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Research Gallery

Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope

The WIRCam was completed and installed on the CFHT during 2005 The WIRCam was completed and installed on the CFHT during 2005
The WIRCam was completed and installed on the CFHT during 2005 ...(more)
Image of a Mag 8.1 star with AO off and on with FlyEyes. Image of a Mag 8.1 star with AO off and on with FlyEyes.
Image of a Mag 8.1 star with AO off and on with FlyEyes. ...(more)
A Massive Star Formation W3OH A Massive Star Formation W3OH
Massive stars are the most powerful lighting sources in our Galaxy. A new born massive star just reveling itself from molecular cloud. The hugh energy photons shined the nearby cloud ...(more)
Galaxy candidate at z~7.8 found by the TENIS team. Galaxy candidate at z~7.8 found by the TENIS team.
Galaxy candidate at z~7.8 found by the TENIS team. ...(more)
The MIT CCID-35 chip The MIT CCID-35 chip
Left: The MIT CCID-35 chip. Right: Image of a Mag 8.1 star with AO off and on with FlyEyes. ...(more)
A Close Look of Star Formation Regions Sh 2-233IR A Close Look of Star Formation Regions Sh 2-233IR
The three-color image of massive star formation region Sh 2-233IR. This image is made with broad band filter J (blue), H (green), and Ks (red). The remarkable molecular hydrogen jets ...(more)
Star Formation Regions in WIRCam Field of View Star Formation Regions in WIRCam Field of View
The wide field of view of WIRCam allows astronomers observing star formation efficiently. Three star formation regions are shown in this image. They are Sh 2-233, Sh 2-233IR and G173.58+2.45 ...(more)
The Orion nebula The Orion nebula
The Orion nebula image taken by WIRCam. ...(more)
The WIRCam The WIRCam
Left: The 3.6m CFHT in its dome on Mauna Kea. Right: The WIRCam was completed and installed on the CFHT during 2005. ...(more)
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