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Research Gallery > The Yuan Tseh Lee Array (YTLA, formerly AMiBA)

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The Yuan Tseh Lee Array (YTLA, formerly AMiBA)

Jupiter imaged by 7-dish AMiBA
Image Credit: Jiun-Huei Proty Wu
Jupiter imaged by 7-dish AMiBA
Top: Strong fringes were obtained on Jupiter for all twenty one baselines of the 7-element configuration of the AMiBA, with the 60-cm dishes in the most compact configuration. For each graph, the x-axis is the drift time of Jupiter across the field of vie
The construction of the 7-element configuration for the AMiBA was completed during September 2006. Clear fringes were obtained immediately on Jupiter for all baselines. The image of Jupiter was than constructed from the correlated data. Saturn and the Crab nebula were then also detected.
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