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Research Gallery > The SAO/ASIAA Submillimeter Array (SMA)

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The SAO/ASIAA Submillimeter Array (SMA)

The Submillimeter Array
Image Credit: ASIAA
The Submillimeter Array
The Submillimeter Array, built at the top of Mauna Kea (el~4000 m), Hawaii
As a partner of the SMA project, ASIAA contributes towards the maintenance and operation of the array on Mauna Kea. ASIAA has a small local staff residing in Hilo, Hawaii. In addition, the scientific and engineering staff visits the site regularly, and conducts remote operation from Taipei.
TEL: 886-2-3365-2200 FAX: 886-2-2367-7849
General: asiaa_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw Media Request: epo_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw
11F of AS/NTU Astronomy-Mathematics Building, No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd, Taipei 106216, Taiwan, R.O.C.