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Research Gallery > The Taiwanese-American Occultation Survey (TAOS)

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The Taiwanese-American Occultation Survey (TAOS)

TAOS zipper-mode image of the occultation of HIP050525 (mv~8.46mag) by the asteroid (1723) Klemola (mv~15.7mag;D~31km)
Image Credit: King et al.
TAOS zipper-mode image of the occultation of HIP050525 (mv~8.46mag) by the asteroid (1723) Klemola (mv~15.7mag;D~31km)
TAOS zipper-mode image of the occultation of HIP050525 (mv~8.46mag) by the asteroid (1723) Klemola (mv~15.7mag;D~31km). Each frame is a 0.25 second read out of the field. Some 108 stellar photometric measurements have now been made in this mode. (King et
In order to monitor the sky at a rate of 5 Hz, a special “zipper mode operation” was developed for our CCD cameras. A test was carried out in June 2004 when an 8.5 mag. star was occulted by a 15.5 mag. asteroid (#1723, diameter 31 km). Two TAOS telescopes successfully detected this event with better than 0.25 second time resolution under remote control.
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