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Research Gallery > Computational Astrophysics (CompAS)

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Computational Astrophysics (CompAS)

Formation and Evolution of Protoplanetary and Circumplanetary Disks with Antares Three-Dimensional Global Hydrodynamic Simulations
Image Credit: H. Shang, H.-H. Wang, C.-F. Liu, D. Bu, P. Gu et al.
Formation and Evolution of Protoplanetary and Circumplanetary Disks with Antares Three-Dimensional Global Hydrodynamic Simulations
Figure: Example of a nested-grid mesh refinement (NMR) run of a global protoplanetary disk with an embedded circumplanetary disk surrounding a 0.05-Jupiter-mass planet at 5.2 AU from the star at origin. The simulation has 6 levels of refinement, with the finest resolution of 6.25×10–4 AU, resolving the Hill radius of the planet (0.13 AU at 5.2 AU) with ~200 cells.
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