Colloquiums and Seminars

ASIAA Colloquium is usually held on Wednesdays at 2:20-3:20 pm in Room 1203 of the Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU. All scientists are welcome to attend. Seminars on more specialized topics are also held on a regular basis.

The ASIAA-NTU joint colloquium series aims to bring to the physics/astronomy/cosmology community in ASIAA/NTU world renown researchers who will talk about the forefront development of physical sciences.

Contact: Colloquium Committee (talks   _replace_to_@_

Next Colloquium:
2024-09-18 Wed 14:20~15:20 [R1203]
Uyama Taichi (California State University Northridge / Astrobiology Center)
Direct Imaging of Exoplanets; from investigation of Jovian planet formation/evolution to future explorations for the Second Earth
Since the first detection of an extrasolar planet (exoplanet), thousands of exoplanets have been reported through a variety of detection techniques. Direct imaging is a unique way of proving the presence of exoplanets, providing useful information for their characterizations. I will discuss how direct imaging tackles challenges of controversial planet formation/evolution theories, by presenting current direct imaging observations of young Jovian planets and protoplanetary disks with adaptive optics observation with ground-based telescopes and cycle-1 JWST programs, including our programs with Subaru, Keck, and JWST. I will also introduce prospects for future direct imaging explorations of terrestrial planets and extraterrestrial lives in the next decades.
Topic / Abstract
2024-09-18 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Uyama Taichi
California State University Northridge / Astrobiology Center
Direct Imaging of Exoplanets; from investigation of Jovian planet formation/evolution to future explorations for the Second Earth
Michihiro Takami
2024-09-25 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Chris Reynolds
University of Maryland
Probing the extremes with clusters of galaxies
Min-Kai Lin
2024-09-26 Thu 12:00~13:30 R1412
I-Liang Chern
Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University
*Theory Seminar*
Variational Principles in Fluid Mechanics
2024-10-02 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Melaine Saillenfest
Paris Observatory
Min-Kai Lin
2024-10-09 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Zhi-Yun Li
University of Virginia
Hsien Shang
2024-10-23 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Ryosuke Tominaga
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Min-Kai Lin
2024-10-24 Thu 14:20~15:20 R1203
Yuya Fukuhara
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Min-Kai Lin
2024-10-30 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Ryosuke Hirai
Ke-Jung Chen
2024-11-13 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Yuki Takei
Kyoto University
Ke-Jung Chen
2024-11-20 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Jubee Sohn
Seoul National University
Yi-Kuan Chiang
2024-11-27 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Vivian U
UC Irvine
Chian-Chou Chen
2024-12-04 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Christophe Pichon
Institut Astrophysique de Paris
Junsup Shim
2024-12-11 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Man Hoi Lee
University of Hong Kong
Pin-Gao Gu
Past talks in 2024
2024-01-03 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Cheng Chen
University of Leeds
Dancing with the binary: diverse orbital dynamics and stability around circumbinary systems
2024-01-17 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Ming-Tang Chen
The Greenland Telescope, Black Hole Shadow, and Photon Ring
2024-01-22 Mon 14:20~15:20 R1203
Brandon Hensley
Rethinking the Nature of Interstellar Dust
2024-01-24 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Chandra Shekhar Saraf
Tomographic cross-correlation of the CMB lensing and galaxy clustering - systematic errors from redshift bin mismatch of galaxies
2024-01-31 Wed 14:00~14:45 R1412
Hiddo Algera
Hiroshima University
The Dust and Interstellar Medium Properties of Galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization
2024-01-31 Wed 14:45~15:30 R1412 &
Sunil Simha
UC Santa Cruz
Mapping the cosmic web along FRB sightlines
2024-02-07 Wed 14:00~14:45 R1412
Konstantin Gerbig
Novel insights in planet formation: Formation of dusty filaments & orbital alignment in binary systems
2024-02-07 Wed 14:45~15:30 R1412 &
Chayan Mondal
AstroSat UV Deep Field - A unique view of the distant galaxies
2024-02-16 Fri 14:20~15:20 R1203
Chun-Hao To
Multi-probe cosmology: challenges and opportunities in the next decade
2024-02-21 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Ya-Lin Wu
Monitoring accreting brown dwarfs at Lulin
2024-02-26 Mon 11:00~12:00 R7S1, Cosmology Hall
Jia Liu
*Theory Seminar*
[Joint LeCosPA-ASIAA Seminar] Cosmology with Massive Neutrinos
2024-02-29 Thu 14:20~15:20 R1203
Seamus Clarke
Filaments in a multi-scale framework of star formation
2024-03-05 Tue 14:20~15:20 R1203
Tomomi Sunayama
University of Arizona
Precision cosmology with galaxies and galaxy clusters - projects and prospects with ongoing and future galaxy surveys
2024-03-06 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Liton Majumdar
Constraining the initial conditions for the formation of extra-solar planets and their atmospheres
2024-03-11 Mon 14:20~15:20 R1203
Maciek Wielgus
Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy
Radio-bright future of studying black holes
2024-03-12 Tue 14:20~15:20 R1203
Michael H. Wong
UC Berkeley
10 Years of Annual Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of the Giant Planets
2024-03-13 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Jenny Wagner
Bahamas Advanced Study Institute & Conferences
Lensing of '69 -- Free gravitational lensing from its heuristic models
2024-03-19 Tue 14:20~15:20 R104, CCMS-New Phys. building
Anne Dutrey
Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux
*ASIAA/NTU Joint Colloquium*
From protoplanetary Disks to Planet Formation
2024-03-20 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Kotaro Kohno
University of Tokyo
ALMA and JWST observations of emission-line galaxies in the early Universe
2024-03-22 Fri 11:00~13:00 R1412
Susana Lizano
UNAM, Morelia
*Theory Seminar*
Dust in Transition Protoplanetary Disks
2024-03-27 Wed 11:00~13:00 R1203
James Stone
Institute for Advanced Study
*Theory Seminar*
Modeling Luminous Accretion Flows Around Black Holes
2024-03-27 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Anders Johansen
University of Copenhagen
Rapid accretion of rocky planets and the outgassing of their first atmospheres
2024-03-28 Thu 14:20~15:50 R1203
Yusei Koyama, Takashi Moriya, Daisuke Suzuki
Subaru, NAOJ, Osaka Univ
ULTIMATE-Subaru and SUPER-IRNET: toward the bright future of the Subaru Telescope
2024-04-03 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Emmanuel Schaan
Backlighting the large-scale structure with the cosmic microwave background
2024-04-16 Tue 14:20~15:20 R104, CCMS-New Phys. building
David Schlegel
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
*ASIAA/NTU Joint Colloquium*
Massive Redshift Surveys and First Results from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI)
2024-04-17 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
David Schlegel
First Results from DESI and Future Spectroscopic Surveys
2024-04-18 Thu 14:20~15:20 R1203
Toshifumi Futamase
Tohoku University
Gravitational Flexion Measurement in Weak Lensing and JWST Applications
2024-04-24 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Salvatore Orlando
Supernova Remnants as Probes of the Life and Death of Massive Stars
2024-04-26 Fri 12:00~13:20 R1412
Maurice van Putten
Sejong University, Korea
*Theory Seminar*
Hubble Expansion Beyond ΛCDM in Big Bang Quantum Cosmology
2024-05-14 Tue 14:20~15:20 R1203
Shang-Min Tsai
UC Riverside
A Comprehensive Framework for Modeling Photochemistry, Climate, and Habitability
2024-05-15 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Janet Chen
Transient Zoo from ePESSTO+
2024-05-22 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Harish Vedantham
Radio flashes from plasma storms around exoplanets
2024-05-29 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Stephen Appleby
Cosmology from the topology of Large Scale Structure
2024-05-30 Thu 14:00~15:00 R1203
Chao-Chin Yang
Department of Physics and Astronomy The University of Alabama, U.S.A.
From pebbles to planets: planetesimal formation and pebble accretion
2024-06-18 Tue 14:20~15:20 R1203
Keiichi Maeda
Kyoto U.
Insights into the final evolution of massive stars: studying circumstellar environments around supernovae
2024-06-19 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Jenny Greene
Little Red Dots in JWST
2024-06-20 Thu 10:30~12:00 R1203
Keiichi Maeda, Janet Chen, Yen-Chen Pan, Ken Chen
Kyoto U., NCU, ASIAA
Kyoto-NCU-ASIAA supernovae discussion
2024-06-20 Thu 14:00~15:00 R1203
Tien-Hao Hsieh
PRODIGE - Envelope to Disk with NOEMA - A streamer feeding the SVS13A protobinary and the complexity of the COM emission
2024-06-26 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Chrystian Luciano Pereira
Observatorio Nacional
Rings Around Small Solar System Objects: Discoveries and Detection Limits
2024-06-28 Fri 12:00~13:30 R1412
Shih-Hsien Yu
Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica
*Theory Seminar*
Heat Equation and Wave Train
2024-07-02 Tue 14:20~15:20 R1203
Eva Lilly
Planetary Science Institute
A Hundred Sleeping Beasts: Dynamical Triggers of Cometary Activity in Centaurs
2024-07-03 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Ruobing Dong
University of Victoria
Observational Planet Formation
2024-07-10 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Naomi Hirano
Panchromatic study of the extremely dense prestellar core on the verge of first core formation
2024-07-26 Fri 12:00~13:30 R1412
Tai-Peng Tsai
University of British Columbia
*Theory Seminar*
Boundary gradient estimates and second derivative blow-up for Stokes equations with Navier boundary condition
2024-07-30 Tue 15:00~16:00 R1203
Rema Ahmid
Technical University of Denmark
3D printed antennas for space applications
2024-07-31 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Hyunbae Park
University of Tsukuba
Lyα Opacity of the Intergalactic Medium during Reionization
2024-08-07 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Hua-Bai Li
Chinese University of Hong Kong
A Unified Interpretation of Magnetic Field and Turbulence Observations
2024-08-12 Mon 14:30~15:30 R1203
Ronaldo Laishram
Tohoku University
Cosmic Evolution of Star-Forming Activities and Morphologies of Galaxies with Environment
2024-08-14 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Martin Bizzarro
Interstellar ices as carriers of nucleosynthetic anomalies in the early Solar System
2024-08-21 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Chian-Chou Chen
Painting a dusty Universe - what have I done in the past five years
2024-08-30 Fri 14:00~15:00 R1203
Tom Broadhurst
University of the Basque Country
Testing the "Taiwan Wave Dark Matter" with high redshift JWST galaxies "going bananas" and asymmetric microlensing in the Dragon arc
2024-09-02 Mon 11:00~12:00 LeCosPa R7S1
Maria Dainotti
Cosmology with GRBs, QSOs and SNe-Ia
2024-09-04 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Chin-Ping Hu
National Changhua University of Education
Unveiling the Connection between Fast Radio Bursts and Magnetars
2024-09-11 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Sherry Suyu
Technical University of Munich
Strongly Lensed Supernovae: Past, Present and Future