regions", ApJ: 790(2), 84, Aug 1, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  318. Sakai N; Oya Y; Sakai T; ...; Takakuwa S; Ohashi N; Yen H-W; et al., "A Chemical View of Protostellar-Disk Formation in L1527", ApJL: 791(2), L38, Aug 20, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  319. Steinhardt CL; Speagle JS; Capak P; ...; Hashimoto Y; Hsieh B-C; ...; Lin L; Lin YT;et al., "Star Formation at 4 < z < 6 from the Spitzer Large Area Survey with Hyper-Suprime-Cam (SPLASH)", ApJL: 791(2), L25, Aug 20, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  320. Bai L; Yee HKC; Yan R; ...; Hsieh BC; et al., "The Inside-Out Growth of the Most Massive Galaxies at 0.3 < z < 0.9", ApJ: 789(2), 134, July 10, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  321. Frau P; Girart JM; Zhang Q; Rao R, "Shaping a high-mass star-forming cluster through stellar feedback. The case of the NGC 7538 IRS 1-3 complex", A&A: 567, A116, July, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  322. Hull CLH; Plambeck RL; Kwon W; Bower GC; et al., "TADPOL: A 1.3 mm Survey of Dust Polarization in Star-forming Cores and Regions", ApJS: 213(1), 13, July, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  323. Kazmierczak-Barthel M; van der Tak FFS; Helmich FP; Chavarria L; Wang KS; Ceccarelli C, "The HIFI spectral survey of AFGL 2591 (CHESS). II. Summary of the survey", A&A: 567, A53, July, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  324. Brandt TD; Kuzuhara M; McElwain MW; ...; Takami M; et al., "The Moving Group Targets of the SEEDS High-contrast Imaging Survey of Exoplanets and Disks: Results and Observations from the First Three Years", ApJ: 786(1), 1, May, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  325. Pyo T-S; Hayashi M; Beck TL; Davis CJ; Takami M, "[Fe II] Emissions Associated with the Young Interacting Binary UY Aurigae", ApJ: 786(1), 63, May, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  326. Jeong W-S; Park S-J; Park K; ...; Matsumoto T; et al., "Conceptual Design of the NISS onboard NEXTSat-1", JASS: 31, 83-90, March, 2014 ( ADS | Fulltext )
  327. Sakai N; Sakai T; Hirota T; ...; Ohashi N; Takakuwa S; Yen H-W; et al., "Change in the chemical composition of infalling gas forming a disk around a protostar", Nature: 507(7490), 78-80, March 6, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  328. Sridharan TK; Rao R; Qiu K; et al., "Hot Core, Outflows, and Magnetic Fields in W43-MM1 (G30.79 FIR 10)", ApJL: 783(2), L31, March, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  329. Girart JM; Estalella R; Palau A; Torrelles JM; Rao R, "On the Origin of the Molecular Outflows in IRAS 16293-2422", ApJL: 780(1), L11, Jan 1, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  330. Galvan-Madrid R; Liu HB; Zhang Z-Y; ...; Ho PTP; et al., "MUSCLE W49: A Multi-Scale Continuum and Line Exploration of the Most Luminous Star Formation Region in the Milky Way. I. Data and The Mass Structure of the Giant Molecular Cloud", ApJ: 779(2), 121, Dec, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  331. Murillo NM; Lai S-P; Bruderer S; Harsono D; van Dishoeck EF, "A Keplerian disk around a Class 0 source: ALMA observations of VLA1623A", A&A: 560, A103, Dec, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  332. Qiu K; Zhang Q; Menten KM; Liu HB; Tang Y-W, "From Poloidal to Toroidal: Detection of Well-ordered Magnetic Field in High-mass Proto-cluster G35.2-0.74N", ApJ: 779(2), 182, Dec, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  333. Gómez-Ruiz AI; Hirano N; Leurini S; Liu SY, "The L 1157 protostellar outflow imaged with the Submillimeter Array", A&A: 558, 94, Oct, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  334. de Gregorio-Monsalvo I.; ...; Takahashi S; Chapillon E; et al., "Unveiling the gas-and-dust disk structure in HD 163296 using ALMA observations", A&A: 557, A133, Sept, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  335. Mathews GS; Klaassen PD; Juhasz A; Harsono, D; Chapillon E; ...; Takahashi S; et al., "ALMA imaging of the CO snowline of the HD 163296 disk with DCO+", A&A: 557, A132, Sept, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  336. Meixner M; Panuzzo P; Roman-Duval J; ...; Kemper F; ...; Otsuka M; ...; Srinivasan S; et al., "The Herschel Inventory of the Agents of Galaxy Evolution (HERITAGE) in the Magellanic Clouds, a Herschel Open Time Key Program", AJ: 146(3), 62, Sept, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  337. López-Sepulcre A; Taquet V; Sánchez-Monge Á; ...; Ho PTP; et al., "High-angular resolution observations towards OMC-2 FIR 4: Dissecting an intermediate-mass protocluster", A&A: 556, A62, Aug, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  338. Girart JM; Frau P; Zhang Q; Koch PM; Qiu K; Tang Y-W; Lai S-P; Ho PTP, "DR 21(OH): A Highly Fragmented, Magnetized, Turbulent Dense Core", ApJ: 772(1), 69, July, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  339. Klaassen PD; Juhasz A; Mathews GS; ...; Takahashi S; ...; Chapillon E; Espada D; et al., "ALMA detection of the rotating molecular disk wind from the young star HD 163296", A&A: 555, A75, July, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  340. Sanchez-Monge A; Palau A; Fontani F; ...; Ho PTP; et al., "Properties of Dense Cores in Clustered Massive Star-Forming Regions at High Angular Resolution", MNRAS: 432(4), 3288-3319, July, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  341. Chen XP; Arce HG; Zhang QZ; ...; Lee CF; et al., "SMA Observations of Class 0 Protostars: A High-Angular Resolution Survey of Protostellar Binary Systems", ApJ: 768(2), 110, May 10, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  342. Sanders NE; Soderberg AM; Foley RJ; ...; Huang K; et al., "PS1-12sk is a Peculiar Supernova from a He-rich Progenitor System in a Brightest Cluster Galaxy Environment", ApJ: 769(1), 39, May, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  343. Follette KB; Tamura M; Hashimoto J; ...; Takami M; et al., "Mapping H-band Scattered Light Emission in the Mysterious SR21 Transitional Disk", ApJ: 767(10), 10, April 10, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  344. Loinard L; Zapata LA; ....; Ho PTP; ...; Takahashi S; Trejo A, "ALMA and VLA observations of the outflows in IRAS 16293-2422", MNRAS: 430(1), L10-L14, Mar, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  345. Zapata LA; Schmid-Burgk J; Pérez-Goytia N; Ho PTP; et al., "A 10,000 Years Old explosion in DR21", ApJL: 765(2), L29, Mar 10, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  346. Brandt T; McElwain M; Turner E; ...; Takami M, "New Techniques for High-Contrast Imaging with ADI: the ACORNS-ADI SEEDS Data Reduction Pipeline", ApJ: 764(2), 183, Feb 20, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  347. Busquet G; Zhang Q; Palau A; Liu HB; ...; Ho PTP; et al., "Unveiling a Network of Parallel Filaments in the Infrared Dark Cloud G14.225-0.506", ApJL: 764(2), L26, Feb 20, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  348. Zapata LA; Loinard L; Rodriguez LF; ...; Takahashi S; Trejo A; et al., "ALMA 690 GHz Observations of IRAS 16293-2422B: Infall in a Highly Optically-Thick Disk", ApJL: 764(1), L14, Feb 10, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  349. Bu D; Shang H; Yuan F, "The effects of viscosity on circumplanetary disks", RAA: 13(1), 71-86, Jan, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  350. Grady C; Muto T; Hashimoto J; ...; Takami M; et al., "Spiral Arms in the Asymmetrically Illuminated Disk of MWC 758 and Constraints on Giant Planets", ApJ: 762(1), 48-60, Jan 1, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  351. Palau A; ...; Ho PTP; et al., "Early Stages of Cluster Formation: Fragmentation of Massive Dense Cores down to <~ 1000 AU", ApJ: 762(2), 120, Jan 10, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  352. Dong RB; Hashimoto J; Rafikov R; ...; Takami M; et al., "The Structure of Pre-transitional Protoplanetary Disks. I. Radiative Transfer Modeling of the Disk+Cavity in the PDS 70 System", ApJ: 760(2), 111, Dec 1, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  353. Mayama S; Hashimoto J; Muto T; ...; Takami M; et al., "Subaru Imaging of Asymmetric Features in a Transitional Disk in Upper Scorpius", ApJL: 760(2), L26, Dec 1, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  354. Minh YC; Chen H-R; Su Y-N; Liu S-Y, "SMA Observations of the Hot Cores of DR21(OH)", JKAS: 45(6), 157-166, Dec, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  355. Tanii R; Itoh Y; Kudo T; ...; Takami M; et al., "High-Resolution Near-Infrared Polarimetry of a Circumstellar Disk around UX Tau A", PASJ: 64(6), 124, Dec 25, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  356. Hashimoto J; Dong R; Kudo T; ...; Takami M; et al., "Polarimetric Imaging of Large Cavity Structures in the Pre-transitional Protoplanetary Disk around PDS 70: Observations of the disk", ApJL: 758(1), L19, Oct 10, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  357. Nakamura F; Takakuwa S; Kawabe R, "Substellar-mass Condensations in Prestellar Cores", ApJL: 758(2), L25, Oct 20, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  358. Yamaguchi T; ...; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; Hirano N; Takakuwa S; et al., "The 3 mm Spectral Line Survey toward the Lynds 1157 B1 Shocked Region. I. Data", PASJ: 64(5), 105, Oct 25, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  359. He J-H; Takahashi S; Chen X, "A 1 mm spectral line survey toward GLIMPSE Extended Green Objects (EGOs)", ApJS: 202(1), 1, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  360. Naranjo-Romero R; Zapata LA; Vazquez-Semadeni E; Takahashi S; et al., "From dusty filaments to massive stars: The case of NGC 7538 S", ApJ: 757(1), 58, Sept 20, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  361. Palau A; de Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Morata O; et al., "A search for pre-substellar cores and proto-brown dwarf candidates in Taurus: multiwavelength analysis in the B213-L1495 clouds", MNRAS: 424(4), 2778-2791, Aug, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  362. Zinchenko I; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; et al., "A Multi-Wavelength High Resolution Study of the S255 Star Forming Region. General structure and kinematics", ApJ: 755(2), 177, Aug 20, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  363. Kusakabe N; ...; Takami M; et al., "High-contrast Near-infrared Polarization Imaging of MWC480", ApJ: 753(2), 153, July 10, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  364. Dong R; ...; Takami M; et al., "The missing cavities in the SEEDS polarized scattered light images of transitional protoplanetary disks: a generic disk model", ApJ: 750(2), 161, May 10, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  365. Muto T; ...; Ohashi N;...; Takami M; et al., "Discovery of Small-Scale Spiral Structures in the Disk of SAO 206462 (HD 135344B): Implications for the Physical State of the Disk from Spiral Density Wave Theory", ApJL: 748(2), L22-28, April 1, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  366. Rimmer PB*; Herbst E; Morata O; et al., "Observing a column-dependent ζ in dense interstellar sources: the case of the Horsehead nebula", A&A: 537, A7, Jan, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  367. Zapata LA; Loinard L; Su Y-N; Rodríguez LF; Menten KM; Patel N; Galvan-Madrid R, "Millimeter Multiplicity in DR21(OH): Outflows, Molecular Cores and Envelopes", ApJ: 744(2), 86, Jan, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  368. Thalmann C; Janson M; Buenzli E; ...;Takami, M; et al., "Images of the Extended Outer Regions of the Debris Ring around HR 4796 A", ApJ: 743(1), L6, Dec, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  369. Lyo A-R; Ohashi N; Qi C; Wilner DJ; Su Y-N, "Millimeter Observations of the Transition Disk around HD 135344B (SAO 206462)", AJ: 142(5), 151, Nov, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  370. Zhao B; Li Z-Y; Nakamura F; Krasnopolsky R; Shang H, "Magnetic Flux Expulsion in Star Formation", ApJ: 742(1), 10, Nov 20, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  371. Gordon KD; Meixner M; ...; Kemper F; et al., "Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution in the Tidally Stripped, Low Metallicity Small Magellanic Cloud (SAGE-SMC). I. Overview", AJ: 142(2), 102, Oct, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  372. Jorgensen JK; Bourke TL; ...; Takakuwa S, "Arcsecond resolution images of the chemical structure of the low-mass protostar IRAS 16293-2422 An overview of a large molecular line survey from the Submillimeter Array", A&A: 534, A100, Oct, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  373. Yamaguchi T; ...; Liu SY; Su Y-N; Hirano N; Takakuwa S; et al., "Detection of Phosphorus Nitride in the Lynds 1157 B1 Shocked Region", PASJ: 63(5), L37-L41, Oct 25, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  374. Christie H; Viti S; ...; Morata O, "Chemistry of dense clumps near moving Herbig-Haro objects", MNRAS: 416(1), 288-293, Sept, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  375. Eisenstein DJ; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "SDSS-III: Massive Spectroscopic Surveys of the Distant Universe, the Milky Way, and Extra-Solar Planetary Systems", AJ: 142(3), 72, Sept, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  376. Beltran MT; Cesaroni R; Zhang Q; Galvan-Madrid R; et al., "Molecular outflows and hot molecular cores in G24.78+0.08 at sub-arcsecond angular resolution", A&A: 532, A91, Aug, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  377. Minh YC; Liu S-Y; Chen H-R; Su Y-N, "H2CS in Outflows of the Massive Star-forming Core DR21(OH)", ApJ: 737(1), L25, Aug 10, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  378. Nakamura F; Sugitani K; ...; Takami M; Karr JL; et al., "Molecular Outflows from the Protocluster Serpens South", ApJ: 737(2), 56, Aug 20, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  379. Houde M; Rao R; Vaillancourt JE; Hildebrand RH, "Dispersion of Magnetic Fields in Molecular Clouds. III.", ApJ: 733(2), 109, June 1, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  380. Klaassen PD; Wilson CD; Keto ER; Zhang Q; Galvan-Madrid R; Liu HB, "High resolution CO observation of massive star forming regions", A&A: 530, A53, June, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  381. Froebrich D; ...; Takami M; …; Lee HT; …; Karr J; et al., "UWISH2 - the UKIRT Widefield Infrared Survey for H2", MNRAS: 413(1), 480-492, May, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  382. Aihara H; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "The Eighth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Data from SDSS-III", ApJS: 193(2), 29, April, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  383. Davis CJ; Cervantes B; ...; Takami M; et al., "VLT integral field spectroscopy of embedded protostars: using near-infrared emission lines as tracers of accretion and outflow", A&A: 528, A3, April, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  384. Liu T; ...; Liu S-Y; ...; Su Y-N; Chen H-R; et al., "Infall and Outflow Motions in the High-mass Star-forming Complex G9.62+0.19", ApJ: 730(2), 102, Apr 1, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  385. Sugimura M; ...; Hirano N; Liu S-Y; ...; Su Y-N; Takakuwa S; et al., "Early Results of the 3mm Spectral Line Survey toward the Lynds 1157 B1 Shocked Region", PASJ: 63(2), 459-472, Apr 25, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  386. Fernandez-Lopez M; Curiel S; ...; Ho PTP; et al., "Millimeter and Submillimeter High Angular Resolution Interferometric Observations: Dust in the Heart of IRAS 18162-2048", AJ: 141(3), 72, Mar, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  387. Hashimoto J; ...; Ohashi N;...; Takami M; et al., "Direct Imaging of Fine Structures in Giant Planet Forming Regions of a Protoplanetary Disk", ApJ: 729(2), L17-20, Mar, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  388. Saruwatari O; Sakai N; Sakai T; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; Yamamoto S, "Compact Molecular Outflow from NGC2264 CMM3, a Candidate for Very Young High-Mass Protostar", ApJ: 729(2), 147, Mar 10, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  389. Shimajiri Y; Kawabe R; Takakuwa S; et al., "New Panoramic View of 12CO and 1.1mm Continuum Emission in the Orion A Giant Molecular Cloud. I. Survey Overview and Possible External Triggers of Star Formation", PASJ: 63(1), 105-123, Feb 25, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  390. Alves F; …; Rao R; et al., "The Magnetic Field in the NGC 2024 FIR 5 Dense Core", ApJ: 726(2), 63, Jan, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  391. Busquet G; Estalella R; ...; Ho PTP; et al., "N2H+ Depletion in the Massive Protostellar Cluster AFGL 5142", A&A: 525, A141, Jan, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  392. Torrelles JM; Patel NA; ...; Ho PTP, "A Wide-Angle Outflow with the Simultaneous Presence of a High-Velocity Jet in the High-Mass Cepheus A HW2 System", MNRAS: 410(1), 627-640, Jan, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  393. Tsukagoshi T; ...; Hiramatsu M; et al., "Detection of Strong Millimeter Emission from the Circumstellar Dust Disk around V1094 Sco: Cold and Massive Disk around a T Tauri Star in a Quiescent Accretion Phase?", ApJ: 726(1), 45-51, Jan, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  394. Zapata LA; Loinard L; ...; Ho PTP; et al., "Discovery of an Expanding Molecular Bubble in Orion BN/KL", ApJ: 726(1), L12, Jan, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  395. Lizano S; Galli D; Cai MJ; Adams FC, "Stability of Magnetized Disks and Implications for Planet Formation", ApJ: 724(2), 1561-1570, Dec 1, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  396. Zapata LA; Tang Y-W; Leurini S, "Extremely Large and Hot Multilayer Keplerian Disk Around the O-type Protostar W51N: The Precursors of the HCH II Regions?", ApJ: 725(1), 1091-1099, Dec, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  397. Beuther H; Vlemmings WHT; Rao R; van der Tak FFS, "Magnetic field structure in a high-mass Outflow/Disk system", ApJ: 724(1), L113-L117, Nov 20, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  398. Frau P; Girart JM; Beltrán MT; Morata O; Masqué JM; Busquet G; Alves FO; Sánchez-Monge A; Estalella R; Franco GAP, "Young starless cores embedded in the magnetically dominated Pipe Nebula", ApJ: 723(2), 1665-1677, Nov 10, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  399. Kakazu Y;...; Wang W-H; et al., "Hawaii Quasar and T-dwarf (HQT) Survey I. Method and Discovery of Faint Feld Ultra-Cool Dwarfs", ApJ: 723(1), 184-196, Nov 1, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  400. Thalmann C; Grady CA; Goto M; ...; Takami M; et al., "Imaging of a Transitional Disk Gap in Reflected Light: Indications of Planet Formation Around the Young Solar Analog LkCa 15", ApJ: 718(2), L87-L91, Aug 1, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  401. Busquet G; Palau A; Estalella R; Girart JM; Sanchez-Monge A; Viti S; Ho PTP; Zhang Q, "The NH2D/NH3 ratio toward pre-protostellar cores around the UCH II region in IRAS 20293+3952", A&A: 517, L6, July, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  402. Pech G; Loinard L; Chandler CJ; Rodriguez LF; D’Alessio P; Brogan CL; Wilner DJ; Ho PTP, "Confirmation of a Recent Bipolar Ejection in the Very Young Hierarchical Multiple System IRAS 16293-2422", ApJ: 712(2), 1403-1409, April 1, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  403. Momose M; Ohashi N; et al., "High Resolution Observations of Dust Continuum Emission at 340 GHz from the Low-mass T Tauri Star FN Tauri", ApJ: 712(1), 397-404, March 20, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  404. Peters T; Banerjee R; Klessen RS; Mac L M-M; Galván-Madrid R; Keto ER, "H II Regions: Witnesses to Massive Star Formation", ApJ: 711(2), 1017-1028, Mar 10, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  405. Zapata LA; Schilke P; Ho PTP, "A contracting circumbinary molecular ring around Ori 139–409 with an inner cavity of about 140 au", MNRAS: 402(4), 2221-2227, Mar, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  406. Dai Y; Wilner DJ; Andrews SM; Ohashi N, "Millimeter Dust Emission in the GQ Lup System", AJ: 139(2), 626-629, Feb, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  407. Hung C-L; Lai S-P; Yan C-H, "The Evolution of Density Structure of Starless and Protostellar Cores", ApJ: 710(1), 207-211, Feb 10, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  408. Palau A; Sanchez-Monge A; Busquet G; Estalella R; Zhang Q; Ho PTP; Beltran MT; Beuther H, "Three intermediate-mass young stellar objects with different properties emerging from the same natal cloud in IRAS 00117+6412", A&A: 510, Art. No. A5, Feb, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  409. Friesen RK; Di Francesco J; Shimajiri Y; Takakuwa S, "The Initial Conditions of Clustered Star Formation. II. N2H+ Observations of the Ophiuchus B Core", ApJ: 708(2), 1002-1024, Jan 10, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  410. Barrado D; Morales-Calderón M; Palau A; Bayo A; de Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Eiroa C; Huélamo N; Bouy H; Morata O; Schmidtobreick L, "A proto brown dwarf candidate in Taurus", A&A: 508(2), 859-867, Dec, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  411. Ginsburg A; Bally J; Yan C-H; Williams J, "Outflows and Massive Stars in the Protocluster IRAS 05358+3543", ApJ: 707(1), 310-327, Dec 10, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  412. Okamoto YK; ...; Ohashi N; et al., "Direct Detection of a Flared Disk Around a Young Massive Star HD200775 and its 10 to 1000 AU Scale Properties", ApJ: 706(1), 665-675, Nov 20, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  413. Hughes AM; Wilner DJ; Cho J; Marrone DP; Lazarian A; Andrews SM; Rao R, "Stringent Limits on the Polarized Submillimeter Emission from Protoplanetary Disks", ApJ: 704(2), 1204-1217, OCT 20, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  414. Shimajiri Y; Takahashi S; Takakuwa S; et al., "Millimeter- and Submillimeter-Wave Observations of the OMC-2/3 region. IV; Interaction between the Outflow and the Dense Gas in the Cluster Forming Region of OMC-2 FIR 6", PASJ: 61(5), 1055-1063, October 25, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  415. Zapata LA; Schmid-Burgk J; Ho PTP; et al., "Explosive Disintegration of a Massive Young Stellar System in Orion", ApJ: 704(1), L45-L48, Oct 10, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  416. Adams FC; Cai MJ; Lizano S, "Migration of Extrasolar Planets: Effects from X-wind Accretion Disks", ApJ: 702(2), L182-L186, Sep 10, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  417. Girart JM; Beltran MT; Zhang Q; Rao R; et al., "Magnetic Fields in the Formation of Massive Stars", Science: 324(5933), 1408-1411, June 12, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  418. Zapata LA; Ho PTP; et al., "A Ring/Disk/Outflow System Associated with W51 North: A Very Massive Star in the Making", ApJ: 698(2), 1422-1428, June, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  419. Qiu K; Zhang Q; Wu J; Chen H-R, "Submillimeter Array Observations of the Molecular Outflow in High-mass Star-forming Region G240.31+0.07", ApJ: 696(1), 66-74, May 1, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  420. Rodriguez LF; Zapata LA; Ho PTP, "Resolving the Structure and Kinematics of the BN Object at 0.2” Resolution", ApJ: 692(1), 162-167, Feb 10, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  421. Shimajiri Y; Takahashi S; Takakuwa S; et al., "Millimeter- and Submillimeter- Wave Observations of the OMC-2/3 Region. II. Observational Evidence for Outflow Triggered Star Formation in the OMC-2 FIR3/4 Region", ApJ: 683(1), 255-266, Aug 10, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  422. Beltran MT; Wiseman J; Ho PTP; Estalella R; et al., "Dissection of the Protostellar Envelope Surrounding IRAS 05173-0555 in L1634", A&A: 485(2), 517-526, July, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  423. Beltran MT; Estalella R; Girart JM; Ho PTP; et al., "On the Nature of Outflows in Intermediate-Mass Protostars, a case study of IRAS 20050+2720", A&A: 481(1), 93-105, Apr, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  424. Kang M; Choi Minho; Ho PTP; Lee Y, "Millimeter Imaging of HH 24 MMS: A Misaligned Protobinary System", ApJ: 683(1), 267-271, April 30, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  425. Qin SL; Zhao JH; ...; Liu SY; Kuan YJ, "Infall and outflow of molecular gas in Sgr B2", ApJ: 677(1), 353-372, Apr 10, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  426. Beck TL; McGregor PJ; Takami M; Pyo T-S, "Spatially Resolved Molecular Hydrogen Emission in the Inner 200AU Environments of Classical T Tauri Stars", ApJ: 676(1), 472-489, March 20, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  427. Galvan-Madrid R; Rodriguez LF; Ho PTP; Keto E, "Time Variation in G24.78+0.08 A1: Evidence for an Accreting Hypercompact HII Region?", ApJ: 674(1), L33-L36, Feb 10, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  428. Zapata LA; Palau A; Ho PTP; Schilke P; et al., "Forming an Early O-type Star Through Gas Accretion", A&A: 479(2), L25-L28, Feb, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  429. Brogan C; Hunter T; Indebetouw R; ...; Rao R; et al., "High resolution submillimeter observations of massive protostars", Ap&SS: 313(1-3), 53-57, Jan, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  430. Furuya RS; Cesaroni R; Takahashi S; Codella C; Momose M; Beltran MT, "Candidate Rotating Toroids around High-Mass (Proto) Stars", ApJ: 673(1), 363-381, Jan 20, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  431. Girart JM; Rao R; Marrone DP, "SMA observations of the magnetic fields around a low-mass protostellar system", Ap&SS: 313(1-3), 87-90, Jan, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  432. Matthews B; Bergin E; Crapsi A; ...; Rao R, "The Class 0 source Barnard 1c. Most recent results", Ap&SS: 313(1-3), 65-68, Jan, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  433. Padgett DL; Rebull LM; Stapelfeldt KR; ...; Lai SP; et al., "The Spitzer c2d survey of large, nearby, interstellar clouds. VII. Ophiuchus observed with MIPS", ApJ: 672(2), 1013-1037, Jan 10, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  434. Loinard L; Chandler CJ; Rodriguez LF; ...; Ho PTP, "New Radio Sources and the Composite Structure of Component B in the Very Young Protostellar System IRAS 16293-2422", ApJ: 670(2), 1353-1360, Dec 1, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  435. Palau A; Estalella R; Ho PTP; et al., "Unveiling the Nature and Interaction of the Intermediate/High-Mass YSOs in IRAS 20343+4129", A&A: 474(3), 911-922, Nov, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  436. Chapman NL; Lai SP; Mundy LG; et al., "The Spitzer c2d survey of large, nearby, interstellar clouds. IV. Lupus observed with mips", ApJ: 667(1), 288-302, Sep 20, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  437. Torrelles JM; Patel NA; Curiel S; Ho PTP; Garay G; Rodriguez LF, "The Circumstellar Structure and Excitation Effects around the Massive Protostar Cepheus A HW2", ApJ: 666(1), L37-L40, Sep 1, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  438. Zapata LA; Ho PTP; Rodriguez LF; Schilke P; Kurtz S, "Circumbinary Molecular Rings Around Young Stars in Orion", A&A: 471(3), L59-L62, Sep, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  439. Rebull LM; Stapelfeldt KR; Evans NJ; ...; Lai SP; et al., "The Spitzer c2d survey of large, nearby, interstellar clouds. VI. Perseus observed with MIPS", ApJS: 171(2), 447-477, Aug, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  440. Ruiterkamp R; Charnley SB; Butner HM; ...; Kuan YJ; et al., "Organic astrochemistry: observations of interstellar ketene", Ap&SS: 310(3-4), 181-188, Aug, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  441. Takakuwa S; Ohashi N; Bourke TL; Hirano N; Ho PTP; Jorgensen JK; Kuan YJ; et al., "Arcsecond-Resolution Submillimeter HCN Imaging of the Binary Protostar IRAS 16293-2422", ApJ: 662(1), 431-442, June 10, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  442. Jorgensen JK; Bourke TL; Myers PC; Di Francesco J; van Dishoeck EF; Lee CF; Ohashi N; Schoier FL; Takakuwa S; Wilner DJ; Zhang Q, "PROSAC: A Submillimeter Array Survey of Low-Mass Protostars I. Overview of Program: Envelopes, Disks, Outflows, and hot Cores", ApJ: 659(1), 479-498, Apr 10, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  443. Palau A; Estalella R; Girart JM; Ho PTP; Zhang Q; Beuther H, "Star Formation in a Clustered Environment around the UCHII Region in IRAS 20293+3952", A&A: 465(1), 219-233, April I, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  444. Rodriguez LF; Zapata L; Ho PTP, "Radio Continuum Observations of AB Aur", RevMexAA: 43(1), 149-154, Apr, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  445. Zhang QZ; Hunter TR; Beuther H; ...; Liu SY; Su YN; et al., "Multiple jets from the high-mass (proto) stellar cluster AFGL 5142", ApJ: 658(2), 1152-1163, Apr 1, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  446. Patel N; Curiel S; Zhang Q; Sridharan TK; Ho PTP; Torrelles JM, "Submillimeter Array Observations of 321 GHz Water Maser Emission in Cepheus A", ApJ: 658(1), L55-L58, Mar 20, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  447. Rodriguez LF; Zapata L; Ho PTP, "Compact Centimeter and Millimeter Sources in NGC 6334 I(N): OB Stars in the Making", ApJ: 654(2), L143-146, Jan 10, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  448. Choi M; Tang YW, "Millimeter imaging of the HH 270 protostellar core and outflow", ApJ: 648(1), 504-509, Sep 1, 2006 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  449. Lee JE; Di Francesco J; Lai SP; et al., "The Spitzer c2d survey of nearby dense cores. III. Low-mass star formation in a small group, L1251B", ApJ: 648(1), 491-503, Sep 1, 2006 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  450. Galli D; Lizano S; Shu FH; Allen A, "Gravitational collapse of magnetized clouds. I. Ideal magnetohydrodynamic accretion flow", ApJ: 647(1), 374-381, Aug 10, 2006 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  451. Girart JM; Rao R; Marrone DP, "Magnetic Fields in the Formation of Sun-Like Stars", Science: 313(5788), 812-814, Aug 11, 2006 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  452. Lee CF; Ho PTP; Beuther H; ...; Hirano N; Shang H, "Infall and Outflow around the HH 212 Protostellar System", ApJ: 639 (1), 292-302, Mar 1, 2006 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  453. Zapata LA; Rodriguez LF; Ho PTP; et al., "In search of circumstellar disks around young massive stars", AJ: 131(2), 939-950, Feb, 2006 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  454. Beuther H; Zhang Q; Reid MJ; ...; Ho PTP; ...; Liu SY, "Submillimeter array 440 mu m/690 GHz line and continuum observations of Orion KL", ApJ: 636(1), 323-331, Jan 1, 2006 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  455. Palau A; Ho PTP; Zhang Q; ...; Hirano N; Shang H;...; Kuan YJ, "Submillimeter emission from the hot molecular jet HH 211", ApJ: 636(2), L137-L140, Jan 10, 2006 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  456. Beuther H; ...; Ho PTP; ...; Liu SY; Chang CM, "Line Imaging of Orion KL at 865 mum with the Submillimeter Array", AJ: 632(1), 355-370, Oct, 2005 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  457. Favata F; Flaccomio E; ...; Shang H; et al., "Bright X-Ray Flares in Orion Young Stars from COUP: Evidence for Star-Disk Magnetic Fields?", ApJS: 160(2), 469-502, Oct, 2005 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  458. Tsujimoto M; Feigelson ED; Grosso N; ...; Shang H; et al., "Iron Fluorescent Line Emission from Young Stellar Objects in the Orion Nebula", ApJS: 160(2), 503-510, Oct, 2005 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  459. Wolk SJ; Harnden FR; Flaccomio E; ...; Shang H; et al., "Stellar Activity on the Young Suns of Orion: COUP Observations of K5-7 PreMain-Sequence Stars", ApJS: 160(2), 423-449, Oct, 2005 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  460. Patel NA; Curiel S; Sridharan TK; ...; Ho PTP; et al., "A disk of dust and molecular gas around a high-mass protostar", Nature: 437(7055), 109-111, Sep 1, 2005 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  461. Huang HC; Kuan YJ; Charnley SB; Hirano N; et al., "Organic molecules in the hot corinos and circumstellar disks of IRAS 16293-2422", Adv Space Res: 36(2) Sp. Iss., 146-155, 2005 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  462. Beuther H; Hunter TR; ...; Ho PTP; Ohashi N; Su YN; Lim J; Liu SY, "Submillimeter Array Outflow/Disk Studies in the Massive Star-forming Region IRAS 18089-1732", ApJ: 616(1), L23-L26, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  463. Beuther H; Zhang Q; ...; Ho PTP; Liu SY; Ohashi N; Su YN; Lim J, "Submillimeter Array Multiline Observations of the Massive Star-forming Region IRAS 18089-1732", ApJ: 616(1), L19-L22, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  464. Beuther H; Zhang Q; Greenhill LJ; ...; Liu SY, "Subarcsecond Submillimeter Continuum Observations of Orion KL", ApJ: 616(1), L31-L34, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  465. Qi C; Ho PTP; ...; Hirano N; Ohashi N; ...; Choi M; et al, "Imaging the Disk around TW Hydrae with the Submillimeter Array", ApJ: 616(1), L11-L14, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  466. Takakuwa S; Ohashi N; Ho PTP; ...; Hirano N; Choi M; et al, "Submillimeter Array Observations of L1551 IRS 5 in CS J = 7-6", ApJ: 616(1), L15-L18, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  467. Sollins PK; Hunter TR; ...; Ho PTP; Lim J; Liu SY; Ohashi N; Sridharan TK; Su YN; et al, "Mapping the Outflow from G589-039 in SiO J = 5 --> 4", ApJ: 616(1), L35-L38, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  468. Sollins PK; Zhang Q; Ho PTP, "The Case for Local Collapse in the W51 Star-forming Region", ApJ: 606(2), 943-951, May 10, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  469. Anglada G; Rodriguez LF; ...; Ho PTP, "A Single Circumstellar Disk in the SVS 13 Close Binary System", ApJ: 605(2), L137-L140, Apr 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  470. Shinnaga H; Ohashi N; Lee S-W; Moriarty-Schieven GH, "Physical Properties and Kinetic Structure of a Starless Core in Taurus Molecular Cloud", ApJ: 601(2), 962-978, Feb 1, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  471. Torrelles JM; Patel NA; ...; Ho PTP; et al, "Evidence for Evolution of the Outflow Collimation in Very Young Stellar Objects", ApJ: 598(2), L115-L119, Dec 1, 2003 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  472. Aikawa Y; Ohashi N; Herbst E, "Molecular Evolution in Collapsing Prestellar Cores. II. The Effect of Grain-Surface Reactions", ApJ: 593(2), 906-924, Aug 20, 2003 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  473. Young LM; van Zee L; Lo KY; et al, "Star formation and the interstellar medium in four dwarf irregular galaxies", ApJ: 592(1), 111-128, Jul 20, 2003 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  474. Trinidad MA; Curiel S; ...; Ho PTP; et al, "Observations of Water Masers and Radio Continuum Emission in AFGL 2591", ApJ: 589(1), 386-396, May 20, 2003 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  475. Rodriguez LF; Porras A; ...; Ho PTP; et al, "The Binary Jet in L1551 IRS 5", ApJ: 586(2), L137-L139, Apr 1, 2003 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  476. Kamazaki T; Saito M; Hirano N; et al, "Molecular Outflow Search in the rho Ophiuchi A and B2 Regions", ApJ: 584(1), 357-367, Feb 10, 2003 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  477. Leitherer C; Li IH; Calzetti D; Heckman TM, "Global far-ultraviolet (912-1800 angstrom) properties of star-forming galaxies", ApJS: 140(2), 303-329, Jun, 2002 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
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