Flores Gonzalez, Christian Alejandro 柯理思

Postdoc Fellow

photo of Flores Gonzalez, Christian Alejandro
Office: ASMAB 1220
Email: caflores   _replace_to_@_   asiaa.sinica.edu.tw
ORCID 0000-0002-8591-472X
ADS My Publications from ADS

Research Interests

I perform measurements of magnetic fields in young stars using high-resolution IR spectroscopy through the Zeeman effect. These observations allow us to understand how magnetic fields affect the surface and internal structure of young stars. Direct observations of magnetic fields and stellar properties also permit us to study the origin of magnetism in stars. I study the physical properties of young stars using a combination of infrared spectroscopy and (sub)-mm observations. By measuring key stellar properties such as mass, age, and accretion, we can learn how young stars grow and evolve. Furthermore, I study the physical properties of protoplanetary disks through (sub)mm ALMA observations. By characterizing the amount of material in the disks, we can understand how much mass is available for planet formation and for further stellar growth. Characterizing the gas kinematics of disks is also a fundamental way of measuring stellar masses and testing theoretical stellar models.



Honors & Awards

Committees Served

Journal Papers affiliated with ASIAA(9)

  1. Reipurth B; Briceño C; Geballe TR; Baranec C; Mikkola S; Cody AM; Connelley MS; Flores C; Skiff BA; Armstrong JD; Law NM; Riddle R, "Haro 5-2: A New Pre-main-sequence Quadruple Stellar System", AJ: 168 (4), id.143 (14 pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  2. Santamaría-Miranda A; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Sai J; Jørgensen JK; Aso Y; Daniel Lin Z-Y; Flores C; Kido M; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lee CW; Li Z-Y; Looney LW; Plunkett AL; Takakuwa S; R Van't Hoff ML; Williams JP; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk): XVI. Asymmetric dust disk driving a multicomponent molecular outflow in the young Class 0 protostar GSS30 IRS3", A&A: 690, id.A46 (23 pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  3. Flores C; Connelley MS; Reipurth B; Boogert A; Doppmann G, "iSHELL K-band Survey of Class I and Flat Spectrum Sources: Magnetic Field Measurements in the Protostellar Phase", ApJ: 972(2), id.149 (25 pp.), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  4. Flores C; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Jørgensen JK; Takakuwa S; Li Z-Y; Lin Z-YD; Van 'T Hoff MLR; Plunkett AL; Yamato Y; Sai J; Koch PM; Yen H-W; Aikawa Y; Aso Y; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Kido M; Kwon W; Lee J-E; Lee CW; Looney LW; Santamaría-Miranda A; Sharma R; Thieme TJ; Williams JP; Han I; Narayanan S; Lai S-P, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). XII. Accretion Streamers, Protoplanetary Disk, and Outflow in the Class I Source Oph IRS 63", ApJ: 958(1), id.98 (22 pp), Nov, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  5. Sai J; Yen H-W; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Jørgensen JK; Takakuwa S; Saigo K; Aso Y; Lin Z-YD; Koch PM; Aikawa Y; Flores C; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Han I; Kido M; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li Z-Y; Looney LW; Mori S; Phuong NT; Santamaría-Miranda A; Sharma R; Thieme TJ; Tomida K; Williams JP, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). V. Possible Annular Substructure in a Circumstellar Disk in the Ced110 IRS4 System", ApJ: 954(1), id.67 (25pp), Sep, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  6. Kido M; Takakuwa S; Saigo K; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; K J; Jørgensen; Aikawa Y; Aso Y; Encalada FJ; Flores C; Gavino S; de Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Han I; Hirano S; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li Z-Y; Lin Z-YD; Looney LW; Mori S; Narayanan S; Plunkett AL; Phuong NT; Sai J (Choi I); Santamarîa-Miranda A; Sharma R; Sheehan P; Thieme TJ; Tomida K; van't Hoff MLR; Williams JP; Yamato Y; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). VII. Keplerian Disk, Disk Substructure, and Accretion Streamers in the Class 0 Protostar IRAS 16544-1604 in CB 68", ApJ: 953(2), id.190 (22 pp), Aug, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  7. Lin Z-YD; Li Z-Y; Tobin JJ; Ohashi N; Jørgensen JK; Looney LW; Aso Y; Takakuwa S; Aikawa Y; Van't Hoff MLR; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Encalada FJ; Flores C; Gavino S; Han I; Kido M; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Phuong NT; Sai Insa Choi J; Sharma R; Sheehan P; Thieme TJ; Williams JP; Yamato Y; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). II. Limited Dust Settling and Prominent Snow Surfaces in the Edge-on Class I Disk IRAS 04302+2247", ApJ: 951(1), id.9 (26 pp), July, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  8. Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Jørgensen JK; Takakuwa S; Sheehan P; Aikawa Y; Li Z-Y; Looney LW; Williams JP; Aso Y; Sharma R; Sai J (Choi I); Yamato Y; Lee J-E; Tomida K; Yen H-W; Encalada FJ; Flores C; Gavino S; Kido M; Han I; Lin Z-YD; Narayanan S; Phuong NT; Santamaría-Miranda A; Thieme TJ; Van't Hoff MLR; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Plunkett A; Saigo K; Hirano S; Lam KH; Mori S, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). I. Overview of the Program and First Results", ApJ: 951(1), id.8 (26pp), July, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  9. Yamato Y; Aikawa Y; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Jørgensen JK; Takakuwa S; Aso Y; Choi J; Flores C; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Hirano S; Han I; Kido M; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li Z-Y; Lin Z-YD; Looney LW; Mori S; Narayanan S; Phuong NT; Saigo K; Santamaría-Miranda A; Sharma R; Thieme TJ; Tomida K; Van't Hoff MLR; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). IV. The Ringed and Warped Structure of the Disk around the Class I Protostar L1489 IRS", ApJ: 951(1), id.11 (20pp), July, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )