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Research Gallery > Transneptunian Automated Occultation Survey (TAOS II)

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Transneptunian Automated Occultation Survey (TAOS II)

Pluto Occultation 2018
Image Credit: Matthew Lehner, Kevin Huang
Pluto Occultation 2018
Lightcurves of an occultation of a background star by Pluto observed on 15 Aug. 2018 at OAN, SPM in Baja California, México. The lightcurves were collected at a cadence of 20 Hz using two of the TAOS II telescopes, one with a commercial Andor Zyla CMOS camera (grey) and one with the TAOS II prototype CIS107 CMOS camera (blue). The spikes in the middle of occultation event, which are consistent in both light curves, are scintillation events stemming from density waves in the atmosphere of Pluto.
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